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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723896 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #3675
This is pretty awesome musicmusic .

Just a something I have noticed in both versions:
- Mouse wheel scroll scrolls pixel by pixel. It should probably scroll line by line instead.
- The 'field bar' (where it has #, title, and length) does nothing when clicked, and right click when in panels UI brings up my config when I choose settings.

I know this is an early beta tho.

Very cool stuff, looking forward to more on this .
Song List:

Columns UI

Reply #3676
Nice addition to Column UI

Middle-click seem to not work yet.

Click-drag scrolling speed is a bit slow.

Mouse wheel scrolling is line by line when i tried it. i use version B.

another than that it's work fine.

Columns UI

Reply #3677
Nice idea! It looks a lot like my old foo_coruscate, only it's based (visually speaking) on the Columns playlist instead of the Default UI playlist. I only hope you don't abandon the project like I did with foo_coruscate.
No..  But it probably won't replace the default Columns playlist (that's far more optimised for low mem usage & performance though it has its own quirks..)

Some issues I've run across (under Windows XP Pro SP 2):
The focus rectangle on selected items looks weird. Are you setting the actually used text color before drawing it?
Hmm I'm testing on Vista it seems OK but I'll check on XP. It doesn't help I'm using newer Columns UI that hides the focus as described a few posts above
Mouse wheel scrolling is way too slow here.
Did you set mouse wheel to scroll by page? That looks broken. Otherwise maybe smooth mouse wheel / notch mouse wheel or Vista/XP related..
Scrolling by keyboard works as expected so far. However the vertical scrollbar acts weird. Dragging the thumb just resets the position to the start. Clicking the up button to scroll by a single line works. Clicking the down button or above or below the thumb (to scroll by a page) does nothing. Is that only partially implemented or is that a bug?
Bug.. Again though it works all OK here (!) Maybe XP/Vista related ?! I'll check on my VM..

Also, I don't mind the absence of options too much, that makes it easier to set up.

It makes a nice change only using system settings in my code  In the end it will probably just use same settings as Columns Playlist + grouping options.

Out of curiousity, are you a collective?
Copyright © 2007 Columns UI Development Team

Lol no..  I just didn't feel like putting my name there..

Columns UI

Reply #3678
Thank you, musicmusic, for all your great work!

Columns UI

Reply #3679
This playlist view looks very good!

No problems found so far, the grouping seems to be working every where.
Used the following sort string: %ALBUM ARTIST% - %DATE% - %ALBUM% - %DISCNUMBER% - %TRACKNUMBER% - %TITLE%

Columns UI

Reply #3680
The focus rectangle on selected items looks weird. Are you setting the actually used text color before drawing it?
Thank for the hint, fixed for next build. (Apparently Columns UI has same bug)
Mouse wheel scrolling is way too slow here.
Scrolling by keyboard works as expected so far. However the vertical scrollbar acts weird. Dragging the thumb just resets the position to the start. Clicking the up button to scroll by a single line works. Clicking the down button or above or below the thumb (to scroll by a page) does nothing. Is that only partially implemented or is that a bug?
Apparently those only triggered with visual themes disabled  I guess the scroll bar APIs have a completely different code path in that case. Anyhow I fixed for next build.
- Mouse wheel scroll scrolls pixel by pixel. It should probably scroll line by line instead.
Fixed for next build (see above).
- The 'field bar' (where it has #, title, and length) does nothing when clicked, and right click when in panels UI brings up my config when I choose settings.
Not implemented yet, I'll make them unclickable in the meantime.
Click-drag scrolling speed is a bit slow.
I'll make it a bit faster, but I don't want it so fast that it's difficult scroll a little bit.

Columns UI

Reply #3681
Alright I replaced foo_uie_pvt archives with updated build (version 0.0.2) which has scrolling and other bugs fixed.

Columns UI

Reply #3682
Apparently those only triggered with visual themes disabled  I guess the scroll bar APIs have a completely different code path in that case. Anyhow I fixed for next build.

I probably should have mentioned that. But I'm curious, can you tell what the problem was?

Columns UI

Reply #3683
Wow this this sure has a lot of potential. No crashes so far, seems to be working properly (with regards to grouping).

