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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723979 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #3700

In RC1 the custom active item frame is not drawn.
I stepped back to beta 1 and everything is ok.
It's not a bug it respects the system wide setting. See what happens in Windows Explorer for example. The actual option is in display properties somewhere (XP) or ease of access center (Vista). It is shown when you use the keyboard (e.g. press Crtl). Sorry I didn't mention it in the changelog I'll add it.

I don't remember, but wasn't there a plan to add global variables available for other components? That would be nice, too.
There is an API to retrieve the globals (for a long time), but I didn't add the callback for when the string changes (yet...).

Columns UI

Reply #3701

Can somebody point me to the exact setting which changes the behaviour of the active item frame (in XP)?

@musicmusic 1:

I think there is a bug concerning the active item frame in 0.2 RC 1 on win xp sp2

- start foobar
- select another playlist
-> there is _no_ selected item visible
- minimize the window
- maximize window
-> the active frame is now displayed

I don't know if this is intended...

@musicmusic 2:

the current behavior:
- change to a playlist were you haven't been before in the current session
-> one item shows the active item frame but otherwise looks "normal"

the behavior from several versions ago:
- change to a playlist were you haven't been before in the current session
-> one item in the playlist was displayed as it was "fully selected"

(I hope you understand what I'm talking about. If not, then I can make some screenshots)

Personally, I prefer the old behavior, it just looks better. I don't like this unfilled active frame at all... Is there any chance that this could be changed back? This should also help the other people who do not like the new behavior of the active frame thing...

@musicmusic 3:

Some time ago I played around with several music players on Linux and there is one thing (actually the only thing  ) I really miss now in columns ui: if you double click on a entry in the playlist selection list in Rythmbox, then it will stop the current song and start playing in the playlist you clicked on. This doesn't sound like it is that a useful feature, but if you get used to it...

@musicmusic 4:

In the globals setting of the playlist view:
Can a global variable only be set once (using $set_global)?

I have a problem were want to a variable to "a" at the beginning of the script. Depending on some tags in a file, the value of this variable should then be changed in some cases to "b" or "c". This doesn't work for me, as it seems I can set a global variable only once and then this value is fixed and can't be changed lateron...

Does this makes sense? Have I missed something from the documentation?

and last but not least:

It's nice to see that the development of columns ui has not stopped, thanks a lot and keep up the incredible work

edit: added the 4th question

Columns UI

Reply #3702

Can somebody point me to the exact setting which changes the behaviour of the active item frame (in XP)?
I think they changed the name of the option at some point, but it's in display properties / <some page> / effects. The option is called something like "hide menu access keys until I press the ALT key" (but it controls this as well).

@musicmusic 1:

I think there is a bug concerning the active item frame in 0.2 RC 1 on win xp sp2

- start foobar
- select another playlist
-> there is _no_ selected item visible
- minimize the window
- maximize window
-> the active frame is now displayed

I don't know if this is intended...

With the aforementioned option enabled, the only time the focus rectangle should be shown when you start using the keyboard. If you do have it enabled then I am not sure what you are seeing but I don't seem to be - can you describe further / screenshot? If you don't then its probably the first issue below.

I do see the following bugs which I will fix:
-Keyboard focus gets reset to playlist upon restoring
-System focus rectangle is drawn incorrectly on selected items

At some point, I also changed the playlist view so it only displays the focus rect when it is focused. I don't remember when that was but most of my other stuff did that already anyway.

@musicmusic 2:

the current behavior:
- change to a playlist were you haven't been before in the current session
-> one item shows the active item frame but otherwise looks "normal"

the behavior from several versions ago:
- change to a playlist were you haven't been before in the current session
-> one item in the playlist was displayed as it was "fully selected"

(I hope you understand what I'm talking about. If not, then I can make some screenshots)

The behaviour when switching to a playlist for the first time in a session has been to scroll to the focused item. That has been for a while. If that's not what you meant then yes screen shots would be nice.

