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Topic: itunesencode -r imagefile problem (Read 10754 times) previous topic - next topic
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itunesencode -r imagefile problem

I am using 4.6 with itunes 6.  The -r option doesn't seem to work.  I've tried with jpg and bmp files, with fully qualified path and without.

All other tags work properly.  And ideas?


itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #1
I am using 4.6 with itunes 6.  The -r option doesn't seem to work.  I've tried with jpg and bmp files, with fully qualified path and without.

All other tags work properly.  And ideas?

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I think I've actually used that only once, when I first tested it. It worked then.

You should give it the full path, and if that path contains spaces, you should enclose the whole path+filename in quotes. Like itunesencode -r "c:\full path\file.jpg". Also, it probably only likes JPG or PNG files, dunno about BMP's.

And it may not work at all anymore. I'll try it when I get home.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #2
You should give it the full path, and if that path contains spaces, you should enclose the whole path+filename in quotes. Like itunesencode -r "c:\full path\file.jpg". Also, it probably only likes JPG or PNG files, dunno about BMP's.
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Done.  Still no workie.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #3
I just tested it here. It worked perfectly. What's your exact command line?

I did something like this:
iTunesEncode.exe -i temp.wav -o temp.m4a -e "AAC Encoder" -r "c:\temp.jpg"

And the resulting file did indeed have the picture in it.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #4
I did something like this:
iTunesEncode.exe -i temp.wav -o temp.m4a -e "AAC Encoder" -r "c:\temp.jpg"

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Precisely what I am doing.  Something is weird.  I am using iTunes 6.  Every other field is ok.

I will play with some more.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #5
I'm having the same issue using:
iTunesEncode.exe dated 2/16/2005 12:18am
FooBar v0.8.3

I've even tried moving the art file to a base directory and I still can't get it to showup in the encoded file. 

My Foobar encode command follows:
-e "AAC Encoder" -r "d:\folder.jpg" -a "%artist%" -l "%album%" -t "%title%" -g "%genre%" -y %date% -n %tracknumber% -i %s -o %d -d

Any suggestions are appreciated.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #6
i know i just encountered a weirdness using the iTunes COM API... if a path contains a double-slash (\\) instead of a single slash anywhere, Windows has no problem with it, but iTunes will choke on it.

Don't know what else it has problems with... try putting the folder.jpg someplace else, and then try again? Is the file writeable?

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #7
Jebus, thanks for the suggestions.  I checked all of your suggestions.

I checked for \\ -- none
I tried moving the file to another root folder  -- still not the fix
I made sure the file was writeable.

I even tried a forward slash (/) in the directory.  I can drag the file into the iTunes art window and it is then associated with that file.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #8
I don't know what to tell you. I just tried my same test again, and it works perfectly. I'm using iTunes and the last iTunesEncode from

In other words, this
Code: [Select]
iTunesEncode.exe -i temp.wav -o temp.m4a -e "AAC Encoder" -r "c:\temp.jpg" I created the WAV file using Audacity, nothing particularly special about it. The temp.jpg was created using nothing more than paint to draw some crap and saving it as a jpg. The jpg dimensions was 300x300, which is what I usually use for most album art.

My only suggestion is to examine your jpg file more closely. Perhaps iTunes cannot read the file or doesn't like it for some reason. Make sure that it is actually a JPG and not a misnamed GIF or some such thing. The PNG format should also be acceptable by iTunes.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #9
Otto, I'm converting from a FLAC file using FooBar 0.8.3 if that makes any difference.

The cover art is a pulled from, it states it is a JPG and Photoshop Elements and the Windows Picture Viewer agree.  I've dragged this file into the "Art Panel" in iTunes and it will associate it with the file at that point.

Any other suggestions?

Otto, I've used iTunesEncode a lot to convert my FLAC files to AAC.  It works really well, I was trying to start adding cover art to files.  Thanks for all your work Otto, too bad you lost the source.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #10
Otto & Jebus I figured it out, thanks for your help you pushed me in the right direction!  And GREAT tool Otto!!!

I had to modify my foobar setup based on this thread:

The big change was on the foobar "Commandline Encoder Settings" options page.  I had "tag" set to "default" I changed it to "none" and it WORKS!

Thanks again!

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #11
I don't know what to tell you. I just tried my same test again, and it works perfectly. I'm using iTunes and the last iTunesEncode from

In other words, this
Code: [Select]
iTunesEncode.exe -i temp.wav -o temp.m4a -e "AAC Encoder" -r "c:\temp.jpg" I created the WAV file using Audacity, nothing particularly special about it. The temp.jpg was created using nothing more than paint to draw some crap and saving it as a jpg. The jpg dimensions was 300x300, which is what I usually use for most album art.

My only suggestion is to examine your jpg file more closely. Perhaps iTunes cannot read the file or doesn't like it for some reason. Make sure that it is actually a JPG and not a misnamed GIF or some such thing. The PNG format should also be acceptable by iTunes.

I finally figured out the problem.  For some reason the -r option requires a fully-qualified path.  Could you update so that relative paths work?


itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #12
Nope.  The source code was lost, and so there will be no further updates to iTunesEncode.

itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #13
Nope.  The source code was lost, and so there will be no further updates to iTunesEncode.

It's still a reasonably straightforward object tho, right?  Meaning one (me) could throw this together reasonably quickly in javascript or vbscript?


itunesencode -r imagefile problem

Reply #14
I know this is an old thread, but I was looking to do this and was able to accomplish it with itunesencode and EAC, taking advantage of the way I have EAC automatically organize my music at extraction time.

So I have a base folder I store all my music "c:\stuff\Music", then a folder for artist, then one for each album.  I used the command line option below. The %soemthing% are variables that EAC provides.

-r "c:\stuff\music\%artist%\%albumtitle%\folder.jpg"

As long as the file called folder.jpg is in the file it is automatically added to the tag.

Hope this helps everyone.