Some issues I've run across (under Windows XP Pro SP 2):
  • The focus rectangle on selected items looks weird. Are you setting the actually used text color before drawing it?
  • Mouse wheel scrolling is way too slow here.
  • Scrolling by keyboard works as expected so far. However the vertical scrollbar acts weird. Dragging the thumb just resets the position to the start. Clicking the up button to scroll by a single line works. Clicking the down button or above or below the thumb (to scroll by a page) does nothing. Is that only partially implemented or is that a bug?

I used version 0.0.2A and I'm also running windows xp sp2, but i didn't have most of foosion's problems:

* the rectangle looks ok to my untrained eye. I'm not sure though.
* Scrolling is working alright. no sluggishness with either the mouse scroll or with the vertical scrollbar. Scroll by page is working A-OK too.

EDIT: Didn't see musicmusic and foosion's reply above mine .

Columns UI

Reply #3684
Apparently those only triggered with visual themes disabled  I guess the scroll bar APIs have a completely different code path in that case. Anyhow I fixed for next build.

I probably should have mentioned that. But I'm curious, can you tell what the problem was?

Broken code  There's not much more to it than that but if you must know:

Basically I was calling GetScrollInfo in scrolling handler but I accidentally deleted the line that set the cbSize member of the SCROLLINFO struct. I then copied the broken code to mouse wheel handler  It wasn't scrolling properly because I was clipping to nMax (in WM_VSCROLL handler) which was initialised to 0 (and doing some other stuff in WM_MOUSEWHEEL).

So in summary with visual themes enabled GetScrollInfo ignores a NULL cbSize member of the SCROLLINFO structure. It seemed like it was ignoring the fMask member also.

Yes, very interesting stuff..

Columns UI

Reply #3685
So in summary with visual themes enabled GetScrollInfo ignores a NULL cbSize member of the SCROLLINFO structure. It seemed like it was ignoring the fMask member also.

Yes, very interesting stuff..

Well, I am a bit surprised. I would have expected that the code for visual themes did more thorough error checking than the (supposedly older) code that deals with theme-less operation.

Columns UI

Reply #3686
Well, I was more surprised that it has a different code path up to the checking of the size of the struct. Their code must look something like

Code: [Select]
BOOL GetScrollInfo(..)
if (_IsWindowThemed(..))
return _GetScrollInfoThemed(..);
return _GetScrollInfoClassic(..);

It may even be intentional on Microsoft's part, if it doesn't ignore other (non-NULL) values of cbSize. I haven't checked if it does however.

In summary: I don't think newer visual style code is better than old code. On most occasions comctl32 6 was buggier than version 5. Not visual style related but I saw this and thought "whoops".

Columns UI

Reply #3687
Hello. Is the host down? I'd like to download foo_ui_columns but the page won't open.

Columns UI

Reply #3688
Don't know about the, but if you want to download columns ui you should go to musicmusic's page

Columns UI

Reply #3689
im liking the new changes so far, looking forward to the column ui integration with options etc..

I know this goes against everything you stand for but would be possible to include a column that allows album art? something a la itunes v7+

i personally despise itunes but feel they have done some good things with their ui... completely understand if you want want to do it.

will there be the possibility of settings fonts and stuff ie - so I can have the top grouping a little larger or bold or something to that affect - or even view lines between each entry etc.. i know its only early stages but maybe  if you can hint to us the direction your thinking of taking the component...

Columns UI

Reply #3690
Great to see that playlist grouping in ColumnsUi is going to come and that it will even offer multi-level grouping. What would be amazing is to make the grouing of a playlist dependent of sort string or if no sorting is known then of playlist title (similar to SCP): I am thinking of defining in the "playlist view"-preferences not only the sort string for clicking a certain column but also the grouping or having f.e also a dropdownbox with predefined sort-grouping-strings.

I am interested to hear how that new playlistview will be integrated into ColumnUI: will the columns in both views be defined in the same page?

Columns UI

Reply #3691
I couldn't find a foo_uie_albumlist thread so I'm adding this bug report here.

I just noticed that the last two tracks of the last CD of my multi-CD albums are not added to the playlist when I highlight the album and press Enter. The tracks definitely exist, though; they can be played by highlighting the track itself and pressing enter.

The problem exists with 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 beta.

