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Topic: foo_uie_bookmarks (Read 266606 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
I don't see any change and I don't see "- Keyboard shortcuts can now be processed through the Bookmarks window"

Probably because you never encountered that bug before and because you never used a nonglobal keyboard shortcut while the Bookmarks window had focus.


Reply #26
Nice sounding plugin.  'Tis a pity I can't figure it out.  If I set Auto Mode to Bookmarks or Bookmarks/Shutdown the plugin seems to save my position.  However, I can't figure out how to get it to start from that bookmark later on.  This is with 0.9.3 with nothing other than the default plugins installed (except foo_uie_bookmarks, of course ).  Could that be the problem?  Do I need another plugin to enable access to the bookmarks panel I've seen mentioned here?


Reply #27
Bachus, you need to install the Columns UI plugin.


Reply #28
Aha!  Thanks.  Now it works wonderfully.


Reply #29
0.0.5 released. There's no automatic conversion from old to new bookmarks data file format.


Reply #30
Plise place address of ver.0.0.5 plugin.

I don't download it.


Reply #31
Hello fans of this great plugin!
Are there any graphics experts who could create a toolbar button for bookmarking in the default button style? i suggest a big "B" for bookmark in it.  Or would it even be possible for the author to integrate a button into the plugin? So you would just choose "dafault" image in the "customise buttons" dialog



Reply #32
The new version doesn't seem to be saving the playlist where the bookmarked files was located. In the previous version, if I already had the playlist open, the bookmark would find the file in the open playlist and use that. In this version it creates a new playlist with a blank name and puts the file there. Also, the playlist cache feature isnt working for me. If I enter anything into the Playlist names and then close the preferences window, I get a crash with no crashlog.


Reply #33
The new version doesn't seem to be saving the playlist where the bookmarked files was located. In the previous version, if I already had the playlist open, the bookmark would find the file in the open playlist and use that. In this version it creates a new playlist with a blank name and puts the file there. Also, the playlist cache feature isnt working for me. If I enter anything into the Playlist names and then close the preferences window, I get a crash with no crashlog.

I can confirm both.
to the first issue: The playlist dosn't seem to be saved because the playlist column is empty. It seems to save the playlist only when using context menu or keyboard shortcut but not when using a button.


Reply #34
alphaex32, what are the bookmark actions you take in which the playlist is not saved? There are certain circumstances where that happens, eg, bookmarking from the Track info panel; it is related to a change from


Reply #35
I have a bookmarking button that Im using. I noticed that the auto bookmarks (from shutting down, changing songs, etc.) save the playlist, but my button does not.


Reply #36
alphaex32, what was the previous version of foo_uie_bookmarks that you used?


Reply #37
alphaex32, what was the previous version of foo_uie_bookmarks that you used?

I can't remember, but I think I downloaded it about a week ago if that helps.


Reply #38
if I rename a playlist after bookmarking a track of it, your plugin doesn't find the playlist when calling the bookmark but creates a new playlist with the old name.


Reply #39
if I rename a playlist after bookmarking a track of it, your plugin doesn't find the playlist when calling the bookmark but creates a new playlist with the old name.

I guess I can maybe make the playlist column editable.


Reply #40
Itd be nice if the plugin could check to see if the file is available in a current playlist when the bookmark is played. Then we wouldnt need to manually edit the playlist column.


Reply #41
setting bookmarks by a by a toolbar button still doesn't work. can you fix this? Thanks and best regards!


Reply #42
RogerG, which version of fub did you last use where the button worked?


Reply #43
i guess I have used the latest official foobar version. but i have used foo_uie_bookmarks until yesterday. Then I have updated to 0.5 and the button stopped working. See also alphaex32 who has the same problem.


Reply #44
I have another problem: I have bookmarks as a panel with "Hidden" and "Auto-Hide" enabled. Hide delay is 1000ms. If it is unhidden and i click the minimize button on the title bar, my windows xp hangs. I can't move the mouse for about 2 seconds. If the bookmarks panel is hidden, it works fine.


Reply #45
I have another problem: I have bookmarks as a panel with "Hidden" and "Auto-Hide" enabled. Hide delay is 1000ms. If it is unhidden and i click the minimize button on the title bar, my windows xp hangs. I can't move the mouse for about 2 seconds. If the bookmarks panel is hidden, it works fine.

The hang seems to occur all the time with other plugins as well and it occurs w/o bookmarks open and also w/it uninstalled, but it's less than 2 seconds long here. So, it must be a bug in columns ui.

In regards to the button issue, it is also a bug with columns ui.


Reply #46

if my computer or foobar crashes, all bookmarks i have made in the last session are lost. Could you make an option to write bookmarks immediately to the bookmarks file?



Reply #47
0.0.6 2006100400

Several optimizations.

Results of profiling of a couple of behaviors on a P3 866:

Collecting data for crc32 calculation, 10059 bookmarks
old: 1.35s
new: 0.13s

Writing to data file, 10059 bookmarks
old: 2.16s
new: 0.42s


Reply #48
yeah, thank you!


Reply #49
Fantastic, I love this plugin.  I listen to talk radio .mp3s on my computer and this is a godsend.  Before I was mildly irked that I would have to select the file before I could use the global key I bound to bookmark, but then I discovered "context/now playing" and my joy is complete.  Thank you for making this.

edit: do the bookmarks not write to disk until the program is shut down now?  I have frequent windows crashes, and the bookmarks used to be preserved through the crash, and now they aren't unless they were created during a previous session.