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Topic: iPod manager (Read 2357696 times) previous topic - next topic
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[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2950
        I just began to try using foo_dop to convert my flac to alac on the fly with ffmpeg and ran into a problem. I can access my ipod and the files are copied, even with albumart, but the tags are not present. Have anyone run into this? I tried searching in this thread and some others and found no solution. I'm using -y -i - -acodec alac %d.

Thanks in advance,


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2951
If its the same model, then you could just replace the iPod_Control directory on hers with yours. Afterwards, you must do a "rewrite database" on her iPod to sign the database correctly (disconnect your iPod first). Also, you'll probably then want to rename it using iTunes.

so, i tried it out. i copied the whole ipod_control folder, done a recover orphaded tracks (he found all the tracks) and updated the metadata.

but that doesnt worked too well. he copied the artwork even in foo_dop during the recover orphanded tracks progress, but 99% of the nearly 2500 albums have no coverart. just around 20 albums have one.

what would happen, if i copy the whole ipod, including the database to the new ipod? or is it possible with itunes to duplicate such an ipod? sorry, i know nothing about ipod, i dont know hoe synchronizing is working etc. i just ran itunes one time to check if its aviable to create those geniuse mixes, but you need an itunes acc for that and for that you need a credit card...well...


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2952
        I just began to try using foo_dop to convert my flac to alac on the fly with ffmpeg and ran into a problem. I can access my ipod and the files are copied, even with albumart, but the tags are not present. Have anyone run into this? I tried searching in this thread and some others and found no solution. I'm using -y -i - -acodec alac %d.

Thanks in advance,

Do you have the ALAC decoder component installed?

so, i tried it out. i copied the whole ipod_control folder, done a recover orphaded tracks (he found all the tracks) and updated the metadata.

but that doesnt worked too well. he copied the artwork even in foo_dop during the recover orphanded tracks progress, but 99% of the nearly 2500 albums have no coverart. just around 20 albums have one.

what would happen, if i copy the whole ipod, including the database to the new ipod? or is it possible with itunes to duplicate such an ipod? sorry, i know nothing about ipod, i dont know hoe synchronizing is working etc. i just ran itunes one time to check if its aviable to create those geniuse mixes, but you need an itunes acc for that and for that you need a credit card...well...

It's the exact same model, right? You must have done something wrong, because the database is in a subfolder of iPod_Control, and so recover orphaned tracks shouldn't have picked up anything.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2953
when i loaded the ipod with foobar he hadnt any tracks on it. i copied the whole ipod_control folder, incl. the hidden folders.

and my ipod has got the metadata thing in the ipod main folder, not in any subfolder.


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2954
I've just switched from using Winamp to using Foobar with foo_dop.  Great, great stuff. 

My one question has to do with updating artwork.  I made the mistake, on first sync, of having a file called "folder.jpg" in the same folder with a song that already had embedded artwork.  The embedded artwork was the correct cover, the folder.jpg file was incorrect.  Once transferred to iPod, it displayed what was in folder.jpg instead of the embedded artwork. 

The only way I found to update it was to File-->Load Library, then select that track from the iPod library and delete it, and then resend it to iPod from my music library.  That seems to have fixed it. 

I'm just wondering if there's a better way to do that.  I know there's an "update artwork" command after you do File-->Load Library, but it didn't work. 

Winamp like wouldn't let me update artwork for anything.  Once the file was there, it just wouldnt take any change.  If the method I used was what I have to do using Foobar, no biggie.  I just wanna be sure I'm not missing something.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2955
Hi all! I think foo_dop + foobar is way better in both playing and managing ipod than itunes. I really enjoyed it since everything is so easy and swift.

I tried searching for this and found nothing but "More playlist management features." in the listed requests, sorry if this is some sort of spam. Does that request mean that there is no other option than smart playlist to manage the playlists? I mean, the smart playlist function is nice for some type of use but being the electronic music geek that I am it's quite hard to make the rules in order to get specified playlists. Or am I getting it wrong? Is there any other way to manage playlists?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2956
The only way I found to update it was to File-->Load Library, then select that track from the iPod library and delete it, and then resend it to iPod from my music library.  That seems to have fixed it.

