Version 0.9.9RC is now available.
This is the first foo_pod version that supports the iPod Shuffle, including some extras like ReplayGain/SoundCheck support (AFAIK, not directly supported by iTunes) and writing a track and shuffle text file to the Shuffle's root directory, to help compensate for the lack of a screen.
There are also a number of other features and bug fixes that apply to all iPods. There is an iPod Chooser dialog, which makes it easy to select between 2 or more iPods.
The one bug that I wasn't able to fix (yet) is the one described by Nexus6 (long filenames causing problems). The fix I had developed causes a huge performance decrease, so I need to find a better way of fixing this problem. One workaround for now is that if you know are you going to sending files with very long, nearly identical filenames, send them one at a time rather than all at once. This should avoid the problem until I get the problem fixed for the full 0.9.9 version.
From the Readme:Version 0.9.9RC - February 10, 2005
* Added full support for the iPod Shuffle players. foo_pod treats the iPod Shuffle just like any other iPod, with a few iPod Shuffle specific features, including writing two text files, "Track_Order.txt" and "Shuffle_Order.txt" to the root directory of the Shuffle. These allow the iPod Shuffle user to determine in which order songs will be played, in either normal or shuffle modes. Other expected features, such as Play Counts and ReplayGain/SoundCheck are implemented and work just like regular iPods.
* Added a "Fix Skipped Songs" feature to the foo_pod Component menu. This can be used by iPod Photo users to fix the issue where certain songs with long filenames are consistantly skipped. It isn't necessary to do this on other iPods.
* Fixed a bug in the Playlist Editor where smart playlists with the "In The Last" action selected wouldn't work unless you manually set a time period (such as Days).
* Fixed a database issue which caused "Date Added" smart playlists to not work as expected.
* Changed the "Good" quality LAME setting to the latest recommended ~128kbps parameters.
* Added the iPod Chooser dialog, which opens a small windows and lets the user switch between two or more iPods.
* Optimized the transcoder to deal with the situation where the transcoder .exe is not found. Also fixed some transcoder related memory leaks.