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Topic: Foobar Gallery (Read 1824315 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar Gallery

Reply #1950
@ Corganzero0: Play with the background color. I set the panel up to look good with a black background. Also, look for the user configuration section in the code, and play around with all the font colors there until you can see the text.

@Hal_: under the 'Database' tab is Database Explorer Panel.

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1951
After a major redesign of my foobar appearance, I guess it’s time to post a screenshot.

foobar2000 0.8.3 with ColumnsUI and album list panel

The code is completely done from scratch with lots of screenshots from this thread as inspiration. Main objective was to create a design that fits my appleish visual style and can handle normal and VA albums as well as single tracks on one playlist. To keep things fast, the code relies entirely on correctly tagged files.

For the „Dances“ and „Rubbish Bin“ playlists I had to create a simpler version of the design. Full albums hardly ever appear on those, so all the fancy album formatting stuff would break the UI completely.

After some requests for the fcs, I decided to upload it here:

Brother John

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1952
I wish navigator was better at displaying single tracks along w/ albums, but you can't win em all, eh?

Anywho, I made a few subtle changes:

Hope you like.

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1953
I wish navigator was better at displaying single tracks along w/ albums, but you can't win em all, eh?

Anywho, I made a few subtle changes:

Hope you like.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=355590"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

visual style?

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1955
visual style?
Check out this post.....
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=355600"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

is that really are04? It looks... different, kind of. Was it updated recently or something?

ahh... Habla then clarified that it's actually "element"

where did you find that VS Habla (or anyone)

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1957
After a major redesign of my foobar appearance, I guess it’s time to post a screenshot.

foobar2000 0.8.3 with ColumnsUI and album list panel

The code is completely done from scratch with lots of screenshots from this thread as inspiration. Main objective was to create a design that fits my appleish visual style and can handle normal and VA albums as well as single tracks on one playlist. To keep things fast, the code relies entirely on correctly tagged files.

For the „Dances“ and „Rubbish Bin“ playlists I had to create a simpler version of the design. Full albums hardly ever appear on those, so all the fancy album formatting stuff would break the UI completely.

Brother John

hey man i was just wondering how did you get that "playlist  find" add-on from?
i have foo_dbsearch but it doesnt integrate itself in my colum...thats why im asking.

here's my foobar:
[a href="][/url]

im having a problem, how come right over "[Hip Hop] [2004]" on the playlist the artist's name isnt displayed (since it's the 1st song) ? only the genre is shown...

thx a lot

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1958
here's my foobar:

im having a problem, how come right over "[Hip Hop] [2004]" on the playlist the artist's name isnt displayed (since it's the 1st song) ? only the genre is shown...

thx a lot

It's not the first song. Your tracknumber column says 0. Your screenshot doesn't seem to contain any albums, but rather a view of single files. By chance you have one single file tagged with genre and tracknumber 2.

The toolbar is the playlist find plugin. [a href="]Playlist find thread[/url]

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1959
After a major redesign of my foobar appearance, I guess it’s time to post a screenshot.

foobar2000 0.8.3 with ColumnsUI and album list panel
[a href="" target="_blank"]


Foobar Gallery

Reply #1960
how do i switch from single track mode to album mode...yeah i know stupid question

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1961
You don't. foobar2000 doesn't have multiple display modes.

The distinction between "album mode" and "single mode" is entirely dependent on the configuration script you use. If the script provides the possibility to switch, its documentation should state how to do it.

A common way to trigger the modes is to place something like "-single-" or "-album-" in your playlist names. But again, this depends on the script used.

Brother John

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1962
You don't. foobar2000 doesn't have multiple display modes.

The distinction between "album mode" and "single mode" is entirely dependent on the configuration script you use. If the script provides the possibility to switch, its documentation should state how to do it.

A common way to trigger the modes is to place something like "-single-" or "-album-" in your playlist names. But again, this depends on the script used.

Brother John
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=355756"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

oh ok...thanks..i'll take a look at the script and see if i can figure it out

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1963
Thanks, fr4wg  

Here's the track info setup:

Code: [Select]
// Original code by necropimp, modified by AstreaEdge, final by KockRoach
// Appearance changed by Habla. Muchas gracias to those above!

// Show Artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// Show Album?

// Show Title?

