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Topic: foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer (Read 387246 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #375
I have received some minidumps from Peter, but when I feed it to Visual Studio I can only see some assembly codes. But I don't know assembly at all.
Aha, OK. Make sure you have the "Release" configuration for the project set as follows:
  C/C++/General: "Debug Information Format" = "Program Database /Zi"
  Linker/Debugging: "Generate Debug Info" = "Yes (/DEBUG)"
This will generate a .PDB file for you in the output directory alongside the .DLL.

Note you should check the following options too:
  Linker/Optimization: "References" = "Eliminate Unreferenced Data (/OPT:REF)"
  Linker/Optimization: "Enable COMDAT Folding" = "Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF)"
They might be already set like that, but /DEBUG was known to reset them to no optimization, which makes the output file suddenly unnecessarily large.

Now how to use it: You publish the .DLL and save the .PDB (or maybe given the open source nature, you might publish it as well, if anybody cares). Then when a minidump comes, you copy the .DLL, .PDB and .DMP files to the same directory, load the dump in MSVC - it will see that the .DLL references the .PDB and load the symbols from it. And voila, you have the assembly annotated with function and variable names, line numbers, etc. If the source (and the source file paths) haven't changed, you'll jump directly into source view.

Hope that helps.

Also, on a related note, do you deliberately use no optimization (/Od) for the build? The code seemed like that.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #376
Also, on a related note, do you deliberately use no optimization (/Od) for the build? The code seemed like that.

First, thanks for your guides. It really helpful.

I think I did't disable optimizations though, I just left them to use the defaults (/O2).

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #377
Hmm but the code layout is definitely /Od-ish.
Maybe it's the same problem with as with foo_albumlist until
Fixed: Album List was being compiled with all optimizations disabled until now, since at least 0.9.5, due to bugs in MSVC9.
That was caused by broken project importer from earlier version of Visual Studio, IIRC.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #378
Maybe it's the same problem with as with foo_albumlist until
Fixed: Album List was being compiled with all optimizations disabled until now, since at least 0.9.5, due to bugs in MSVC9.
That was caused by broken project importer from earlier version of Visual Studio, IIRC.

Don't know whether it is the same problem.
However, it seems "/O2" need to be selected explicitly (it should be bold in the properties page).
Thank for you point out it. 

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #379
Any chance we will get DUI compatibility for this component? It would work rather nicely for an idea of mine 

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #380
2.04.8 is released.
I hope it will solve most instable issues. I'm sorry for my buggy plugin.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #382
Thanks for the update! Is further development of this plugin planned, or only bugfixes?
The most annoying issue for me is that I have to restart foobar in order for newly inserted drives (e.g. USB flash devices or memory cards) or newly connected network drives to become available via this plugin.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #383
Thanks for the update! Is further development of this plugin planned, or only bugfixes?
The most annoying issue for me is that I have to restart foobar in order for newly inserted drives (e.g. USB flash devices or memory cards) or newly connected network drives to become available via this plugin.

As a previous post mentioned, I won't add new features.

You could assign a keyboard/mouse shortcut with "Reset the panel", so you don't need to restart foobar2000.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #384
You could assign a keyboard/mouse shortcut with "Reset the panel", so you don't need to restart foobar2000.

Thanks for this workaround, it works! Now I'm completely satisfied with the functionality of this plugin.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #385
Bug report:

when I change between layouts in columns ui the tree looks like this:

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #386
Bug report (v 2.04.8) on launch or on track change (in a CUI config)

[a href="" target="_blank"]

if i click on a folder in the tree, the box is shown as normal until the playing track change...


foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #387
Bug. I've set "Only show the following types" in your components preferences:

Code: [Select]

But it shows mpg and wmv files for instance...

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #388
foobar with explorer panel  blocked and not visible in windows 7

in order to use explorer  panel in Windows 7 must have the service enabled "server"
otherwise foobar crashes.

Excuse me if it the subject  has already been treated but I have never found it.i find this reason yesterday

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #389
Hello JackieKu! ! Your plugin is very useful! Thanks!
But i have one small question: how i can change colours of this panel (Selected Item/InactiveSelected Item: foreground/background)?
In Preferences\Display\Columns UI\Colours & fonts - this option isn't available.

It's realizable?

