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Topic: foo_sendtodevice (Read 183976 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Thank you it works!


Reply #51
Another nice plugin, cwbowron

Feat. request: Would an option be possible to work together with the encoding presets in the converter tool?
That way people could set a bitrate limit to downsample when uploading the tracks!
I.e.: If bitrate is 150% higher than encoding preset, downsample.
Or: If bitrate is higher than x kBps, convert.
Maybe a list of file formats should also be converted automatically, for those DAPs that don't support AACs etc...


Good idea... really want those features.
Are these possible in the future?


Reply #52

Hello it's me again.

I have this album named  'It all starts here...' it seems whenever I try to upload it I get this message:
'(Path) refers to a location that is unavailable...' but obviously I have my mp3 plugged correctly. So I guess the three dots on the name of the album are making trouble.

Could this be fixed or should I avoid tag album names with two or more dots?

Good idea... really want those features.
Are these possible in the future?

version 1.0.4 should have fixed this problem.  If it is still a problem in the latest version let me know.  The ... should be replaced with ___

I added automatically convert formats to the list of feature requests.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #53
Sorry, cwbowron... There was a mistake...

I corrected...


Reply #54
Regarding playforsure mentioned a while back, I have a Samsung MP3 with playforsure. As already mentionted, when connected as a device, it doesn't have a drive letter. However, I can still drag and drop mp3s to the device using windows explorer and it will work fine. So I don't think playforsure forces you to use WMP or whatever to enforce DRM. Of course if the audio file is DRM'd, it probably wouldn't work when you drag and drop with windows explorer.


Reply #55
I have just bought a Samsung YP-Z5, however I can not get this plugin to work.

Putting in the path: "My Computer\Samsung YP-Z5\Media\Music\... etc"

When I transfer music I get no error messages, just a "device does not support long filenames please choose a shorter one", but no music actually appears on the player.

Does anyone have any hints as to how to get this working?

Cheers, Matt.


Reply #56
I have just bought a Samsung YP-Z5, however I can not get this plugin to work.

Putting in the path: "My Computer\Samsung YP-Z5\Media\Music\... etc"

When I transfer music I get no error messages, just a "device does not support long filenames please choose a shorter one", but no music actually appears on the player.

Does anyone have any hints as to how to get this working?

Cheers, Matt.

The plugin only works for mp3 players that operate as a USB Mass Storage Device.  Those mp3 players will show up as a drive letter on my computer.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #57

I have just bought a Samsung YP-Z5, however I can not get this plugin to work.

Putting in the path: "My Computer\Samsung YP-Z5\Media\Music\... etc"

When I transfer music I get no error messages, just a "device does not support long filenames please choose a shorter one", but no music actually appears on the player.

Does anyone have any hints as to how to get this working?

Cheers, Matt.

The plugin only works for mp3 players that operate as a USB Mass Storage Device.  Those mp3 players will show up as a drive letter on my computer.

Someone has spoken about using this plugin with my device earlier in the thread. So maybe there is a way of forcing it to work?


Reply #58
I have found the solution for the Samsung YP-Z5.

Upgrade the firmware to version 2 and then set UMS (universal mass storage) to On the options, et voila you have a drive letter!


Reply #59
If you are sending the files over all at once, and need it split into folders with at most 80 files, you can use something like:

Code: [Select]

to split it up.

Thank You!

I made it up like this:

Code: [Select]
X:\$num($add($div($sub(%list_index%,1),20),1),2)\$num(%list_index%,3) - %artist% - %title%

20 files eac folder (for better overview), folders starting with "01", files "1" to "20" in folder "01" (with your code there where only 19 files in the first folder).

It seems you don't use the %list-index% provided by foobar, because even if i select only a few files in the playlist, sendtodevice starts with %list_index% at "1"...


Reply #60
Hi there!
Thank you for this plugin! I'll try it as soon as I get my Max-Sin Touch 1 GB


Reply #61
I am new to Foobar. Currently building my list of plugins and this one is a must. Especially thanks to the use of %list_index% wich makes it possible to keep the plalist order on the mp3player  Thanks.

I regularly update my mp3 usb player (1Gb) with additional songs. Could there be an option to only copy new files ? Would be much faster.

+ 1 to the enhancement request for resampling the songs during tranfer to mp3 with the desired rate (I have many ape and flac songs on my pc which are not playable on the device)

thanks again,


Reply #62
Maybe it's quite from the different area, but I'd like to have an option to copy to my mobile device either via ActiveSync or Bluetooth.  If it's already implemented somewhere, please point it.