// Info Heading Color

// Info Color

// Info Annotation Color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// Separator

// Progress bar Config


// Day Conversion

// Month Conversion

// Year Conversion

// Time Conversion

// 24 Hour to 12 Hour Conversion

// AM/PM Conversion

// Date Format
$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx)',' $get(year))

// Time Format
$puts(time_of_day,$get(hour1)$get(min)$get(sec) $get(yy))

$transition($repeat($get(sepc),$get(sepw)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text2) S o n g  I n f o$char(10)

$if($strcmp(1,$get(tils)),$if(%title%,$get(head)Title: $get(info)%title%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(arts)),$if(%artist%,$get(head)Artist: $get(info)%artist%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(albs)),$if(%album%,$get(head)Album: $get(info)%album%$char(10),),)
$if(%date%,$get(head)Year: $get(info)%date%$char(10),)
$if(%tracknumber%,$get(head)Track #: $get(info)%tracknumber%$char(10),)
$if(%genre%,$get(head)Genre: $get(info)%genre%$char(10),)

$transition($repeat($get(sepc),$get(sepw)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text2) T e c h  I n f o$char(10)

$get(head)Length: $get(info)$if(%_isplaying%,%_time_elapsed%$get(anno)$if(%_length%, / %_length%,),%_length%)$char(10)
$get(head)Type:$if(%__codec%, $get(info)%__codec%) $get(info)
$if2(%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate%) $get(anno)Kbps $if($stricmp(%__codec%,mp3),$if($stricmp(%__extrainfo%,vbr),VBR,CBR))
$if(%__lame_version%,$get(head)Preset: $get(info)$left(%__lame_version%,4) $right(%__lame_version%,4) [$upper(%__lame_profile%)]$char(10),)
$if(%__flac_vendor%,$get(head)Encoder: $get(info)$if($stricmp(%__flac_vendor%,reference libFLAC 1.1.2 20050205),FLAC 1.1.2 -8)$char(10),)
$if(%__mpc_profile%,$get(head)MPC Profile: $get(info)%__mpc_profile%$char(10),)
$get(head)Compression: $get(info)$div(1411,%__bitrate%).$substr($muldiv(1411,100,%__bitrate%),2,3):1 '('$get(info)$muldiv(%__bitrate%,100,1411)$get(anno)'%)'$char(10)
$get(head)Channels: $get(info)$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),
$if(%__bitspersample%,$get(head)Bitdepth: $get(info)%__bitspersample%$char(10),)
$if(%__samplerate%,$get(head)Samplerate: $get(info)$div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) KHz $char(10))
$if(%_filesize%,$get(head)Filesize: $get(info)
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100,1048576),2),2) $get(anno)'MB'$char(10),)

$transition($repeat($get(sepc),$get(sepw)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text2) P l a y  I n f o

$if(%play_counter%,$get(head)Played $get(info)%play_counter% times$char(10),)
$if(%last_played%,$get(head)Last played on $get(info)$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day)$char(10),)
// if you want to change the length, there are two "99"s you'll have to find and replace
// BAR
This code doesn't work! 

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1965
might wanna edit out those screennames

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1966
might wanna edit out those screennames
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=355908"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I'd like to think that there aren't any aim creeps on this forum, but I did edit it.

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1967
[a href="" target="_blank"] their new album is pretty damn good

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1969
Thanks, fr4wg  

Here's the track info setup:

Code: [Select]
<<<OLD CODE>>>
This code doesn't work! 

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Explain "doesn't work". I have evidence of it working in my screenshots above...
Here's the latest version just in case:
Code: [Select]
// Original code by necropimp, modified by AstreaEdge, final by KockRoach
// Appearance changed by Habla. Muchas gracias to those above!
// Best viewed with vert pad 10, hor pad 13, line space 1, Segoe UI 8pt font, black background


// Show Artist? (1 = show, 0 = don't show)

// Show Album?

// Show Title?

// Info Heading Color e.g. "Title:"

// Info Color e.g. "Black Dog"

// Info Annotation Color (e.g. kbps is the annotation)

// Separator
// the separators (Song,Play,Tech info) will change to a different color if the panel
// mode is set to Follow cursor.
// change "followcursorcol" to change this color. It is currently set to flash orange.