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #390
Great plugin
But it doesn't sort my folders totally alphabetically
I have one artist folder whose name starts with the letter É. The plugin doesn't recognize it as an E and displays it after the Zs
If there's a way I can fix this let me know. I can get confused configuring these things so maybe I missed something.

I also have some folder names that start with underscores, i.e. __FolderName. I named them like this because Windows displays them first before the folders that don't have underscores in the name. But in Explorer Tree it's the reverse, these folders are listed last. This is a more minor problem because I can just change my file naming scheme to work with both Windows and the plugin.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #391
I've modded the Silent Night theme with Explorer panel, but there is white splitter marked on the attached image. Is it possible to make it at least the same color as the background (by placing it in the panel stack spliter and using script, for example), or it's a foobar intrinistic splitter?
If it's possible to do this by modifying the source code of the explorer panel, points where to look are appreciated.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #392
I figured out that it's necessary to place playlists and the explorer panel into a stack splitter, so, nothing could be done without elaborate script modification.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #393
Alhtough it's relatively easy to integrate the panel into ths skin by using scripting only.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #394
Here is the working skin.

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #395
When I open this plugin in a popup window using foo_popup_panel I get another one removed from my main window. And if there are other plugins\panels in the same splitter with the explorer they get completely removed from the CUI layout. After that on closing foobar I get the message that it has crashed. Thanks!

Here's the report:
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 00000000h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h
Last win32 error: 1400

Call path:
entry=>user_interface::shutdown=>destroy panel=>PSS Destroy=>destroy child panel=>destroy panel

Stack (0012F1A0h):
0012F180h:  804FB4C7 804FB4D6 00000001 018486E8
0012F190h:  AE848688 03FFFFFF 03FFFFFF 81B36690
0012F1A0h:  02396246 0012F22C 023961E0 0012F1F0
0012F1B0h:  00000000 0012F1F8 00000000 01E60402
0012F1C0h:  00000000 0012F1E4 7E418734 025704E4
0012F1D0h:  00000082 00000000 00000000 023961E0
0012F1E0h:  DCBAABCD 00000000 0012F22C 023961E0
0012F1F0h:  0012F258 7E418816 023961E0 025704E4
0012F200h:  00000082 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F210h:  025704E4 00000000 00000014 00000001
0012F220h:  00000000 00000000 00000010 00000000
0012F230h:  00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012F240h:  0012F20C 0012EDC4 0012F29C 7E44048F
0012F250h:  7E418830 00000000 0012F2AC 7E428EA0
0012F260h:  00000000 023961E0 025704E4 00000082
0012F270h:  00000000 00000000 0083F754 00000001
0012F280h:  00000000 0012F2EC 00000000 01FCCAC0
0012F290h:  00000000 0012F280 0012EDC4 0012F324
0012F2A0h:  7E44048F 7E428EB0 FFFFFFFF 0012F2DC
0012F2B0h:  7E42B16F 0083F740 00000082 00000000

EAX: 00000000, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 02486388, EDX: 02C513B0
ESI: 02486388, EDI: 025704E4, EBP: 00000082, ESP: 0012F1A0

Unable to identify crash location!

