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Topic: I started a vinyl topic (Read 5886 times) previous topic - next topic
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I started a vinyl topic

I'm working on braindumping stuff into a vinyl topic, and eventually providing lots of links into HA discussions. Feel free to take a look and contribute.

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #1
Great! I suggest you put a link to the page in your post. Ah well, here it is.

And about your change in the main page... um better to use the current style:
  • The "Vinyl Playback & Recording" is a section title -- no link
  • Put the articles as link underneath the title.
Will check up... hope you don't mind if I reformat your pages...

  • Rewritten the main page like I suggested
  • I think your page should be retitled "Vinyl: Introduction" <-- This I don't know how. Jan S. can you help?
  • The last 3 sections of your page (Cleaning, Do's and don'ts of maintenance, and Recording and processing) I think should be made into 3 separate pages, with corresponding link in your page and the main page.

Edit 2
Okay, I found the way. With your blessing    I will move the page, and restructure it like this:
  • Vinyl: Introduction
  • Vinyl: Maintenance
  • Vinyl: Recording & Processing

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #2
Thanks. I didn't do the subtopic thing from the main page because I thought a single item list was sort of silly.

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #3
Well, if you can restructure the page like I suggested, you can have more than one links on the main page, so it will not look silly 

FYI: To rename your page (I suggest "Vinyl: Introduction") you can use the "Move" tab on top of the page.

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #4
I would place it under the Analog Theory section on the topic page, although I would be interested in reading it when the final product is finished. 
budding I.T professional

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #5
I'm not really sure where to take it from my initial first pass. I can keep going down the path of an encyclopedia of knowledge, but there are other places (particularly Wikipedia) with a greater breadth of knowledge. There's a lot of information to summarize from HA threads but it seems somewhat difficult to categorize well. Any suggestions?

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #6
but there are other places (particularly Wikipedia) with a greater breadth of knowledge. There's a lot of information to summarize from HA threads but it seems somewhat difficult to categorize well. Any suggestions?

You might want to seek out research papers, etc. Wikipedia is a great reference, but being the college student that I am, if a professor ever saw that I used wikipedia as reference in a paper, I would be tared and feathered in a public square. I might be able to help you find some more information though.
budding I.T professional

I started a vinyl topic

Reply #7
I just attacked the vinyl article with a freaking hacksaw. From one article that was probably 10+ pages long, I currently have 12 articles, loosely based on pepoluan's suggestions. The top-level article is

Reference-wise I'm not really sure any other source would be perfectly legitimate. Even AES articles would not likely achieve the level of objectivity that HA would require. Right now I'm content with including the subjective information that can be backed up by physical phenomena in the basic descriptions of a vinyl systems, and evaluating the objective importance of those phenomena in a separate section.

cliveb and I have been the principal contributors so far (Thanks Clive!). Everybody else is welcome to contribute.

Also, we should get more pictures into these articles, particularly diagrams of turntable components, etc.


I started a vinyl topic

Reply #8
Nice pages! But you should put at least one or two paragraphs on the main "Vinyl Guide" page. Short ones, just as a prologue to the reader.

A sample topic which is similar to yours, i.e. branching off to different subpages is the Foobar2000 page. But you don't have to do it as detailed as that, just one or two paragraphs would be enough.

Anyways, great page! Thumbsup for all the contributors!