Version 0.9.7a is now available.
This is just a bug fix release, fixing the playcount and transcoder problems that have been recently reported. The playcount problem was long standing, but the transcoder error was just introduced in version 0.9.7 (it turns out that I wasn't retrieving the LAME/FAAC default settings correctly, so only the custom encoder settings option worked...).
From the Readme:
Version 0.9.7a - January 7, 2005
* Fixed a significant bug with the handling of playcounts - they were not cumlative and the playcount of a song would always be replaced with the new count. For example, if a song had been played 3 times, the iPod was undocked, and the song was played once more, when the iPod was docked the playcount would be set to 1, instead of 4.
* Hopefully fixed some problems with starting the transcoder executable. Also added additional console warning/errors to help users identify any remaining problmems.