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 005BE000h
ntdll                            loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B2000h
kernel32                        loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F6000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 77E70000h - 77F03000h
Secur32                          loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
GDI32                            loaded at 77F10000h - 77F59000h
USER32                          loaded at 7E410000h - 7E4A1000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
ole32                            loaded at 774E0000h - 7761E000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
UxTheme                          loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D7000h
zlib1                            loaded at 62E80000h - 62E9E000h
shared                          loaded at 10000000h - 1002B000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
dbghelp                          loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h
COMDLG32                        loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
CRYPT32                          loaded at 77A80000h - 77B15000h
MSASN1                          loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
gdiplus                          loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDFB000h
WINHTTP                          loaded at 4D4F0000h - 4D549000h
IMM32                            loaded at 76390000h - 763AD000h
LPK                              loaded at 629C0000h - 629C9000h
USP10                            loaded at 74D90000h - 74DFB000h
myokent                          loaded at 003A0000h - 003AD000h
MSCTF                            loaded at 74720000h - 7476C000h
msctfime                        loaded at 755C0000h - 755EE000h
foo_fileops                      loaded at 00F00000h - 00F4A000h
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod            loaded at 00F70000h - 0105C000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77120000h - 771AB000h
Msimg32                          loaded at 76380000h - 76385000h
foo_converter                    loaded at 011C0000h - 0123E000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 01260000h - 012BC000h
foo_freedb2                      loaded at 012E0000h - 0132E000h
foo_dsp_eq                      loaded at 01350000h - 01386000h
foo_musical_spectrum            loaded at 013B0000h - 013CB000h
foo_dsp_std                      loaded at 013F0000h - 01425000h
foo_vst                          loaded at 01450000h - 014A4000h
foo_wave_seekbar                loaded at 014D0000h - 0166F000h
WS2_32                          loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP                          loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 016D0000h - 0183E000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
avcodec-fb2k-54                  loaded at 6F080000h - 6F322000h
avutil-fb2k-52                  loaded at 635C0000h - 635F9000h
foo_popup_panels                loaded at 01860000h - 0188A000h
foo_playcount                    loaded at 018B0000h - 018EE000h
foo_quicksearch                  loaded at 01910000h - 01967000h
WindowsCodecs                    loaded at 4CC40000h - 4CCF3000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 01990000h - 019DB000h
foo_uie_lyrics3                  loaded at 01A00000h - 01ACA000h
WININET                          loaded at 3D930000h - 3DA16000h
Normaliz                        loaded at 01AE0000h - 01AE9000h
urlmon                          loaded at 78130000h - 78263000h
iertutil                        loaded at 3DFD0000h - 3E1BB000h
foo_uie_albumlist                loaded at 01E20000h - 01E63000h
foo_unpack                      loaded at 01E90000h - 01EBF000h
foo_uie_explorer                loaded at 01EE0000h - 01F1D000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 76FD0000h - 7704F000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
foo_uie_panel_splitter          loaded at 01F50000h - 01FA9000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 01FD0000h - 0201F000h
foo_uie_console                  loaded at 02040000h - 0205A000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 02080000h - 020D4000h
foo_run                          loaded at 02100000h - 0215F000h
foo_vis_vumeter                  loaded at 03300000h - 033A5000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 022E0000h - 02470000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 02490000h - 02579000h
SXS                              loaded at 7E720000h - 7E7D0000h
browseui                        loaded at 75F80000h - 7607D000h
xpsp2res                        loaded at 035B0000h - 03875000h
appHelp                          loaded at 77B40000h - 77B62000h
googledrivesync32                loaded at 03C80000h - 03D0F000h
PSAPI                            loaded at 76BF0000h - 76BFB000h
MSVCP90                          loaded at 78480000h - 7850E000h
MSVCR90                          loaded at 78520000h - 785C3000h
cscui                            loaded at 77A20000h - 77A74000h
CSCDLL                          loaded at 76600000h - 7661D000h
USERENV                          loaded at 769C0000h - 76A74000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
ntshrui                          loaded at 76990000h - 769B5000h
ATL                              loaded at 76B20000h - 76B31000h
NETAPI32                        loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B5000h
shdocvw                          loaded at 7E290000h - 7E403000h
CRYPTUI                          loaded at 754D0000h - 75550000h
WINTRUST                        loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
WLDAP32                          loaded at 76F60000h - 76F8C000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 02396246h (foo_ui_columns+B6246h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 01E60402h (foo_uie_albumlist+40402h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 025704E4h (foo_ui_std+E04E4h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 025704E4h (foo_ui_std+E04E4h)
