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Topic: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer (Read 144273 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #175
DUI and CUI's default user interface color support needs to be improved, and it cannot be accurately rendered at present, foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer the support is very good, DUI can support 4 color combinations: background, text, selected, highlight; CUI supports more color combinations, comparison chart (foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer above):

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #176
I'm having difficulty adding the component to an existing 64-bit CUI theme; foobar crashes. I can add it to a fresh install, but I'm reluctant to rebuild the theme around it there.

I haven't had any trouble with previous 32-bit CUI and 64-bit DUI installations.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #177
v0.5.1.0, 2023-12-14

* New: Support for DUI and CUI default user interface colors.
* New: LED mode.
* New: The color scheme can be used as a horizontal gradient.
* New: The color for the background of white and black 'keys' can be selected separately.
* New: Galss window function.
* Improved: Rendering occurs on a separate thread resulting in smoother animation.
* Improved: Re-designed configuration dialog to fit on installations scaled higher than 100%.
* Fixed: Some settings were reset when the configuration dialog re-opened during the same session.
* Fixed: Scaling method was available when other than Linear distribution was selected.
* Fixed: Bug in Median, RMS and RMS Sum summation method.

You can download it from the Components repository or upgrade from within foobar2000.

thank you very much, it works and look great. The setting windows fits my screen:).

One small request: Since we can set freqs form ex. 1Hz to 96kHz (probably even more), it would be great if the x-axis labels (being notes) would reflect that. Now the forst labels is C0 and last is C10 (or 11). Could you please add labels below and above it (C_1 (or C-1)...and so on)?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #178
One small request: Since we can set freqs form ex. 1Hz to 96kHz (probably even more), it would be great if the x-axis labels (being notes) would reflect that. Now the forst labels is C0 and last is C10 (or 11). Could you please add labels below and above it (C_1 (or C-1)...and so on)?
Why? Simply for display purposes? Anything above 20kHz is not audible. It does not make sense to assign a 'note' letter to it.


Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #179
One small request: Since we can set freqs form ex. 1Hz to 96kHz (probably even more), it would be great if the x-axis labels (being notes) would reflect that. Now the forst labels is C0 and last is C10 (or 11). Could you please add labels below and above it (C_1 (or C-1)...and so on)?
Why? Simply for display purposes? Anything above 20kHz is not audible. It does not make sense to assign a 'note' letter to it.

Isn't the whole component made for displaying the content? It does not matter if it is considered audible or not. The component shows the content, so why would it show only part of the content properly and the rest without the labels?
Yes it is only for visualisation. Anyway it shows frequencies so it should be consisntet regardless of the labeling/scalling onthe axis.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #180
pqyt: does this version use the fixed SDK mentioned here so that is now compatible with Foobar 1.6.17 as well?
Answering my own question, YES!  Thank you pqyt!  Fully compatible and looking as great with Foobar 1.6.17 32-bit as it does with my 64-bit Foobar v2.1.
This component seems to break foobar2000 compatibility with Windows 7 and 8.1. Because I'm getting this error message on Windows 7 and 8.1:
Failed to load DLL: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer.dll
Reason: The specified procedure could not be found

Searching with an hex editor, I can see some reference to atlthunk.dll but this DLL is available only on Windows 10 or above :(

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #181
Installing two instances of the Columns UI panel foo_vis_spectrum_analyser causes a crash.

Crashlog posted in wrong thread:,125185.msg1036559.html#msg1036559

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #182
Hello, is it possible add to the column tab a 'present' tab, so we could save presents (settings, colours etc) and function to export/import these presents?
thank you pqyt for your work! 👌

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #183
Presets sorry for my error in previous post 🙏
This is how it could look, for better access imho it would be better in this way in one section
Save - saves changes to current active preset
Import [file]
Export [file]
Duplicate - duplicate actual active preset - prompt how name duplicated preset
Auto Save - tick option
*Copy settings from different preset to actual active preset
* Reset preset to default

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #184
pqyt: does this version use the fixed SDK mentioned here so that is now compatible with Foobar 1.6.17 as well?
Answering my own question, YES!  Thank you pqyt!  Fully compatible and looking as great with Foobar 1.6.17 32-bit as it does with my 64-bit Foobar v2.1.
This component seems to break foobar2000 compatibility with Windows 7 and 8.1. Because I'm getting this error message on Windows 7 and 8.1:
Failed to load DLL: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer.dll
Reason: The specified procedure could not be found

Searching with an hex editor, I can see some reference to atlthunk.dll but this DLL is available only on Windows 10 or above :(
While I don't intentionally exclude older Windows versions, I don't support them either. I go where the compiler and the SDK takes me. I don't have access to those old versions anymore.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #185
The component doesn't work on anything older than Windows 10 because it calls GetDpiForWindow function, which was introduced in Windows 10. If the function is necessary to get over all the DPI issues people have suffered one simple solution would be to only use it on Win10 or newer.

I noticed the visualization element is created with default bright background causing it to flash rather nastily on start before rendering its correct colors.

