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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723983 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #5675
I fixed it. Partitially.

I enabled grouping but deleted all scripts for it. Now i've got space on the left side on the playlist, but there's a unnecessary white line on the top of the list.

I can live with that, but i'll try to cook up something better.

Thanks for your effort
Disregard the constabulary.

Columns UI

Reply #5676

The album list tree resets after resarting foobar or after changing the column layout. It would be quite comfortable having the same "status" I had the last session (let's call it session) when I start my foobar (with columns UI).
Maybe that problem refers to the foobar core - but hey, that's not my business. I'm just here giving some well-intentioned proposals.

Thanks for hearing me out,

Help me! The beetles have trapped me between the walls...!

Columns UI

Reply #5677
OK I am very new at Foo so please dont flame me.  I am running v0.9.6.9 and have extracted the UI WinRAR file to the "components" file.  Restarted Foo but there is no UI option anywhere.  I am running Windows 7 Ultimate if that is an issue.

Columns UI

Reply #5678
You extracted a .dll file from the .rar, not put the .rar into the components?

You can tell if CUI is picked up by foobar by checking the components section of the preferences. If it's there but you're not allowed to use columns UI, then you may have a very old version.

Columns UI

Reply #5679
I have a question. Is there any possibility to hide specific playlist columns based on some parameters? To take an example, for Classical music playlists, I would like columns like Conductor, Performer, Ensemble etc. which will be superfluous in other genres of music. So what I am thinking of is, in the "Playlist Filters" option is it possible to give condition like: if genre (or any other tag for that matter) is classical, show such and such column?

Hope I made myself clear.


Columns UI

Reply #5680
for a column you can define special options
show on all playlists
show only on playlist
hide on playlist

lets say you want to show the columns conductor...etc
you make a playlist

than you define your columns and use the option
Show only on playlist *-classic

take care

Columns UI

Reply #5681
I'm new to Columns UI. I can't seem to add line breaks in the groups in my NG Playlist. Is this possible? I've seen it before, but I'm thinking it was done with a different panel.

The first album in this image is what I currently have (irrelevant) and the second is shopped to show something close to what I'm trying to accomplish.

Columns UI

Reply #5682

Could the "Display ellipsis in clipped text" setting also apply to NG playlist group headers (or let headers have their own setting)?

Can I set the color for selected items in albumlist panel? It´s disabled in the Colors and Fonts section.

They cannot be changed within Columns UI, the location of the system settings that control these colours differs between OSs but they are there.
So is this not open for request? Every other panel I use allows custom settings or at least follows the CUI global settings. I can make the WinXP selection color match my CUI setting, but not for unfocused selection. I'm forced to either match the system color throughout CUI, or have an inconsistent appearance.

Columns UI is excellent, thank you!

Columns UI

Reply #5683
Background color of grouping title example (global style tab):

Code: [Select]

according to this, grouping title is considered as even list numbered (which is OK I guess) but also it responds positively on tracknumber test (has red bg). Why?

Columns UI

Reply #5684
The group entry will have the properties of the first track in it (generally anyway), that's the way I designed it..

You can use %_is_group% there though to detect when you are formatting a group header.

Columns UI

Reply #5685

Code: [Select]

Columns UI

Reply #5686
Regarding FCL exporting , what is the difference with "[any / this] foobar installation" ?
Is it "any" = portable install , "this" = user profile install ?

Columns UI

Reply #5687
I'm not sure when this started, but I just noticed the album art of the playing track flickers once (sometimes twice) when the track begins playing. So this happens within the first few seconds of the track.

  • It happens in the NG playlist view
  • The album art is embedded in the MP3
  • It only flickers when there is one track in the grouping.

I'm not sure what other info to provide.

Columns UI

Reply #5688
Regarding FCL exporting , what is the difference with "[any / this] foobar installation" ?
Is it "any" = portable install , "this" = user profile install ?
No. One is for sharing, the other is for e.g. personal backup. For example the former would embed custom button images whilst the latter would store their paths.

I'm not sure when this started, but I just noticed the album art of the playing track flickers once (sometimes twice) when the track begins playing. So this happens within the first few seconds of the track.

  • It happens in the NG playlist view
  • The album art is embedded in the MP3
  • It only flickers when there is one track in the grouping.
Looks like there is a slight issue preserving a group internally when it only has one track and that track is modified (causing the flicker). Though that means something is triggering an 'item modified' notification when playback is starting for you, but anyway I'll check what I can do to fix this.. Thanks

Columns UI

Reply #5689
I'm not sure when this started, but I just noticed the album art of the playing track flickers once (sometimes twice) when the track begins playing. So this happens within the first few seconds of the track.

  • It happens in the NG playlist view
  • The album art is embedded in the MP3
  • It only flickers when there is one track in the grouping.

I'm not sure what other info to provide.