Address: 025704E4h (foo_ui_std+E04E4h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h (USER32+18EA0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+180h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 025704E4h (foo_ui_std+E04E4h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h (USER32+18EB0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+190h)
Address: 7E42B16Fh (USER32+1B16Fh), symbol: "IsWindowInDestroy" (+49h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7C90E473h (ntdll+E473h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+13h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E428E53h (USER32+18E53h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h (USER32+1B1A8h), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+Ch)
Address: 01F54D7Dh (foo_uie_panel_splitter+4D7Dh)
Address: 01E60402h (foo_uie_albumlist+40402h)
Address: 01F82B4Bh (foo_uie_panel_splitter+32B4Bh)
Address: 01F8DE29h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+3DE29h)
Address: 0233B3F1h (foo_ui_columns+5B3F1h)
Address: 023C6748h (foo_ui_columns+E6748h)
Address: 0233CB75h (foo_ui_columns+5CB75h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 7E418B26h (USER32+8B26h), symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+A6h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E4188D1h (USER32+88D1h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Bh)
Address: 7E4188DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 01F8F4B6h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+3F4B6h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 023963B3h (foo_ui_columns+B63B3h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 7E42F551h (USER32+1F551h), symbol: "EnumThreadWindows" (+18h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h (USER32+18EA0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+180h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h (USER32+18EB0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+190h)
Address: 7E428EECh (USER32+18EECh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+1CCh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7C90E473h (ntdll+E473h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+13h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E428E53h (USER32+18E53h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h (USER32+1B1A8h), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+Ch)
Address: 0231AD31h (foo_ui_columns+3AD31h)
Address: 01E40532h (foo_uie_albumlist+20532h)
Address: 01F8756Ah (foo_uie_panel_splitter+3756Ah)
Address: 023A18BDh (foo_ui_columns+C18BDh)
Address: 01F69730h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+19730h)
Address: 01F65FD6h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+15FD6h)
Address: 7E428DD9h (USER32+18DD9h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+B9h)
Address: 7E428D77h (USER32+18D77h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+57h)
Address: 7E428D8Bh (USER32+18D8Bh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+6Bh)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 7E418B26h (USER32+8B26h), symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+A6h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 7E4188D1h (USER32+88D1h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Bh)
Address: 7E4188DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 01F8F4B6h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+3F4B6h)
Address: 01F61E68h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11E68h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 7E42F551h (USER32+1F551h), symbol: "EnumThreadWindows" (+18h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h (USER32+18EA0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+180h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h (USER32+18EB0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+190h)
Address: 7E428EECh (USER32+18EECh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+1CCh)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 7C90E473h (ntdll+E473h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+13h)
Address: 01F61CD0h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+11CD0h)
Address: 7E428E53h (USER32+18E53h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h (USER32+1B1A8h), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+Ch)
Address: 01F54D7Dh (foo_uie_panel_splitter+4D7Dh)
Address: 01F82B4Bh (foo_uie_panel_splitter+32B4Bh)
Address: 01F8DE29h (foo_uie_panel_splitter+3DE29h)
Address: 023533C2h (foo_ui_columns+733C2h)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 023E10FCh (foo_ui_columns+1010FCh)
Address: 024079ECh (foo_ui_columns+1279ECh)
Address: 023E0324h (foo_ui_columns+100324h)
Address: 023CDA48h (foo_ui_columns+EDA48h)
Address: 02354DDCh (foo_ui_columns+74DDCh)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 023963B3h (foo_ui_columns+B63B3h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023D0F07h (foo_ui_columns+F0F07h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h (USER32+18EA0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+180h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E418F9Ch (USER32+8F9Ch), symbol: "GetSystemMetrics" (+0h)
Address: 024079C0h (foo_ui_columns+1279C0h)
Address: 7E418F9Ch (USER32+8F9Ch), symbol: "GetSystemMetrics" (+0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h (USER32+18EB0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+190h)
Address: 7E428EECh (USER32+18EECh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+1CCh)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7C90E473h (ntdll+E473h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+13h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E428E53h (USER32+18E53h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h (USER32+1B1A8h), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+Ch)
