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Topic: Official Playback Statistics component (Read 61789 times) previous topic - next topic
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Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #1
ok thats great to see a fixed playcount component but all my files user play_counter instead of play_count and my hotness rating scheme works off play_counter... is it possible to setup the component so i can choose the name of the play_count to be play_counter...

surely I am not the only person with this dilema and I have 40,000 mp3's this will take a long time to convert all the names..

also the lats played timestamp seems a huge number.. is there any way to get some more sense out of how it works...

If I have to get used to it, then thats fine but can we also have first played in the statistics db as well...

thanks for the awesome work on foobar.. always appreciated and loved...

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #2
I think this is the fixed playcount : ?

I don't know what with you, but i think the new beta play_count official dosen't seem to work al all...
No <PLAY_COUNT> nor <LAST_PLAYED> tags has added.

Furtermore, as 4nt1 just sayed above me, i also have used play_count unofficial and all my files taged different from play_count official standart,
Is it possiable to make an advace option in play_count official to choose tag standard?


Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #3
Official playcount doesn't add any tags to files. It keeps information in foobar's cfg file, as I heard.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #4
Official playcount doesn't add any tags to files. It keeps information in foobar's cfg file, as I heard.

- I think you may right in the past, but the new plugin "Collects statistics about tracks from your Media Library being played. Statistics can be displayed using %last_played% and %play_count%, or using a context menu command. Now includes option to write statistics to file tags." Foobar play count beta

- And again, i don't even find the component properties, even He is in the "components" section.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #5
Oops, my bad.
Haven't tried the latest beta yet.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #6
I like what I see but the playcount thing is a big deal for me. I like stats and a lot of my playlists are built from them.

As people have already said, the new playcount.dll on the beta page does work now but it writes %play_count% rather than %play_counter% so it's not compatible with the stats I've already built up. I'm not wiping them to start again and changing all my %play_counter% tags to %play_count% by hand would take forever.  Also, I can't see anywhere to change the % of song complete before it counts as played and I think it has to be the whole thing...

So I'm still staying away from the beta for now I guess.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #8
yeah you could do that but all the last played dates and first played dates do not match up...

so its not as simple as play_counter to play_count

i wish it was but it isnt.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #9

Official playcount doesn't add any tags to files. It keeps information in foobar's cfg file, as I heard.

- I think you may right in the past, but the new plugin "Collects statistics about tracks from your Media Library being played. Statistics can be displayed using %last_played% and %play_count%, or using a context menu command. Now includes option to write statistics to file tags." Foobar play count beta

- And again, i don't even find the component properties, even He is in the "components" section.

I reply to myself, i mistake, play_count official did work, but not in the meaner that the quote from the site sayed. He store the information in the data base (or the cfg file), but not in the file tags nor i can't find any propeties window to force write to file or something like this.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #10
I reply to myself, i mistake, play_count official did work, but not in the meaner that the quote from the site sayed. He store the information in the data base (or the cfg file), but not in the file tags nor i can't find any propeties window to force write to file or something like this.
Did you have a look at the advanced options section in the preferences?

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #11

I reply to myself, i mistake, play_count official did work, but not in the meaner that the quote from the site sayed. He store the information in the data base (or the cfg file), but not in the file tags nor i can't find any propeties window to force write to file or something like this.
Did you have a look at the advanced options section in the preferences?


I don't look before, but now:

Sorry, what a shame.. Thanx.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #12

Official playcount doesn't add any tags to files. It keeps information in foobar's cfg file, as I heard.

- I think you may right in the past, but the new plugin "Collects statistics about tracks from your Media Library being played. Statistics can be displayed using %last_played% and %play_count%, or using a context menu command. Now includes option to write statistics to file tags." Foobar play count beta

- And again, i don't even find the component properties, even He is in the "components" section.

The download link takes me back to  foobar's main page,does anyone have that 1.1 version of playcount?
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #13
I haven't expected that the official play_count plugin would be developed further. As i know it was created for purpose of testing.  Now let me ask if the developer/s are considering to add some features to make the unofficial play_counter plugin (and all its annoyments)  completely needless.

I am thinking about the already mentioned opportunity to define the percentage of a track when the playcount has to be added and the info "first_played". In that context i hope that Peter and Holger will think about how useful %added% and %play_stamp% could be.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #14
The download link takes me back to  foobar's main page,does anyone have that 1.1 version of playcount?

I don't know, but the link take me to foobar's optional beta component. And yes, i have it, but i don't know how to upload or transfer it..

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #15
What is format new tag - LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP.

I want create script with two actions:

2. rename play_counter to play_count

and apply it to all my library, but without format of LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP I don't create this script.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #16
What is format new tag - LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP.

I want create script with two actions:

2. rename play_counter to play_count

and apply it to all my library, but without format of LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP I don't create this script.

Why u would do this? does unofficial play_count still under development?
What is the profit to move to official play_count?

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #18
so, do i undestand right, that the option on advanced preferences enables official playcount to write the file tags?
But it uses other tags than the unofficial did?

So, if I'm right, then i just have to rename the tags used by unofficial to the ones the official does, enable this advanced option and 'use' it as i 'used' the unofficial one?

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #20
The download link takes me back to  foobar's main page,does anyone have that 1.1 version of playcount?
I think it's got to do with a server overload or somesuch.

I got that result many many many times trying to download something from foobar2000's site. Admin's solution? Keep trying, you're bound to succeed sometime in the future...

Hmm yeah  helpful...

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #21
The download link takes me back to  foobar's main page,does anyone have that 1.1 version of playcount?
I think it's got to do with a server overload or somesuch.

I got that result many many many times trying to download something from foobar2000's site. Admin's solution? Keep trying, you're bound to succeed sometime in the future...

Hmm yeah  helpful...

This is off topic but the server uses anti hotlinking features that prevent downloading when referer doesn't match server. Some so called privacy tools disable referers, you may want to examine options in the software that you use.

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #22
can I invoke the playcount fields written to the DB in masstagger in this version? previous one prevented me from doing that....


Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #23
This is off topic but the server uses anti hotlinking features that prevent downloading when referer doesn't match server. Some so called privacy tools disable referers, you may want to examine options in the software that you use.

I tried it with three different browsers. Opera 9, Firefox 1.5, IE7. It didn't work anywhere. Also right click and "Save as..." gives me only the index.html. I don't use any proxys or such stuff. Is there perhaps another way to get that component?

Official Playback Statistics component

Reply #24

This is off topic but the server uses anti hotlinking features that prevent downloading when referer doesn't match server. Some so called privacy tools disable referers, you may want to examine options in the software that you use.

I tried it with three different browsers. Opera 9, Firefox 1.5, IE7. It didn't work anywhere. Also right click and "Save as..." gives me only the index.html. I don't use any proxys or such stuff. Is there perhaps another way to get that component?

Same here.Can anyone who has obtained it please upload it to wherever is possible?
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB