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Topic: Track Info Panel with ability to change font (Read 749962 times) previous topic - next topic
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Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #125
Code: [Select]
$imageabs(12,12,data\misc images\rate3.png,flow)$align(,)$repeat(word ,%rating%) / 
$imageabs(12,22,E:\Programme\foobar2000\components\data\misc images\rate3.png,flow)$align(,)$repeat(word ,%rating%)

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #127
Code: [Select]
$imageabs(12,12,data\misc images\rate3.png,)
while "Data" is in  folder "Foobar2000" (together with exe) ...

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #128
is foobar installed to your local hard drive or are you running it over a network?

I will look into the font problem. I use wide chars internally, and there might be a bug when converting from utf8 to wide chars....

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #129
not in a network !!
(I wanna have nice pix, too ...)

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #130
when it wil be released?

I actually ended up uploading it after that last post.

I was confused because of
Latest Version: 08-01-06 1:30

This post has been edited by terrestrial: Aug 1 2006, 10:37

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #131
The last upload time is incorrect, terrestrial uploaded a new on the 14th or 16th of august, dont remember, but it was only some days ago.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #132

1.) If i change from old trackinfo to this one, i will loose my existing settings i made with it?
2.) After i change back to old trackinfo, i will get my settings back again?

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #133
I believe you can use the two at the same time if you want, AFAIK they both use completely different configs.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #134
Ah, ok! I will give it a try ... thanks!

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #135

My window for test:

How about possibility images to fit in panel, like in albumart? Would be great! - Not?

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #136
this looks so awesome!!

Your a genius strictly4me

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #137
I can't get any images to show up. I am using this code:
Where the images directory is in the foobar folder.


Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #139
I can't get any images to show up. I am using this code:
Where the images directory is in the foobar folder.

Same here.Whats the problem?
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #140
If you have problems getting images to work, please try this version, and take a look at the console for information.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #141
If you have problems getting images to work, please try this version, and take a look at the console for information.

Here's my code:
Code: [Select]

Here's what i get in the console:
Code: [Select]
[19:41:31] Error loading: E:\Documents and Settings\Russel\Application Data\foobar2000\images\button-small.png
[19:41:31] Startup time : 0:00.526118
[19:42:06] Error loading: E:\Documents and Settings\Russel\Application Data\foobar2000\images\button-small.png

The png image is located in the foobar2000\images\ ,i don't know why the component trying to find it
in the "application data" folder.Or am i doing something wrong?
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #142
It uses the profile directory, so if you have "Enable User Profile Support" in preferences the base directory will by your profile directory instead of the foobar install directory.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #143
It uses the profile directory, so if you have "Enable User Profile Support" in preferences the base directory will by your profile directory instead of the foobar install directory.

Thank you for clearing things out,and for this component ofcourse 
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #144
Ok, I moved the images directory into "C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\foobar2000\" and everything works now after closing and reopening Foobar.
Is there a way to align images in the top right corner?

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #145
Hi everybody, would someone create a page on the wiki to detail every function of this panel or did I miss anything about a list for functions available with this plugin?

For the moment, a lot of things are already spread in the six first pages and as this topic is likely to have dozens of pages, creating a page on the wiki would be nice .

When I will have some time, I will try to see how this plugin works, but I have already seen very lovely things.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #146
For the moment, a lot of things are already spread in the six first pages and as this topic is likely to have dozens of pages, creating a page on the wiki would be nice .
...and there are several trackinfo panel threads and already 4 trackinfo panels as far as I know. I'd appreciate a help tab as in foo_uie_quicksearch.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #147
Most of the commands are described in the read me file available with the mod. I am working on a wiki page but I need to get editing rights first

Does anyone know how to make commas in album names work? I use $imageabs(0,0,\images\covers\%album%.png,) to find the cover, so obviously if there's a comma in the name of the album then it cuts off early and looks for a non-existant image with the cut-off name and doesn't find it. Also, colons create a 0kb file called "stuff before colon" and then there's no cover image, but I think that might be the album downloader program.

Track Info Panel with ability to change font

Reply #148
Most of the commands are described in the read me file available with the mod. I am working on a wiki page but I need to get editing rights first
It was lacking an information of which image file formats are supported, for example. BTW I think having all necessary information in place would be more helpful. Foobar users waste a lot of time searching for detailed information in forums, wiki pages... ...