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Topic: (Request) Video Plugin Please (Read 4002 times) previous topic - next topic
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(Request) Video Plugin Please


I was just wondering if anyone could code a video plugin for foobar2000.

All other media playes suck... Foobar is the best!

It would be great if it could play video too ;P

Thats it!

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #1

I was just wondering if anyone could code a video plugin for foobar2000.

All other media playes suck... Foobar is the best!

It would be great if it could play video too ;P

Thats it!
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I don't think, though I could be wrong, that anyone is planning on making a video plugin for foobar.  Again,  I could be wrong, but I do recall seeing this discussed before.  If you want a good player I suggest looking into media player classic since it seems to blow away the competition aside from being free and all that good stuff.

EDIT: btw, try searching. 

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #2
We concluded that it is not possible in another thread.

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #3
This has been asked many times before, please use the search function.

This is one of those previous threads about it:

Especially read kode54's post in that topic, he explains why video is impossible with the current design.

Edit: @p0wder: I think this is the thread you mentioned, isn't it?
Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #4
Impossible with the current design yes, but in the future I think foobar2000 has the potential to become the ultimate video player, just as it is already the ultimate audio player (for power users).

it is up to Peter to design foobar2000 in such a way that would allow for video, which hopefully he will do someday

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #5
foobar is an audio player, if you want a video player you are much better off using a dedicated video player (zoomplayer, MPC etc).
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(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #6
Media Player Classic and VideoLAN (or whatever it's called now) are both good video players, especially if you're a "foobar-lover."

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #8
Dont forget about bsplayer, it's a really good one (but not exactly in the spirit of fb2k).
Also, check out MPlayer, a Windows version of famous Linux movie mplayer (works great, although command line only :-) ).

Looks like it's getting a bit "out of forum" thread ;-)

(Request) Video Plugin Please

Reply #9
Ok cool. Thanks all

Still like the idea myself..