There may be something wrong with the fancy up/down arrows next to numeric values. With default config for example hitting the up arrow next to Pitch increases the value from 440.00 to 440.50. Then hitting down arrow changes the value to 44.50.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #186
I'm having difficulty adding the component to an existing 64-bit CUI theme; foobar crashes. I can add it to a fresh install, but I'm reluctant to rebuild the theme around it there.

I haven't had any trouble with previous 32-bit CUI and 64-bit DUI installations.

I found a workaround for this that may shed a little light. The sticking point in 64-bit CUI seemed to be adding one of these to the layout and removing the CUI-stock Spectrum analyzer in the same operation. I could add this component, press OK, restart fb2k, and then remove the other spectrum successfully.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #187
I'm having difficulty adding the component to an existing 64-bit CUI theme; foobar crashes. I can add it to a fresh install, but I'm reluctant to rebuild the theme around it there.

I haven't had any trouble with previous 32-bit CUI and 64-bit DUI installations.

I found a workaround for this that may shed a little light. The sticking point in 64-bit CUI seemed to be adding one of these to the layout and removing the CUI-stock Spectrum analyzer in the same operation. I could add this component, press OK, restart fb2k, and then remove the other spectrum successfully.
Thx for the investigation. I haven't had the time for it yet. Not sure why 2 separate visualizations may cause a problem. There's another report about a crash when 2 instances of my component are added to CUI. Maybe that provides a clue.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #189
I've been using 2 spectrum analyzers in the same layout without any trouble. This is for CUI, both 32-bit and 64-bit. I haven't gotten to it yet with my 64-bit DUI layout. One has the left front, left rear, and left side channels and the other the corresponding right channels. This is overly optimistic since my setup is just plain stereo, but it seemed like the thing to do.  :)

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #190
To reproduce the crash: Add Tab Stack in CUI layout, add panel Spectrum Analyzer in Tab Stack. Crash.

Can confirm the crash on 64bit. 32bit seems OK.

Had a quick peak at the CUI config reader and that's problematic:
-it should bail if the size is zero / not more than the first value
-it should use try/catch
-it should not be using size_t anywhere. This obviously differs depending on 32bit/64bit meaning config files are not portable.

edit: submitted a PR

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #191
-it should not be using size_t anywhere. This obviously differs depending on 32bit/64bit meaning config files are not portable.
Huh? Why is that problematic? When will config files be exchanged between platforms?

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #192
Since stock CUI/DUI layouts can be shared, it's just something I would expect* from 3rd parties as well. I took care to make sure my component played nice when I updated - it pre-dated the advent of 64bit by many years. :P

*maybe my expectations are too high. It obviously can't be enforced in any way and if people get the configuration of a single panel reset without crashing, it's not really an issue.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #193
Tried it in my port of my setup to v2.0 x64 (it's not a perfect 1:1 but I got pretty close).

However, while this new x64 version of Channel Spectrum panel is pretty good, there's at least one of two things I'd love to see:
- Be able to flip the visualition on both axis.
- Stereo and/or surround imaging.

Another thing: be able to import settings from Channel Spectrum panel and replicate as best as possible would be sweet as well but not obligatory.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #194
- Be able to flip the visualition on both axis.
Considering it.
- Stereo and/or surround imaging.
What's that?
Another thing: be able to import settings from Channel Spectrum panel and replicate as best as possible would be sweet as well but not obligatory.
Not possible since the format is not documented.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #196
Glitch: Spectrum Analyzer DUI/CUI panel, Configure, OK, no tooltip in Spectrum Analyzer panel
It sometimes does that. Moving in and out the panel window is a work-around. I have no clue why the tooltip behaves like that.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #197
To reproduce the crash: Add Tab Stack in CUI layout, add panel Spectrum Analyzer in Tab Stack. Crash.
Exactly what happens to me on v2.1 x64. Works fine in the same situation on v2.1 x32.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #198
I'm trying to match my 64-bit settings to my 32-bit ones, and there's a difference in the color blending that I can't account for. The 32-bit is on the left, and the top (pink) end seems to be favored with the darkest blue having a narrower band.

The 32-bit came first when I was still figuring out how to work with the colors, so it did involve more trial and error, while the 64-bit one was done more quickly and directly. But all the settings I can see seem to be matched.

Re: foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer

Reply #199
I'm trying to match my 64-bit settings to my 32-bit ones, and there's a difference in the color blending that I can't account for. The 32-bit is on the left, and the top (pink) end seems to be favored with the darkest blue having a narrower band.

The 32-bit came first when I was still figuring out how to work with the colors, so it did involve more trial and error, while the 64-bit one was done more quickly and directly. But all the settings I can see seem to be matched.
I see it but can't explain it yet. In the right screenshot the Add and Remove buttons are disabled. The distribution between the colors is linear because I haven't had the time (and energy) to write a full-blown gradient editor yet. A problem in the spread indicates there's an extra color somewhere in the gradient, even though I don't see it.