Columns UI

Reply #3692
Hey musicmusic, I remember requesting this quite a long time ago. Just to make sure you haven't forgot (or I haven't missed it somehow ), would it be possible to add selection colours to frames?


$set_style(frame part,enabled state[,colour][,selected colour])

Columns UI

Reply #3693
hey music music any updates on the new playlist with grouping... have been playing with it but want something more configurable to play with if... please...

Columns UI

Reply #3694
How exactly to you add new panels?  I tried right clicking everywhere I could see, but no panels list came up

Columns UI

Reply #3695
ColumnsUI preferences, layout tab.

Columns UI

Reply #3696
As I understand it, there are no functions to get at trackinfo related to other tracks in the playlist.  This becomes a problem if you are trying to do something like: display the 4-line album info when only tracks 10-17 are in the playlist.

Is this a limitation of columns ui, or foobar itself?  If columns ui, is it something that can be added, or have you already decided not to pursue that area of development?

Columns UI

Reply #3697
I know this goes against everything you stand for
That's based on....?

but would be possible to include a column that allows album art? something a la itunes v7+
I was more looking at WMP11 on Vista when writing it. I am not against it, but I don't know if/when I would implement it. It would probably have to be based upon some assumptions (take e.g. folder.jpg from first track of group).

will there be the possibility of settings fonts and stuff ie - so I can have the top grouping a little larger or bold or something to that affect - or even view lines between each entry etc.. i know its only early stages but maybe  if you can hint to us the direction your thinking of taking the component...
Internally the control currently uses a fixed height per entry. That places some limits on changing fonts. I could maybe provide an option (when I add options) for different font for grouping headers. I won't be adding any "in-line" font changing, but $set_style style is maybe a distant possibility.

Great to see that playlist grouping in ColumnsUi is going to come and that it will even offer multi-level grouping. What would be amazing is to make the grouing of a playlist dependent of sort string or if no sorting is known then of playlist title (similar to SCP): I am thinking of defining in the "playlist view"-preferences not only the sort string for clicking a certain column but also the grouping or having f.e also a dropdownbox with predefined sort-grouping-strings.

I guess I could maybe add some options to making sorting easier. The sort and grouping are going to be somewhat different though - grouping won't go down to the traknumber wheras sorting will.

I am interested to hear how that new playlistview will be integrated into ColumnUI: will the columns in both views be defined in the same page?
You were thinking slightly ahead of me  Yes exactly the same columns won't work. Maybe some option to hide each column in grouped playlist view. I am planning an overhaul of hat prefs page anyway.

I couldn't find a foo_uie_albumlist thread so I'm adding this bug report here.

I just noticed that the last two tracks of the last CD of my multi-CD albums are not added to the playlist when I highlight the album and press Enter. The tracks definitely exist, though; they can be played by highlighting the track itself and pressing enter.

The problem exists with 0.2.2 and 0.2.3 beta.
Maybe metadata or media library problem.

Hey musicmusic, I remember requesting this quite a long time ago. Just to make sure you haven't forgot (or I haven't missed it somehow ), would it be possible to add selection colours to frames?


$set_style(frame part,enabled state[,colour][,selected colour])
I didn't forget  Maybe for 0.2.1.

hey music music any updates on the new playlist with grouping... have been playing with it but want something more configurable to play with if... please...
Sorry nothing yet. After 0.2 final I'll get back to this.

As I understand it, there are no functions to get at trackinfo related to other tracks in the playlist.  This becomes a problem if you are trying to do something like: display the 4-line album info when only tracks 10-17 are in the playlist.

Is this a limitation of columns ui, or foobar itself?  If columns ui, is it something that can be added, or have you already decided not to pursue that area of development?
It is by design.

OK 0.2 RC1 released. It is going to be a short RC - I plan to release final afterwards.
BTW 0.2 final will be last version to support Windows 2000.

Columns UI

Reply #3698

In RC1 the custom active item frame is not drawn.
I stepped back to beta 1 and everything is ok.

Columns UI

Reply #3699
Well I think that's nice feature, not bug.. Is it possible for future releases to hide active item frame (I mean not fixing that "bug" )?

I don't remember, but wasn't there a plan to add global variables available for other components? That would be nice, too.