// Day Conversion

// Month Conversion

// Year Conversion

// Time Conversion

// 24 Hour to 12 Hour Conversion

// AM/PM Conversion

// Date Format
$puts(time_of_year,$get(month_name) $get(day)$get(xx)',' $get(year))

// Time Format
$puts(time_of_day,$get(hour1)$get(min)$get(sec) $get(yy))

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)S o n g  I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$if($strcmp(1,$get(tils)),$if(%title%,$get(head)Title: $get(info)%title%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(arts)),$if(%artist%,$get(head)Artist: $get(info)%artist%$char(10),),)
$if($strcmp(1,$get(albs)),$if(%album%,$get(head)Album: $get(info)%album%$char(10),),)
$if(%date%,$get(head)Year: $get(info)%date%$char(10),)
$if(%tracknumber%,$get(head)Track #: $get(info)%tracknumber%$char(10),)
$if(%genre%,$get(head)Genre: $get(info)%genre%$char(10),)

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)T e c h  I n f o $get(text1)']'$char(10)

$get(head)Length: $get(info)$if(%_isplaying%,%_time_elapsed%$get(anno)$if(%_length%, / %_length%,)$if(%_length%, / -%_time_remaining%),%_length%)$char(10)
$get(head)Type:$if(%__codec%, $get(info)%__codec%) $get(info)
$if2(%__bitrate_dynamic%,%__bitrate%) $get(anno)Kb/s $if($stricmp(%__codec%,mp3),$if($stricmp(%__extrainfo%,vbr),VBR,CBR))
$if(%__lame_version%,$get(head)Preset: $get(info)$left(%__lame_version%,4) $right(%__lame_version%,4) [$upper(%__lame_profile%)]$char(10),)
$if(%__flac_vendor%,$get(head)Encoder: $get(info)$if($stricmp(%__flac_vendor%,reference libFLAC 1.1.2 20050205),FLAC 1.1.2 -8)$char(10),)
$if(%__mpc_profile%,$get(head)MPC Profile: $get(info)%__mpc_profile%$char(10),)
$get(head)Compression: $get(info)$div(1411,%__bitrate%).$substr($muldiv(1411,100,%__bitrate%),2,3):1 '('$get(info)$muldiv(%__bitrate%,100,1411)$get(anno)'%)'$char(10)
$get(head)Channels: $get(info)$if($stricmp($codec(),MP3),$get(space2)$caps(%__mp3_stereo_mode%),
$if(%__bitspersample%,$get(head)Bitdepth: $get(info)%__bitspersample% bits/sample$char(10),)
$if(%__samplerate%,$get(head)Samplerate: $get(info)$div(%__samplerate%,1000).$substr(%__samplerate%,3,3) KHz $char(10))
$if(%_filesize%,$get(head)Filesize: $get(info)
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$left($num($muldiv($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100,1048576),2),2) $get(anno)'MB'$char(10),)

$transition($repeat($get(sepchar),$get(seplen)),$get(fadeend),$get(text1))$get(text1)'[' $get(text2)P l a y  I n f o $get(text1)']'

$if(%play_counter%,$get(head)Played $get(info)%play_counter% times$char(10),)
$if(%last_played%,$get(head)Last played on $get(info)$get(time_of_year) at $get(time_of_day)$char(10),)

Try that one (NOW WITH PROGRESSBAR!!!). Read the directions in the code. Maybe you couldn't see the text because I made it for a black background? Make sure all the color codes are in correct format.

Not very many cool characters exist in the Calibri font, so I thought I'd try to make my rating column look like a static sideways spectrum analyzer.

[a href=\"][/url]

In navigator, I set the rating character to $puts(ratingchar,')))))') . So it obviously advances by five ')'s each rating, but it still looks cool, which is what I use it for. I set my + and - keys to control the rating, then I went down the list really fast pressing random combos. I don't much care for ratings, as it takes a lot of brainpower to compare songs against each other.

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1970
Explain "doesn't work".

The code had a syntax error, but the new one works fine, thanks! 

((((( Strictly4me )))))

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1971
here's my foobar:
[a href="" target="_blank"]

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1973
[tangent]Fractal Mortality, I noticed your Rio Music Manager icon in your quicklaunch bar. What player do you have?[/tangent]

<------- loyal rio karma user, 2 years running

Foobar Gallery

Reply #1974
[tangent]Fractal Mortality, I noticed your Rio Music Manager icon in your quicklaunch bar. What player do you have?[/tangent]

<------- loyal rio karma user, 2 years running
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=356197"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Same here pretty much... I got my Karma for Christmas 2 years ago, and it's still running strong... still the best mp3 player in terms of ui and audiophile capabilities out there.