None I know of but, I would have thought update artwork would have fixed it. Sometimes I find files that are just stubborn and have to delete them and re-add.

Is there any other way to manage playlists?

Other than foobar? I don't think so. But why not create playlist with your needed files in foobar and sync that playlist? Synchronize Command brings up a list of your playlist and then select it.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2957
Dear musicmusic,

I have a 4th Gen. iPod Nano (16GB) which worked great during the last 1.5years together with your marvelous component. For some unknown reason my iPod won't recharge anymore since a couple of days. As soon as I connect it to the USB-port it basically claims that the battery is fully charged, though the contrary is the case. I tried everything from rebooting the iPod (Key-press-combination) to resetting the firmware (1.0.4 at the moment) using iTunes. None of this helped. As soon as it unplug the iPod the display turns black, because the battery is completely depleted.
Can you somehow manipulate the battery-level-indicator in the iPods flash?

Thank you for your work!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2958

I'm not aware of anything (I think some low-level commands of some kind are possible, but I don't know exactly what they do, though I don't imagine they are relevant)

Have you tried to check diagnostic mode if you can get into that whilst it's powered, some battery related data is displayed in there.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2959
Dear musicmusic,

in fact I also went into this diagnostic mode and had a look at the battery data. It showed some voltages, which indeed suggested that the Battery is charged. Though there was no option to reset anything.
I guess there are two possible outcomes:
a) ADC of the battery is screwed
b) Software has a bug

I guess I'll have to give it into service. Its a pitty since 12months are already over...

Thanks though!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2960
I've searched forum and have not found a similar problem.  Embedded art does not synch properly for compilations on my 6G Classic 120GB (firmware 2.01).  foo_dop applies the same embedded cover to EVERY track in the compilation.  For instance, I have a 80's Favorites compilation folder with each track having separate embedded art (the source album usually).  Instead of each cover synching onto the iPod, foo_dop picks one cover--from the first track synched I guess--and uses it for EVERY track.  Foobar itself displays the separate covers fine.

This is only a problem with compilations.  I've structured all my music folders what is effectively a compilation type design.  For instance, I have a Rolling Stones folder with 50+ tracks, named and sorted chronologically.  Each source album is referenced in Album Title and appropriate cover art embedded into each track.  In all cases foo_dop handles cover art correctly during synch.

Since no one else has mentioned this problem it is probably an issue with my setup or preferences.  Here are some details; if I've missed anything let me know.  An example of my regular tagging is also provided using the Stones Sticky Fingers album. 

Compilation tag example / Regular tag setup example
Artist Name: actual artist / Rolling Stones
Track Title: actual title / Brown Sugar
Album Title: 80's Favorites / Sticky Fingers
Album Artist: Various Artists / Rolling Stones
Band: Various Artists / Rolling Stones (not sure if BAND is necessary but I read somewhere it's required for iPod compatibility so I tag that way)

[Note: I use Foobar only, iTunes isn't even installed]
Mapping: only two used
Title - $if($stricmp($meta(album artist),various artists),%title% ['['%artist%']'],%title%)
Album - $if($stricmp($meta(album artist),various artists),%album%,['['%date%']'] %album%)

Add artwork to files sent to iPod - checked
Addtionally use foobar 2000 built-in artwork reader - checked
Determine gapless data for files sent to iPod - checked
Set dummy gaples data - checked

OS - Win7 64bit

Thanks for everyone's help.  This is a great forum supporting a great program!

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2961
I've searched forum and have not found a similar problem.  Embedded art does not synch properly for compilations on my 6G Classic 120GB (firmware 2.01).  foo_dop applies the same embedded cover to EVERY track in the compilation.  For instance, I have a 80's Favorites compilation folder with each track having separate embedded art (the source album usually).  Instead of each cover synching onto the iPod, foo_dop picks one cover--from the first track synched I guess--and uses it for EVERY track.  Foobar itself displays the separate covers fine.