Address: 023961CDh (foo_ui_columns+B61CDh)
Address: 0234769Eh (foo_ui_columns+6769Eh)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7E428D8Bh (USER32+18D8Bh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+6Bh)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E41882Ah (USER32+882Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+163h)
Address: 7E42927Bh (USER32+1927Bh), symbol: "GetParent" (+16Ch)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 7E4292E3h (USER32+192E3h), symbol: "SendMessageW" (+49h)
Address: 76399B35h (IMM32+9B35h), symbol: "ImmUnlockClientImc" (+13h)
Address: 76392B56h (IMM32+2B56h), symbol: "ImmSetActiveContext" (+178h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 7E46B90Eh (USER32+5B90Eh), symbol: "IMPSetIMEA" (+40Ah)
Address: 7E46B916h (USER32+5B916h), symbol: "IMPSetIMEA" (+412h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 7E46BDF2h (USER32+5BDF2h), symbol: "IMPSetIMEA" (+8EEh)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 7E46BE8Ah (USER32+5BE8Ah), symbol: "IMPSetIMEA" (+986h)
Address: 7E428D8Bh (USER32+18D8Bh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+6Bh)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428D90h (USER32+18D90h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+70h)
Address: 7E428D8Bh (USER32+18D8Bh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+6Bh)
Address: 774511F4h (COMCTL32+811F4h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+59E0h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 77450371h (COMCTL32+80371h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 77450371h (COMCTL32+80371h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 7E41885Ah (USER32+885Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+193h)
Address: 7E41882Ah (USER32+882Ah), symbol: "GetDC" (+163h)
Address: 77450371h (COMCTL32+80371h), symbol: "Ordinal389" (+4B5Dh)
Address: 004722B4h (foobar2000+722B4h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428DD9h (USER32+18DD9h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+B9h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 7E418B26h (USER32+8B26h), symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+A6h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 7E4188D1h (USER32+88D1h), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+2Bh)
Address: 7E4188DAh (USER32+88DAh), symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+34h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023C5BA1h (foo_ui_columns+E5BA1h)
Address: 023963B3h (foo_ui_columns+B63B3h)
Address: 0156058Ch (foo_wave_seekbar+9058Ch)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023961E0h (foo_ui_columns+B61E0h)
Address: 023D0F07h (foo_ui_columns+F0F07h)
Address: 7E418734h (USER32+8734h), symbol: "GetDC" (+6Dh)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7E418816h (USER32+8816h), symbol: "GetDC" (+14Fh)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E418830h (USER32+8830h), symbol: "GetDC" (+169h)
Address: 7E428EA0h (USER32+18EA0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+180h)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7E42B19Ch (USER32+1B19Ch), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+0h)
Address: 7E46C8CFh (USER32+5C8CFh), symbol: "IMPSetIMEA" (+13CBh)
Address: 7E44048Fh (USER32+3048Fh), symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+1CFh)
Address: 7E428EB0h (USER32+18EB0h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+190h)
Address: 7E428EECh (USER32+18EECh), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+1CCh)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7C90E473h (ntdll+E473h), symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+13h)
Address: 023467F0h (foo_ui_columns+667F0h)
Address: 7E428E53h (USER32+18E53h), symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+133h)
Address: 7E42B1A8h (USER32+1B1A8h), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+Ch)
Address: 02348D4Eh (foo_ui_columns+68D4Eh)
Address: 7E42B19Ch (USER32+1B19Ch), symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+0h)
Address: 004C2590h (foobar2000+C2590h)
Address: 0052658Ah (foobar2000+12658Ah)
Address: 0045A92Eh (foobar2000+5A92Eh)
Address: 0053F948h (foobar2000+13F948h)
Address: 0053F948h (foobar2000+13F948h)
Address: 00539F20h (foobar2000+139F20h)
Address: 00549688h (foobar2000+149688h)
Address: 0050DC8Dh (foobar2000+10DC8Dh)
Address: 0050B000h (foobar2000+10B000h)
Address: 0050DC8Dh (foobar2000+10DC8Dh)
Address: 0050B7F5h (foobar2000+10B7F5h)
Address: 10002833h (shared+2833h), symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_OnEvent" (+B1h)
Address: 0053F454h (foobar2000+13F454h)
Address: 00526A14h (foobar2000+126A14h)
Address: 0045AAEAh (foobar2000+5AAEAh)
Address: 00400000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 0050CAB2h (foobar2000+10CAB2h)
Address: 005724F0h (foobar2000+1724F0h)
Address: 0050A9A6h (foobar2000+10A9A6h)
Address: 0050683Ah (foobar2000+10683Ah)
Address: 00506834h (foobar2000+106834h)
Address: 00530A28h (foobar2000+130A28h)
Address: 00530A2Ch (foobar2000+130A2Ch)
Address: 0052CFD1h (foobar2000+12CFD1h)
Address: 0050B000h (foobar2000+10B000h)
Address: 00506834h (foobar2000+106834h)
Address: 00526BEFh (foobar2000+126BEFh)
Address: 0050878Dh (foobar2000+10878Dh)
Address: 00400000h (foobar2000+0h)
Address: 0050B000h (foobar2000+10B000h)
Address: 7C817077h (kernel32+17077h), symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+49h)
Address: 7C839AD8h (kernel32+39AD8h), symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+2B0h)
Address: 7C817080h (kernel32+17080h), symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+52h)
Address: 005087E0h (foobar2000+1087E0h)
Address: 003A0043h (myokent+43h)
Address: 0057005Ch (foobar2000+17005Ch)
Address: 004E0049h (foobar2000+E0049h)
Address: 004F0044h (foobar2000+F0044h)
Address: 00530057h (foobar2000+130057h)
Address: 0057005Ch (foobar2000+17005Ch)