As you're presumably on about windows media devices, activesync is likely to be the wrong way to go about it. Once the device is connected and you can browse its contents via explorer all that *should* be needed is a unc path to the storage memory on the card. I don't know if this works on wm devices prior to wm5, but it should on the latter.

Microsoft in their infinite wisdom seemed to have created a crippled filesystem handler for wm devices.I would check if this is fixed on wm5, but i'm not near a windows pc at the moment.

I would love this to work too. My smartphone has a 2gb card running tcpmp and it's a pain to have to use explorer to copy stuff. It's too much to expect the developer to have to deal with the activesync api to support it natively though.


Reply #63

Would it be possible to have the plugin automatically add a tag containing the date and time the file was sent to the mp3 player using the plugin?

This would be very useful for me because i have a large library but a small player (1 gb). It would enable me to make autoplaylists, sort them by last_sent date and only send the files which i haven't sent to my mp3 player in a long time.

(If there is any other way to do this, please do tell me)


Reply #64
= Release 1.0.5 =
* added option to add SENT_TO_DEVICE timestamp to original file
* remember the last path sent to and auto select it

That clears up the list of requests, other than the ability for foo_sendtodevice  to automatically convert formats.  I have not done much with the api that involves actually processing audio data so I am not sure how exactly that works so if anyone can shed some light on that, I would appreciate the hints.  So far it looks like I would have to do something like this:

Code: [Select]
input_entry::g_open_for_decoding( decoder, file )
decoder.initialize( subsong );
while ( ( chunk ) )
   // dunno what to do here...
   // somehow write PCM data to a file
// here, I think I would have to call lame to encode to mp3...
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #65
Wow! Thanks for the really quick update. Really loving the plugin. Thanks a lot... you're the best.


Reply #66
thank you! i hope this works with my zen microphoto!

edit: Well, i did not get it to work. maybe the problem is that i can't assing the drive letter for my mp3 player? I tried to use My Computer\Creative Zen MicroPhoto\Media\Music\%artist%\%album%\ as a path but it did not work. If there is someone who has managed to get this to work with Creative's Zen mp3 players i would be happy to get some help! TIA.


Reply #67
Nice update ;D
-foobar2000 + Burrrn + EAC
-HD 80Gb using High QualityVBR MP3s


Reply #68
great plugin! i have one feature request, though:

is it possible to add an option to automatically run a tagging script on the files after copying them?

i'd really appreciate this since i run rockbox on my ipod and rockbox does not support %album artist% and %discnumber%, so i have to run a script on those files to copy the (album) artist to the composer field and to add the discnumber to the album title on every new album.

up to now, the procedure is a little bit complicated, since i have to add the new album folders to a new fb2k playlist and then run the script (because the pl still points to the files on my local drive). when the albums are in different subfolders, that's a little bit annoying.

if this option could be added, i'd have the perfect rockbox-on-ipod-management tool!

let me say that even now it's a great improvement because i do not have to use the file operations box any longer (loading ipod profile, sometimes forgetting that and having trouble etc. etc...) Thank your very much!

enjoy your weekend,


Reply #69
Hey, thanks for great plugin,

...I just cant force it to copy a file as it is - without any name changes.
I want to copy selected file t X:\ and thats it. Is it possible with current verison?



Reply #70
Hey, thanks for great plugin,

...I just cant force it to copy a file as it is - without any name changes.
I want to copy selected file t X:\ and thats it. Is it possible with current verison?


You could use X:\%filename_ext% as the destination path.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #71
thanks cwbowron, this string does it



Reply #72
getting back to my suggestion. running tagging scripts after copying might also be useful for those among us who use a simplified genre structure on their mobile devices (like two friends of mine) or those who have album art in their tags (for whatever reason) and want to get rid of it on their mp3 sticks. i think basically it would be an extended version of your timestamp-function.

is there a chance you might work on it someday?

have a nice week,


Reply #73
getting back to my suggestion. running tagging scripts after copying might also be useful for those among us who use a simplified genre structure on their mobile devices (like two friends of mine) or those who have album art in their tags (for whatever reason) and want to get rid of it on their mp3 sticks. i think basically it would be an extended version of your timestamp-function.

is there a chance you might work on it someday?

I've added it to the feature requests. 

My first thought would be that in the send to device options, there's a drop down that allows you to select which script to run on the new files.
There used to be a link to my website here.



Reply #74
I've added it to the feature requests. 

My first thought would be that in the send to device options, there's a drop down that allows you to select which script to run on the new files.

That would be wonderful! Thanks for considering it!