Just checking... You don't have a file called cover.jpg or folder.jpg in the compilation folder do you?
I think foo_dop will sync that in preference to the embedded artwork, whereas foobar itself displays the embedded artwork in preference...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2962
I've searched forum and have not found a similar problem.  Embedded art does not synch properly for compilations on my 6G Classic 120GB (firmware 2.01).  foo_dop applies the same embedded cover to EVERY track in the compilation.  For instance, I have a 80's Favorites compilation folder with each track having separate embedded art (the source album usually).  Instead of each cover synching onto the iPod, foo_dop picks one cover--from the first track synched I guess--and uses it for EVERY track.  Foobar itself displays the separate covers fine.

No wait, now I see what you're saying. For a particular compilation, you have different artwork for different tracks.
I think you'll find this is a "feature". For cover flow purposes, your iPod wants to have one piece of artwork per album, so it's probably designed to work like this. Our host musicmusic will let you know...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2963
foo_dop applies the same embedded cover to EVERY track in the compilation.

Maybe I am thick but I find this very confusing. Are these songs that you have put into a "compilation"? A compilation is an album of compiled songs from different albums but, together they form an album and should have the same artwork because they belong to an album. See:
It sounds like you want a playlist of your collected songs not making your own album.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2964
Frogworth - Thanks for the reply.  I don't think it's necessarily an ipod compilation feature.  I can add the tracks via SharePod and each cover is picked up and displayed separately on the ipod.

Metalboy - I appreciate Webster's definition but I'm a throwback old guy.  I create my own "compilation" albums and have been doing so since the 70's (remember cassettes?).  With the exception of a few favorite artists I don't load entire albums.  I essentially create a compilation folder for each artist.  Like I said, my Stones folder has over 50 tracks carefully handpicked and tagged (album name, year released, cover, etc.)  I have over 100 classic rock artists handled this way.  But there are many more artists of which I only like one or two songs.  I throw these into "80's Favorites" or "90's Favorites" type folders.  These are the folders that I'm flagging as ipod "compilations."  I would be surprised if many people--especially those using this forum--aren't creating the same type compilation folders.  This is basically for efficiency of my artist list.  If I had an artist folder for every single artist my artist list would be 500 long.  Certainly not very efficient when browsing on an ipod.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2965
Hi! I'm moving to fb2k and I've been looking at the iPod support. I have a question for which I couldn't find an answer in the FAQ. I've connected my iPod (5G, firmware 1.3) and it started downloading the library. That was OK until I saw that in fb2k my playlists are completely out of order. After that I saw that there is a preference for choosing a sort order when transferring from iPod to fb2k (Preferences > iPod Manager > Behaviour > Sort iPod library playlist by). I unchecked the box, but it was too late. Is there a way to see my playlists as they are in the iPod? I tried reloading the library, but everything stays the same. Is there a function to erase the library (I mean, the fb2k version of my iPod, not the one actually in the iPod), or make fb2k read the library again?



[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2966
Frogworth - Thanks for the reply.  I don't think it's necessarily an ipod compilation feature.  I can add the tracks via SharePod and each cover is picked up and displayed separately on the ipod.

Ah yes, sure. Sorry, my mistake - what I'm insinuating is that possibly musicmusic has set it up this way, so if tracks are grouped together as a compilation, the first available cover is chosen.
I may be quite wrong! It could even be... *gasp*... a bug! I must admit I'd want it to work the way you want it to work.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2967
Can I ask an impossible question, musicmusic?

What is likely to happen when a) iPhone OS4.0 comes out, and b) the next gen iPhones come out?
Is there a possibility that foo_dop just won't have a chance?
Or is it more likely that we'll just have to wait a bit until the bits that need cracking get cracked? (If that's the right way to think about it...)

It's an issue for me because I have an iPhone 3G (not 3GS) and it needs upgrading. But if I can't use foobar/foo_dop to manage the music, I'll be upset to say the least. iTunes, for me, is just a horrible alternative. I may hold off on upgrading if that's the case.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2968
Sorry but the component expects and stores a single cover for each album and that's by design. Either use playlists, or perhaps use genres, but leave the album field alone.