@musicmusic 3:

Some time ago I played around with several music players on Linux and there is one thing (actually the only thing  ) I really miss now in columns ui: if you double click on a entry in the playlist selection list in Rythmbox, then it will stop the current song and start playing in the playlist you clicked on. This doesn't sound like it is that a useful feature, but if you get used to it...
Hmm well maybe in later version when playlist switcher gets inline renaming

@musicmusic 4:

In the globals setting of the playlist view:
Can a global variable only be set once (using $set_global)?

I have a problem were want to a variable to "a" at the beginning of the script. Depending on some tags in a file, the value of this variable should then be changed in some cases to "b" or "c". This doesn't work for me, as it seems I can set a global variable only once and then this value is fixed and can't be changed lateron...
Just use the local vars ($get/$put etc) before finally setting the global var.

Columns UI

Reply #3703
It's not a bug it respects the system wide setting. See what happens in Windows Explorer for example. The actual option is in display properties somewhere (XP) or ease of access center (Vista). It is shown when you use the keyboard (e.g. press Crtl). Sorry I didn't mention it in the changelog I'll add it.

if i want a blue border around my selected song i have to change the systemwide setting to "blue frame"?
If i only want to have a blue border in foobar and not in my whole system i am lost?
And the frame is intended to appear only if using the keyboard?
But i had it all the time and i dont want it different.

Columns UI

Reply #3704
hey music music any updates on the new playlist with grouping... have been playing with it but want something more configurable to play with if... please...
I added configurable grouping. New version (0.0.3) on my website. Keep group scripts simple for good performance.

If you get any problems, let me know. I didn't test having no groups much though it does seem to work to my surprise.

Columns UI

Reply #3705
if i want a blue border around my selected song i have to change the systemwide setting to "blue frame"?
If i only want to have a blue border in foobar and not in my whole system i am lost?
And the frame is intended to appear only if using the keyboard?
But i had it all the time and i dont want it different.

It is nothing to do with colours really, if you want the focus frame to appear all the time when the playlist is focused then yes you need to change the system setting. That frame is meant to be nothing but a keyboard navigation aid.

If you want a frame around the playing track you can still use $set_style to achieve that.

Columns UI

Reply #3706
I've been trying to fix this problem for ages but i've never been able to do it. I'm trying to get the various artists display to work in the plisk fcs for foobar 0.9. I know that this was written for 0.8 but everything works except for this feature and I would be eternally greatful if somebody could help me to do it or if they could edit the fcs file for me. I just want the player to display Various Artists in the album column if there are various artists, and  track cloumn to display artist name - track name. I've been looking at other fcs files for hours that display this correctly but i can't figure out how it's done. I tag these files with VARIOUS=1. Could somebody please help me get this to work?

file here


Columns UI

Reply #3707

I couldn't find a foo_uie_albumlist thread so I'm adding this bug report here.

I just noticed that the last two tracks of the last CD of my multi-CD albums are not added to the playlist when I highlight the album and press Enter. The tracks definitely exist, though; they can be played by highlighting the track itself and pressing enter.

The problem exists with 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 beta.
Maybe metadata or media library problem.

Not sure what you mean, but I'm pretty sure they are tagged (Flac) correctly. I have track number, total tracks, disc number, and total discs set for the affected songs.

The dropped tracks are only from the last disc, in the case of multi-CD albums like Queen where there are more than two discs. However, this problem occurs invariably with ALL my multi-CD albums.

Columns UI

Reply #3708
Not sure what you mean, but I'm pretty sure they are tagged (Flac) correctly. I have track number, total tracks, disc number, and total discs set for the affected songs.

The dropped tracks are only from the last disc, in the case of multi-CD albums like Queen where there are more than two discs. However, this problem occurs invariably with ALL my multi-CD albums.
I mean maybe their metadata is such that they are under a different node. Or that they are not in the media library for some reason. Add the root node to a playlist and see if they are there. And also try the standard album list.

