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Topic: dae golden drive list (Read 7438 times) previous topic - next topic
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dae golden drive list

Hey I've been looking for a cacheless drive wich can read into the lead in/out and wich can still be bought
preferrably a dvd burner, and I know there are many posts and databases with drive features
but sorting to them is a nightmare and the drives you do find are no longer manufactured (at least the ones I've found so far like the plextor premium... )
  On one of the threads another user sugestted creating a golden list of drives, wich featured only drives wich were cacheless and with lead in/out , therefore I created this thread exclusively for the posting of these drives, I'll also try to keep it updated with a "discontinued" warning when a drive stops being manufactured so that the list is kept up to date and relevant.
now the problem is I can't even start adding drives because I can't even find one for myself, so I'm asking for help trying to get things started
Thanks in Advance

dae golden drive list

Reply #1
Having it cacheless is not that big of a deal.  Overreading leadin/out, HTOA and Accurate stream are.

I have the Plextor PX-716A and it's an excellent ripper.  It gets every "last bit" of my music CD's.   

See here: DAEFeatures


dae golden drive list

Reply #2
I'm not happy with my 716A. For protected CDs its almost useless.
Results are totally inconsistent as some CDs work and some not.
discussion on 716A

I don't really recommend this drive for DAE. (otherwise it performs nearly perfectly, though!)
You may have luck like some people who report good results even with protected or scratched CDs.
But it is not worth it, if you want to use it just for DAE.

See here: DAEFeatures

This list is a good start but unfortunately it does not tell you something about the ripping quality.

So if you're going to make a list and want to add the 716A please add 'inconsistent results' or something like that.
I can recommend the (discontinued) Plextor PX-W4012A (40/12/40A) as this is the drive i use now for ripping and it produces top results (=bitidentical rips of copy protected CDs). I was blown away, because i've always thought 'newer is better'.

dae golden drive list

Reply #3
Having it cacheless is not that big of a deal.  Overreading leadin/out, HTOA and Accurate stream are.

I have the Plextor PX-716A and it's an excellent ripper.  It gets every "last bit" of my music CD's.   

See here: DAEFeatures


actually cacheless is reallu a big deal since in going to be strictly using cdparanoia on linux for extraction and the cache disabling option is still in cvs and a stable release seems to be nowhere on the horizon....
the point of the thread would be to have a list of drives wich would not require workarounds
I know there are workarounds but I plan to keep it as simple as possible ,the point of the thread would be to have a list of drives wich would not require workarounds, but thanks for the advice, however in can't seem to find anything recent with those features on the sit you mentioned

dae golden drive list

Reply #4
I'm perfectly happy with my PX-716A. To each his own I guess. I haven't had the chance to rip any copy protected discs with it though. I've only ever come across one disc it couldn't rip, but I put that disc though my whole gamut of drives and none would rip it.

dae golden drive list

Reply #5
I can recommend the (discontinued) Plextor PX-W4012A (40/12/40A) as this is the drive i use now for ripping and it produces top results (=bitidentical rips of copy protected CDs). I was blown away, because i've always thought 'newer is better'.

I know what you mean however its not of question of new being better, but of availability do you know anywhere that still sells that drive without being used?

dae golden drive list

Reply #6
I know what you mean however its not of question of new being better, but of availability do you know anywhere that still sells that drive without being used?
new, unused.
But you're right that availability should be an important factor. Unfortunately i don't know any drives that is as good as old plextors. Does somebody have a new drive that is very good at ripping (that does even copy protected CDs flawlessly)?


dae golden drive list

Reply #8
I can recommend the (discontinued) Plextor PX-W4012A (40/12/40A) as this is the drive i use now for ripping and it produces top results (=bitidentical rips of copy protected CDs). I was blown away, because i've always thought 'newer is better'.

It caches audio.


dae golden drive list

Reply #9
+1 on another with no problems and I own a 716A.  You may also want to try the newest 760A from Plextor.

I consider the ability to read the lead-in and lead-out (+HTOA) much more important than whether or not it caches.  The first affects it's ability to actually read certain discs perfectly.  The latter is just a speed convenience factor, and a minor one at that.  Really, the fact a drive caches or not has been blown out of proportion.  EAC and Plextools both take care of it.  I use Linux myself, but I know it's limitations.  Windows (or actually, available Windows software) is much better.  EAC + REACT is just superb.  I couldn't imagine using anything else to rip my collection.

Yes, the PX-W4012A is also an excellent choice, as it does everything else most good Plextors do, but it also caches.
As I said though - big deal. 


dae golden drive list

Reply #10
One of the most reliable brands I've come across is LG, after various tests and a great history of rips and checks they've proved able to even handle C2.

any specific models you know are still manufactured that fit the original descriptions, if not
should I conclude proper cacheless drives for dae are no longer manufactured?

dae golden drive list

Reply #12
I consider the ability to read the lead-in and lead-out (+HTOA) much more important than whether or not it caches.  The first affects it's ability to actually read certain discs perfectly.  The latter is just a speed convenience factor, and a minor one at that.  Really, the fact a drive caches or not has been blown out of proportion.  EAC and Plextools both take care of it.  I use Linux myself, but I know it's limitations.  Windows (or actually, available Windows software) is much better.  EAC + REACT is just superb.  I couldn't imagine using anything else to rip my collection.

Exactly, you got the point ^^ ...

Does it actually makes sence to purchase the PX-W4012A for security reasons, if one already have the
PX-716A ?
Two different, excellent drives very likely compensate each other weaknesses according to difficult discs, if
one of them can't handle such a disc, but that didn't happened with my PX-716A, yet ^^ ...

dae golden drive list

Reply #13
Is reading of lead-in and lead-out really a big deal? How common are discs that contain actual audio there, something like less than 0.1% ?

dae golden drive list

Reply #15
Is reading of lead-in and lead-out really a big deal? How common are discs that contain actual audio there, something like less than 0.1% ?
Read this for being able to form your own opinion on this issue...
I already had an opinion. (That you virtually never lose actual audio data due to a lack of ability to read into the lead-in or lead-out.)