Same issue was reported in connection with biography view plugin.

and following posts

Columns UI

Reply #5690

I've just recently started to use ColumnsUI.  Is there a way to open a panel in which I can just have specific info, sort of like "item properties" but more customizable? 

I tried changing things in "item properties", but I haven't been able to figure out how to just have what I want without the extra info.  Like for example I would like to get rid of some of the fields under the "general" tab in "item properties" but leave the others...

Can someone help me out with this?

Columns UI

Reply #5691
I've only tested a few single tracks, but the flickering issue I mentioned stopped when I unticked "Provide titleformat fields (e.g. %lastfm_bio%)" in the Misc tab of the Biography Server options from the Biography View plugin.

Columns UI

Reply #5692
First many thanks for this wonderful interface of this wonderful music player

After having played with the config I come with many suggestions...
(Maybe they have already been requested and/or supported by some components, so thanks to give me the informations or links...)

1. The same option as DUI "Selection viewers (automatic)": "Prefer current selection" or "Prefer current playing track".
In order that the automatic selection prefers the current selection in album art viewer, items properties and items details (and maybe biography viewer)

2. A mix between "send to new playlist" and "send to automatic playlist" for album list panel (and/or filters) = A playlist automatically renamed to the name of the node (with a simple left click) (to have different playlist display script by node name)

3. Album list panel (and/or filters) option to add the tracks to a specific playlist of my choice with a middle click (a different one than the autosend playlist)

4. Support tag like $info(codec) or %__codec% in items properties or at least the possibility to select/order the sub-items of "information sections"

5. Support of %<genre>% and %<artist>% tags in filters ("Genre" or "Artist" without the % give the multiple meta data, but they doesn't allow to use title formatting)

6. Support of $tab() in items details

7. NG Playlist: possibility to add special tags to group not used in grouping, so ideally they must show multiple tags, but just avoiding them or showing an indicator that they are multiple is already fine (%multi_date%, %multi_genre%, %multi_codec% etc...)

8. A way to achieve an alphabetic order with %<artist>% in album list panel and/or filters

And again, Thanks!

Columns UI

Reply #5693
I think the inline metadata editing in the "Filter" section can be very useful, but I would appreciate a possibility of disabling it.

Sometimes people come and browse my music collection, and I am afraid someone might accidentally double-click and change an artist's name or something--and not just for one file, but for all my files by the same artist.

So just as a security measure I would appreciate a "disable inline metadata editing" feature for the Filter.

I do understand that if I use titleformatting then it won't be a problem, but then multivalue metadata fields wouldn't be processed correctly.

Thank you very much for your time, and for an excellent plugin!

Columns UI

Reply #5694
Ok I'm kinda lost on how to do this since i'm not the expert here.

I'm trying to make a filter in default columns filter options to filter the first folders I use and that the other filters respond to that. I generally have a few main folders from which I go deeper and I would like to use that as my starting point in foobar too.

-artist a
--cd a
-artist b
-artist a
-movie name
various Artists
-cd name

to give a small idea. I want to use Artists, Singles, Soundtrack, Various Artists as the starting point of the filter.

anyways is there a way to do that? I tried a simple $directory(%path%,3) but the dir structure isn't the same level all the way which makes that option a no go for me

Columns UI

Reply #5695
Is there a way to use the $swapprefix() function with a filter panel without having it list multiple artist tags separated by ";" as one artist separated by commas?
e.g. an %album artist% tag of "2Pac; Dr. Dre" gets listed by filter as "2Pac, Dr. Dre" rather than as two separate artists.

Columns UI

Reply #5696
Lindows support, and big NO to Vista 

OK, one idea about Album list panel, I think I saw it here but maybe imagining as couldn't find the source
It's about "branching titles", something like combination of Album list and Filter, and I collaged it:

the idea is that user to be in position to add/remove "branches" and at the same time to have possibility to choose predefined "branch patterns" with right click on the titles - reusable branching fields, quick rearrangement, sort by...

I know that this have totally different functionality than Album List, but thought to point at it, as I found it as nice idea

Columns UI

Reply #5697
2E7AH, I think this is a great idea. I'd find the ability to rearrange branches by drag and drop especially useful. It enables you to quickly reorder the tree to fit your search needs in a very intuitive and innovative way. Great idea!

Columns UI

Reply #5698
K, I'll work on the EL Playlist thing later. Right now, I'm interested in know more about how to create my own layout using my own images.

I've finally figured out how the Columns UI layout works, , but now I need to know:
    Q1: How can I load my own images and place them wherever I want within the interface?
    Example: I made a black colored semi-transparent rectangle shape that I want to use as the background for my playlist.[/li][/list]
    I have more questions for later, but for now, this is the only thing that I want to know. Thanks in advance.

    Columns UI

    Reply #5699
    You'll need playlist view panel that supports transparency (like marc2003 replied you) and put it in PSS
    And instead of asking, you should search or look at some available help, as this things were answered in the past