Hi! I'm moving to fb2k and I've been looking at the iPod support. I have a question for which I couldn't find an answer in the FAQ. I've connected my iPod (5G, firmware 1.3) and it started downloading the library. That was OK until I saw that in fb2k my playlists are completely out of order. After that I saw that there is a preference for choosing a sort order when transferring from iPod to fb2k (Preferences > iPod Manager > Behaviour > Sort iPod library playlist by). I unchecked the box, but it was too late. Is there a way to see my playlists as they are in the iPod? I tried reloading the library, but everything stays the same. Is there a function to erase the library (I mean, the fb2k version of my iPod, not the one actually in the iPod), or make fb2k read the library again?
There's no "too late", that setting only applies to loading the library to a playlist which you can easily repeat.

Where are you viewing your playlists "out of order", can you check in Manage contents? If it is wrong there send a backup of the iTunes_Control\iTunes\iTunesDB file and tell me what the first few tracks of one of the playlists should be, and how you see it in fooar2000.


Can I ask an impossible question, musicmusic?

What is likely to happen when a) iPhone OS4.0 comes out, and b) the next gen iPhones come out?
Is there a possibility that foo_dop just won't have a chance?
Or is it more likely that we'll just have to wait a bit until the bits that need cracking get cracked? (If that's the right way to think about it...)

It's an issue for me because I have an iPhone 3G (not 3GS) and it needs upgrading. But if I can't use foobar/foo_dop to manage the music, I'll be upset to say the least. iTunes, for me, is just a horrible alternative. I may hold off on upgrading if that's the case.

a) It won't be compatible with foo_dop due to the updated protection (signing) mechanisms. Latest version of foo_dop should refuse to do anything that would modify the database, but "read" commands should work.
b) Same as a) basically.

If someone reverse engineers the new signature, then it should be possible to add support barring any other problems, however there's no guarantees if or when that might be I'm afraid..

(There may be a workaround if there is a jailbreak for a) or b) but we'll have to wait and see..)

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2969

I am a bit of a newbie with the forums, so I couldn't find an option to attach files. Instead, I uploaded a .rar with 3 files in this post.

One file is an iTunes snapshot of the playlist, showing the right playing order (as I would listen to if I selected the playlist in my iPod), another one is a snapshot of fb2k showing the same playlist, taken from file > iPod > manage contents, where you can see that the playing order has been changed. Finally, there is the iTunesDB file that you asked for.

On top of this, is there a way to ask foo_dop to re-read the library from the iPod? I think it would be a nice feature, maybe under preferences > advanced, or somewhere like that.

Hope this helps!



[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2970
If someone reverse engineers the new signature, then it should be possible to add support barring any other problems, however there's no guarantees if or when that might be I'm afraid..

(There may be a workaround if there is a jailbreak for a) or b) but we'll have to wait and see..)

OK well I'm not going to get the new device/upgrade until it's jailbroken anyway, so I'll be waiting and seeing...

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2971
Super Request here 

could selecting a playlist and doing "send to ipod" have the same effect as doing "send playlist..."  ?

right now...selecting (highlighting) a playlist and doing "send to ipod" will essentially send the individual songs to the ipod...but they won't appear in the playlist section.

i hope you're not overwhelmed with requests ...
im a big fan of yours,


[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2972
Sorry but the component expects and stores a single cover for each album and that's by design. Either use playlists, or perhaps use genres, but leave the album field alone.

Musicmusic, thanks for the clarification.  I'm curious whether this is a design choice or a component limitation for compatibility or other reasons?  The iPod itself does not limit an album to one cover, at least this is true on the Classic 6G with embedded art.  As I said earlier I can upload with Sharepod and each embedded cover is used even if the same album name.  Maybe it's something you can look at in future versions.  Thanks again for your hard work.

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2973
I've searched around and, to my surprise, found nothing on this one.

I have a first generation iPod Touch running OS 3.1.3. I just updated foo_dop to this morning. Whenever I try to perform any operations in foobar (, this message pops up: "Error: Could not lock device for syncing! Please wait and retry." But it's still working fine in iTunes and I can delete files fine from it just fine there.

Any ideas?

[seemingly abandonware] iPod manager

Reply #2974
What exactly is it that the component uses to generate thumbnails for videos? I'm hesitant to install a bunch of bloated codec packs/splitters/directshow filters just to get that to work, but after having had the feature work before I formatted and upgraded my PC, I rather miss seeing the video thumbnails on my iPod. What, specifically, is required to get it to work again? (On Windows 7, in this case, if it makes a difference)