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Topic: 0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar? (Read 8860 times) previous topic - next topic
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0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

I've used Curi0us_George's foo_minibar addon since it was first released and I love it. mig compiled it for fb2k 0.7 but since the 0.8 betas and in the final release the show/hide foobar button doesn't function correctly for me. The button will minimize but it won't maximize the foobar window.  I'm unsure if this is a result of changes made to fb2k but I've done clean installs, etc, and it remains the same. 

I realize Curi0us_George has stopped releasing or updating addons, sadly, and it's been ages since mig re-compiled the addon. Is there anyone both with the source and the ability that would be willing to compile it for fb2k 0.8 with the latest SDK?

I'd be in heaven and greatly appreciate it. This is a must have part of fb2k for me. 



0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #1
I've been meaning to work on it because I want to add a few things that I found I needed, but I think i'll recompile it against the 0.8 final SDK real quick for you and post a link.... hang in there an hour or two...

[edit: link for foo_minibar built against 0.8 SDK]

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #2
I've been meaning to work on it because I want to add a few things that I found I needed, but I think i'll recompile it against the 0.8 final SDK real quick for you and post a link.... hang in there an hour or two...

[edit: link for foo_minibar built against 0.8 SDK]

Ahhhh. Thank you!! 


0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #3
hi mig,would you post the source?

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #5
I've been meaning to work on it because I want to add a few things that I found I needed, but I think i'll recompile it against the 0.8 final SDK real quick for you and post a link.... hang in there an hour or two...

[edit: link for foo_minibar built against 0.8 SDK]

Wonderful plugin! 
Using it now in conjunction with Hawkeye ShellInit, foo_text and Serious Samurize (yes, and Chameleon Clock too...) to create a thin line of a minimal foobar interface on the top of my screen. Nifty! Think this is the "minimal interface" solution that will stick.

Well. Sure hope you will continue this plugin, and lookin' forward to all the exciting new features. 
        - Oceania Association of Autonomous Astronauts

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #6
sorry for the bump, but I just remembered about foo_minibar, so thanx for recompiling it mig. btw do you think you'll continue developement ? that would be nice ^^ (although I can't really see anything to improve  )

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #7
Yes I will continue development of it... I am currently planning a few features that will make it more 'complete', little changes are needed, and they will be implemented soon..

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #8
i cannot activate foo_minibar in foobar2000 0.81 beta 2. can anybody confirm this?

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #9
No problem here with beta2.

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #10
I can configure the minibar in preferences but there is no way to activate it. it is not in the components dropdown menu in the main windows 

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #11
Maybe for some reason you should "Reset menu state" in Preferences > Core > Main menu items to make "Minibar..." appear in the components dropdown menu in the main window.

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #12
No need for resetting the menu state. Just add it back by right clicking [group] Components -> Insert item -> Command and finding minibar from there.

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #13
thanks! that solved my problem 

0.8 SDK compile for foo_minibar?

Reply #14
Is this plug-in still being developed? Or is there anything else like it? I like it, but I'd prefer if I was able to edit/or replace the graphics.
