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Topic: lossyFLAC Site Up (Read 8229 times) previous topic - next topic
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lossyFLAC Site Up

Over the years I've learned a lot from reading these forums, but I've never posted because you guys are, for the most part, way over my head.

Still FLAC is my format of choice, and I wanted to 'give back' or whatever, so I made this for my fellow FLAC fanatics. It's a joke. Don't get your feathers in a ruffle. Just a joke. Just a joke.

Hope you like it.

(If you have a FLAC fanatic friend, and you want to really p*ss them off / freak them out, then send them to that URL. Too bad it's not a more convincing URL, but I don't think I want to buy server space just for a joke.)

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #1
ROTFL. 33 12 H 4. You know (unfortunately now with 'ads by gooooooogle')?

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #2
The Download button is broken.  :<
Running Firefox 1.0.7 on Win2000+SP4, if that matters ...

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #4
"LossyFLAC uses advanced sound ellipses to randomly discard data from within your music"  !
WavPack 5.7.0 -b384hx6cmv / qaac64 2.80 -V 100

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #5
Hehe. You made my day, thanks.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #6
The Download button is broken.  :<
Running Firefox 1.0.7 on Win2000+SP4, if that matters ...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=359576"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It's not 'broken' but it does create a pop-up so you've probably got pop-up blocking turned on. I'm using Firefox 1.5 on Windows XP SP2, so our setups are similar.

It's not actually worth it, so don't bother. It's just s little window that comes up with a progress bar that says to 'Please Wait while HZ Player converts your music files to lossyFLAC' which ought to scare at least four people. At least enough to shut the window quickly.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #7
Be strong, and remember: be yourself, because you have to someone, and
everyone else is already taken.
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #8
"Sound is like a giant pizza. When we spin the sound very quickly, certain parts fly off, leaving behind the good stuff."


Too much!


lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #9
There's a typo in liscensing 


lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #10
what a ripoff!!
people, don't hit the download button, I'm serious. trustworthy as I am, I did and guess what happened? while I waited for the transformer I had a quick shower and dropped the soap. wanting to grab it, fell down and was unconscious for about two days. when I woke I noticed that sb broke into my flat and had stolen my computer and stuff!
u see, I couldn't even type this message as my computer... uhm, gotta run.
Nothing but a Heartache - Since I found my Baby ;)

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #11
There's a typo in liscensing 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=359664"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Oh shoot. I'll fix that. Thanks.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #12
Allright!, now all my music is in LossyFLAC!, Yeah!

Best quote from the site: "When we spin the sound very quickly, certain parts fly off"
we was young an' full of beans

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #13
Wow, that is some seriously funny stuff.  Just looking at all the slick graphical things makes it look semi-legit.  Then the fun starts when reading.  Very good...

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #14
It's just a little window that comes up with a progress bar that says to 'Please Wait while HZ Player converts your music files to lossyFLAC' which ought to scare at least four people.[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=359634"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I thought it to be one of funiest parts, like a typical malicious site wanting to trick you into something you didn't ask for.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #16
No one?

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #17
Code: [Select]
The system cannot execute the specified program.
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #19
I got the same error. now it's something differnet...
error message: ~ could not start application because it's configured incorectly.
Nothing but a Heartache - Since I found my Baby ;)

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #20
Strange, it works here (w2k and 2003x64). I'll have a look over the weekend.

lossyFLAC Site Up

Reply #21
It worked for me.  Win2K SP4, DLL in same folder as EXE.

I don't have the file with me, but it produced a flac around half the size of FLAC.EXE.

I must say, no offence Gabriel, but I think I prefer my music with all the toppings intact.  I hope I'm not breaking TOS8 here.
I'm on a horse.