App: foobar2000 v1.2.4
UI: Columns UI

Core (2013-03-29 11:10:54 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.2.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:58 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2013-03-07 09:48:32 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:02 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:58 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_std.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:50 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.2
foo_fileops.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:10 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2013-02-11 11:27:56 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_std.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:54 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_masstag.dll (2013-04-14 15:03:13 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_musical_spectrum.dll (2013-04-15 06:42:49 UTC)
    Musical Spectrum 0.9
foo_playcount.dll (2013-04-14 16:43:27 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_popup_panels.dll (2013-04-17 16:17:51 UTC)
    Popup Panels 0.1.4
foo_quicksearch.dll (2013-04-14 12:08:18 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:02 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2
foo_run.dll (2013-04-17 14:56:50 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-02-27 20:22:58 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2013-03-29 11:09:24 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_console.dll (2009-08-29 16:06:24 UTC)
    Console panel 0.4
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2010-02-22 13:51:29 UTC)
    Explorer Tree 2.04.8
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2013-04-14 20:37:44 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2013-04-14 21:28:37 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2013-04-14 22:14:32 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack.dll (2013-02-11 11:28:10 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_vis_vumeter.dll (2013-04-15 16:59:25 UTC)
    VU Meter 2013-02-16
foo_vst.dll (2013-04-14 01:07:49 UTC)
    VST 2.4 adapter
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2013-04-13 20:04:37 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.34

Recent events:
Filter Panel - Genre: initialised in 0.001 s
Filter Panel - Artist: initialised in 0.002 s
Filter Panel - Album: initialised in 0.002 s
Filter Panel - Title: initialised in 0.003 s
Startup time : 0:00.377905
Filter Panel - Genre: initialised in 0.002 s
Filter Panel - Artist: initialised in 0.002 s
Filter Panel - Album: initialised in 0.002 s
Filter Panel - Title: initialised in 0.003 s
Shutting down...

Machine specifications:
OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 x86
CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+, features: 3DNow!ex MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3
Audio: Juli@ Ch12; Juli@ Ch34; Juli@ Ch1234

foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #396
Hopefully a useful installation guide to get "explorer view" or "directory view" of your mp3 collection in foobar
works on windows 7 and windows 8
foobar2000 v1.2.9 august 7 2013

first install Columns UI
direct link, probably best to go to the page and download the most recent version:
direct link as of august 2013

Columns UI

COPY THE extracted .dll file to
C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components

second install
I think it's called UIE explorer

Here is the link that might have a more updated version. V 2.04.8 is what I have working.
again copy the extracted file foo_uie_explorer.dll to the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components

confirm that you have these two files:
in the "components" directory

restart / start foobar2000

right click on everything and select "CLOSE"
You should end up with a very empty looking screen with no panels, except maybe the top and bottom.

Right Click in the big open area
<this will only be available if you have the two .dll files in the components directory and they are working...

<this will add a vertical bar

in the greyed out area, hopefully on the right hand side... right click

A few last customizations which saves time...
>FILE >PREFERENCES *DISPLAY *Columns UI extensions *Explorer Tree Panel >DISPLAY
(SELECT) Select the latest selected path.
then... select the >FAVORITES tab
ADD the folder where all your mp3's are.
+ also make sure the BEHAVIOR is set for...
Show favorites as roots in the tree.

What the above will do is...
automatically open your mp3 folder (expanded) and NOT show any of the other directories from your computer

Re: foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #397
I cant download it

Re: foo_uie_explorer - like windows explorer

Reply #398
During the last two months foo_uie_explorer stopped working on three different Windows 7 PCs (x32 and x64) - when I start Foobar2000 the process appears in task manager, but no window opens up. I can kill the hung up process, but the next start of Foobar2000 is again unsuccessfull. If I remove the dll then Foobar2000 starts normally. Tried with last and several older versions of Foobar2000.
There is no problem with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 PCs though. I suspect a Windows update or Skype update is messing with the plugin, but unfortunately uninstalling all recent Windows updates and Skype did not resolve the issue - the problematic change does not get reverted.
Had to resort to other plugins with similar functionality, but they are all lacking compared to foo_uie_explorer.