Columns UI

Reply #3709
I don't know if it's too early for feature requests and such for your grouped playlist view, but in case it is not:
I'd love to group by discnumber in case of multidisc albums.
So my grouping code is as follows:
Code: [Select]

This basically works fine, but it creates an "untitled" grouping line for every single disc album.

Thanks a lot for your effort musicmusic, I am really enjoying your components.

Columns UI

Reply #3710
I don't know if it's too early for feature requests and such for your grouped playlist view, but in case it is not:
I'd love to group by discnumber in case of multidisc albums.
So my grouping code is as follows:
Code: [Select]

This basically works fine, but it creates an "untitled" grouping line for every single disc album.

Thanks a lot for your effort musicmusic, I am really enjoying your components.

couldn't you use [%discnumber%]?

Columns UI

Reply #3711
No that wouldn't work, because I always have a discnumber. I tag every album with discnumber & totaldiscs.
But it won't work either if I didn't tag single disc albums with discnumber. The same thing happens.

Columns UI

Reply #3712
I don't know if it's too early for feature requests and such for your grouped playlist view, but in case it is not:
I'd love to group by discnumber in case of multidisc albums.
So my grouping code is as follows:
Code: [Select]

This basically works fine, but it creates an "untitled" grouping line for every single disc album.

Thanks a lot for your effort musicmusic, I am really enjoying your components.

The control doesn't support variable levels of grouping like you want. I didn't write the control with that in mind, it would probably be tricky to implement.

I would suggest you put it at the end of your album line. I.e. something like
Code: [Select]
%album%$ifgreater(%TOTALDISCS%,1, - Disc %DISCNUMBER%,)

BTW I'll upload 0.0.4 in a bit, just a bugfix for a spacing problem.

Columns UI

Reply #3713
If you want a frame around the playing track you can still use $set_style to achieve that.

Can you give me a hint how to achieve that?
I still have an old config with those pipes ( | ) in my columns/style...
I really would like to "translate" it to the newer $set_style but i dont know how

Columns UI

Reply #3714
With the aforementioned option enabled, the only time the focus rectangle should be shown when you start using the keyboard. If you do have it enabled then I am not sure what you are seeing but I don't seem to be - can you describe further / screenshot? If you don't then its probably the first issue below.

I do see the following bugs which I will fix:
-Keyboard focus gets reset to playlist upon restoring
-System focus rectangle is drawn incorrectly on selected items

At some point, I also changed the playlist view so it only displays the focus rect when it is focused. I don't remember when that was but most of my other stuff did that already anyway.

I can't reproduce this behaviour anymore. I think this has something to do with my 4-year old windows installation (which I killed yesterday) and the fact, that I played around with the windows option without restarting foobar. If you do the latter, than sometimes the active item frame is never displayed, even if you use the keyboard...

The behaviour when switching to a playlist for the first time in a session has been to scroll to the focused item. That has been for a while. If that's not what you meant then yes screen shots would be nice.

If my memory serves me right, then in an old version the playlist would scroll to the focused item and the item was 'fully' selected. In the new versions the playlist scrolls the the focused item, but only the active item frame was drawn around the item.

This is just a cosmetic issue because in the new version i had playlists (which I already clicked in) with fully selected items and playlists (which I don't clicked into) with only the ugly item frame. Since in the new version the active item frame is completely hidden I can live with that.

Columns UI

Reply #3715
[...] and the fact, that I played around with the windows option without restarting foobar. If you do the latter, than sometimes the active item frame is never displayed, even if you use the keyboard...
You are right, though this does not seem to be my bug (Windows Explorer windows do the same thing sometimes here also). So yes restart foobar2000 after changing that option.

