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Topic: foo_custominfo (Read 195369 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #100
Doesn't seem to work, it still bring up every track. Would it make a difference that I am storing the rating using custominfo?
Yes, it would. Sorry that I overlooked this possibility. In this case try
Code: [Select]
NOT "[%rating%]" IS ?*

%rating% alone would result in a question mark, if the field is not defined, the brackets cause the result to be the empty string in that case, and ?* tests for any string that is at least one character long.

So how do you do this in TagZ? There is no $cinfo_test function and testing for $cinfo_num > 0 doesn't work or anything.

I have a custominfo tag called IPOD_PL and I want to check if it even exists.


Reply #101
Code: [Select]
NOT %ipod_pl% IS ?

Should work fine.


Reply #102
Is there a way to store a tag via titleformatting function instead of context menu? (or a titleformatting command to execute the context option). I would like a custominfo equivalent of $puts(), a reversal of $cinfo(X,Y). Something that could be used like this:

// PerTrack


Reply #103
Is there a way to store in %title% field? I try to put %title% to files then don't have title tag or to files then have wrong tags, but don't work.
works fine for %artist% and %album%


Reply #104
This is a feature request, a writing option i'd really like to see, is having a per folder, or per file, xml file

So lets say i have a folder
the plugin would create a:

This would allow the ability to move around the files and retain the tags, still without modifying the files

Or if i was using the archive reader plugin:
C:\music\artist -
the plugin creates:
C:\music\artist - album.xml

and stores the info for all songs in the archive in that file

an alternative to the archive reader method, is simply allowing the user to define a location to keep the file info for any read-only locations, say a network folder or CD

This idea could also work with just text files, i was just thinking XML because then everything would be clearly defined, where the description of your current text file database thing makes it sound as if the formatting of it is very strict and not user friendly, but i havn't tried looking at it at all


Reply #105
can anyone reupload this file?


Reply #106
Core Features I'd like:
* Artist and Album DBs for thing like Wiki info, playcounts, website, album information, etc; information stored once per artist or album not every track.
* Use of CRCs instead of file location to determine the DB entry, my files move around a lot.
* Ability to write to the DBs on track change.


Reply #107
Download doesn't work. Any mirrors?


Reply #108
Man, right when I need it, its gone, can anyone please upload it?


Reply #111
thank you my man


Reply #112
I installed foo_custominfo and am not being given any selection under preferences to select from, and can therefore not use the plug-in.  There's apparently a few different selections in the list-box that are supposed to be present (txt, database, sql) and I don't get ANY.

Would anybody know why this may be happening??




Reply #113
how I do to store %artist% %album %genre% %track% with these plugin, I want to tag my files without modify it.


Reply #114

Thank you so much for this plug. It's really useful. However, the plugin lacks two key features which is preventing me from really using it:

1. Ability to copy existing tags to the databse: I want to transfer all tags that continually change (rating, play_count, last_played) to the database, but i don't see anyway to do this at the moment.

2. Ability to view custominfo tags in properties: Without this I'm literally blind as to what tags i have in the database. not a nice situation.


* Artist and Album DBs for thing like Wiki info, playcounts, website, album information, etc; information stored once per artist or album not every track.

I second this.

* Use of CRCs instead of file location to determine the DB entry, my files move around a lot.

I think it would be sufficient if the plugin could change the DB entry when we use the "Move/Rename/Copy" command in foobar. How long would the calculation of CRC take (per track)?


Reply #115
1. Ability to copy existing tags to the databse: I want to transfer all tags that continually change (rating, play_count, last_played) to the database, but i don't see anyway to do this at the moment.

2. Ability to view custominfo tags in properties: Without this I'm literally blind as to what tags i have in the database. not a nice situation.

For the first you can do it manually like this:
- Create a new Tag item in the second tab of custominfo's settings.
- Naming and Field name as you chose.
- The Value field is the appropriate tagz string for the tag you want to sync. e.g. put %RATING% to sync with real %RATING% tag.
- Use the new context command with files you need to sync.
As for the 2nd request, I don't know a work around so I like it to be implemented too.

Core Features I'd like:
* Use of CRCs instead of file location to determine the DB entry, my files move around a lot.

I think it would be sufficient if the plugin could change the DB entry when we use the "Move/Rename/Copy" command in foobar. How long would the calculation of CRC take (per track)?

A nicer way I can think of is to stamp each track that has DB entry with an ID tag. As computing CRC is a little extreme.


Reply #116
Core Features I'd like:
* Use of CRCs instead of file location to determine the DB entry, my files move around a lot.

I think it would be sufficient if the plugin could change the DB entry when we use the "Move/Rename/Copy" command in foobar. How long would the calculation of CRC take (per track)?