If my memory serves me right, then in an old version the playlist would scroll to the focused item and the item was 'fully' selected.
I don't believe so  Haven't changed this stuff for a very long time anyway

Columns UI

Reply #3716
Columns UI 0.2 final released. Also updated libpng libraries.

Can you give me a hint how to achieve that?
I still have an old config with those pipes ( | ) in my columns/style...
I really would like to "translate" it to the newer $set_style but i dont know how


But basically:
-Convert your existing strings to $set_style
-In the first column's style string, put something like
Code: [Select]
$if(%isplaying%,$set_style(frame-left,1,<your chosen colour>)
$set_style(frame-top,1,<your chosen colour>)
$set_style(frame-bottom,1,<your chosen colour>),)

In the intermediate columns, put
Code: [Select]
$if(%isplaying%,$set_style(frame-top,1,<your chosen colour>)
$set_style(frame-bottom,1,<your chosen colour>),)

and so on.
Replace <your chosen colour> with the colour you want ($rgb(r,g,b) etc.)

(I know, this seems a bit messy, but that's they way it is)

Columns UI

Reply #3717
I have a question about an option I found in C. UI. It is called "Use Transparency, opacity *". What exactly does this do? I am using the C. UI playlist under the Panels UI interface, and enabling this option doesn't seem to do anything?

It would be great if it could make the playlist semi-transparent so you can see whats behind it... if that's possible?
Song List:

Columns UI

Reply #3718
if you use columns UI as your ui module, you would use that option to make the whole window transparent.

Columns UI

Reply #3719
The tabstack doesn't work alright. Updating the browser panels (3of4 panels in the stack) causes the "last" browser tab to spill over unto the others (i.e. my last browser tab is album and if I update the browser panels all panels become album for a while, even the last tab which contain the playlist switcher).

Columns UI

Reply #3720

after playing with this for hours on end, i've managed to get my foobar looking like this:

first question: how can i get the alternating row colours (as in the title column) to continue after the 3 lines for the album text (in the album information column) ?

here is the style code i have for that column in the screenshot:
Code: [Select]

the two variables for the alternating row colours are row_1 and row_2

question 2: how can i change the display for albums with various artists so that the order is Artist - Track instead of the opposite (as displayed in the screenshot) ?
here is the code i have for the title column:
Code: [Select]
$if(%various%, - %artist%,)
$if(%skip%,  000091|910000*,)

somebody please help me with this!!!

Columns UI

Reply #3721
The tabstack doesn't work alright. Updating the browser panels (3of4 panels in the stack) causes the "last" browser tab to spill over unto the others (i.e. my last browser tab is album and if I update the browser panels all panels become album for a while, even the last tab which contain the playlist switcher).
It seems to be foo_browser's problem.

Columns UI

Reply #3722
Well first off, you might be better off using the newer syntax, which is way more intuitive.

With regards to your alternating row background question, here's how you do it:

Code: [Select]
// if the tracknumber is even, the remainder when you divide tracknumber by 2 is 0
//Put your color for even number row here
//Put your color for odd number row here


Regarding your second question,

change your code to:
Code: [Select]
$if(%various%,%artist% - ,)
$if(%skip%,  000091|910000*,)

Again, the older column ui syntax is quite obtuse (specially when it comes to color). If you were using the newer syntax, instead of stuff like
Code: [Select]

for color, you'd have the more intuitive:
Code: [Select]

Updating the FCS to a newer syntax would definitely be a rewarding mini-challenge. You'd gain familiarity with the titleformatting commands and variables, thus enabling you to FULLY customize your foobar experience.

Columns UI

Reply #3723
@musicmusic, do you plan to add some interface to include other plugins' settings in *.fcl (on import/export)? Wouldn't it be better than n separate config files for each uie?

Columns UI

Reply #3724
@musicmusic, do you plan to add some interface to include other plugins' settings in *.fcl (on import/export)? Wouldn't it be better than n separate config files for each uie?

I think the Columns UI SDK already defines such an interface. If other plugins don't support that...