A nicer way I can think of is to stamp each track that has DB entry with an ID tag. As computing CRC is a little extreme.

What if rather than CRC, custominfo was able to use fingerprint data from the foosic component, as anybody who uses foosic is already calculating fingerprints with every play?

Despite the fact that (in my experience) foo_custominfo data does follow files around when moved with "Move, Rename or Copy Files," this would be nice in certain cases, such as if files are moved manually outside of foobar.

Also, is Fermion even around anymore?  Looks like he hasn't posted since August of last year, and the foo_custominfo homepage is missing.  Is there source code for this floating around?  I think this is an important component that many people rely on.


Reply #117
What if rather than CRC, custominfo was able to use fingerprint data from the foosic component, as anybody who uses foosic is already calculating fingerprints with every play?

I really support your idea. After inquiring information from, it seems they won't include tag storing of FooIDs through foo_sic, because they find it unnecessary. The source code of libFooID is available to the public, so access to/tag storing of FooIDs is still possible even outside of foo_sic. Scanning for FooIDs could be done as a background process, or as a first time measure for files when storing to Custominfo. As said by the staff of in response to my e-mail: Even with slow hardware, the computing of a FooID is done in <1,5 seconds.Technically, Custominfo with FooID support shouldn't be a problem for those with sufficent hardware and some free time - should still be an optional feature or a different version, though.


Reply #118
What if rather than CRC, custominfo was able to use fingerprint data from the foosic component, as anybody who uses foosic is already calculating fingerprints with every play?

I really support your idea. After inquiring information from, it seems they won't include tag storing of FooIDs through foo_sic, because they find it unnecessary. The source code of libFooID is available to the public, so access to/tag storing of FooIDs is still possible even outside of foo_sic. Scanning for FooIDs could be done as a background process, or as a first time measure for files when storing to Custominfo. As said by the staff of in response to my e-mail: Even with slow hardware, the computing of a FooID is done in <1,5 seconds.Technically, Custominfo with FooID support shouldn't be a problem for those with sufficent hardware and some free time - should still be an optional feature or a different version, though.

I would love to see this happen.  Is the source code for custominfo available anywhere?


Reply #119
hey folks,

i have the following problem:

i have great part of my music collection stored on an external HD.

after excessivly tagging it with custominfo and filling up my custominfo_sqlite.db with data, i accidentally re-scanned my media library when the external HD was turned OFF.

Afterwards, my custominfo seemed not to be associated with the re-scanned files anymore ... i guess that's because after scanning the lib when the HD was turned off, foobar thought the files were erased and "erased" the associated custominfo.

But I discovered that in the custominfo_sqlite.db file, the "erased" custom info is still there with correct paths and everything.

So how do i instruct foobar too read this info or to "not-ignore" it?
I mean, the data is still there! ...and i don't want to do the tagging-work all over again ;-)

thanks for help

PD: an implementation of the CRC/fingerprint idea might be useful to re-associate the custominfo with my files... in any case it's better than just storing the path


Reply #120
Atahualpa, I suppose fields are just marked as "deleted". So try using any sqlite database editor and remove that mark.
Sharing delusions since 1991.



Reply #121
One question has been asked several times but has not been answered:

How do I mass-copy the custom-info tags to real file tags.

I want to use that as a backup every few months; I'll need it when I want to move files around, and I'll need that one day when I decide to move away from foobar.

This is a crucial question for me before I even start working with Custom Info.  Any hints?



Reply #122
One question has been asked several times but has not been answered:

How do I mass-copy the custom-info tags to real file tags.

I want to use that as a backup every few months; I'll need it when I want to move files around, and I'll need that one day when I decide to move away from foobar.

This is a crucial question for me before I even start working with Custom Info.  Any hints?


Someone would have to write a plugin using the custominfo SDK to do it


Reply #123
One question has been asked several times but has not been answered:

How do I mass-copy the custom-info tags to real file tags.

I want to use that as a backup every few months; I'll need it when I want to move files around, and I'll need that one day when I decide to move away from foobar.

This is a crucial question for me before I even start working with Custom Info.  Any hints?


I migrate my foobar2000 ratings to WMP11 by making playlists of all the 5-rated songs, the 4-rated songs, etc.  I simply save them as m3u's, import them in WMP11, and after making sure the files are a part of my media library, select all, right click and hit Rate.

I'm sure you can do the same without turning all the custominfo tags into ID3 tags.  What application doesn't support m3u's anyway..


Reply #124
I have some old play_counter tags in my id3tags. i use custom tag for a while and recognized theres no change in the track info display, when theres a real tag and a custom tag. after deleting the real tag the right custom tag is shown. so is there a possibility to delete the real tag if a custom tag is written or how can it be done by hand (i mean copy the real tag to the custom info)?