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Topic: ReFacets (Read 36037 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: ReFacets

Reply #50
I'm sure there's no need, because marc2k3's component no doubt does the job fine. And obviously it let's you do exactly what you want: create a filter.

But just so you know, it's easy to see all your tracks with no embedded front cover in Mp3tag.

There's "Cover" column by default and you can also filter by NOT %_covers% PRESENT.

Then you could make add a new "Cover not present" tag field or something and tag them all and go back to fb2k.

Thanks InchPerfect

I have tried the query search that you propose NOT %_covers% PRESENT and it does not work neither in Re-facets nor in filter search (columns ui). And I understand that it is logical that it does not work since the %_covers% field does not exist in title formatting.

Maybe I didn't understand you correctly. If so, I would appreciate it if you could explain it in more detail.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #52
I'm sure there's no need, because marc2k3's component no doubt does the job fine. And obviously it let's you do exactly what you want: create a filter.

But just so you know, it's easy to see all your tracks with no embedded front cover in Mp3tag.

There's "Cover" column by default and you can also filter by NOT %_covers% PRESENT.

Then you could make add a new "Cover not present" tag field or something and tag them all and go back to fb2k.

Thanks InchPerfect

I have tried the query search that you propose NOT %_covers% PRESENT and it does not work neither in Re-facets nor in filter search (columns ui). And I understand that it is logical that it does not work since the %_covers% field does not exist in title formatting.

Maybe I didn't understand you correctly. If so, I would appreciate it if you could explain it in more detail.
As Porcus said, I was talking about Mp3tag.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #53
The only thing I'm still missing in ReFacets is a cover view. As a workaround I could imagine a playlist next to it. However, I am missing the "selection action" function in ReFacets, i.e. to display in a playlist with just one click. I wish that.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #54
Is there a plan to display the total number of column items as the original facets did? It's only a little thing but sometimes it's handy.

Also, is there a way to move the re-facets toolbar (search, filter etc) to the bottom I've missed? For my GUI configuration, the toolbar at the top looks rather ugly.


Re: ReFacets

Reply #55
My folders on the SSD are sorted by C:\Music - MusicType - RoughGenre - Artist - Album - Title.
in MediaLibrary: C:\Users\MyNAME\Music\MusicType\

RoughGenre is AustoPop, BluesRock, Rock, Country, Guitar, Jazz, Klassik, R&B and so on.

In Facets I used Folder = $directory(%path%)
I use two ore sometimes three times „Folder“ and then Album and so on...
The first 2 (or even 3) columns work perfectly with my folder structure: (Just like on SSD)

Till beta 26 ReFacets Folder = $directory(%path%) didn’t work anymore
I used Folders with „SpecialFolder“ as a workaround:
SpecialFolder = $directory(%path%,$sub($len(%path%),$len($replace(%path%,\,,|,,/,)),N))
N= 2,3,4,5,6 or 7

But in ReFacets (beta 27 and 28)
is „Folder“ a total disaster:  (Folder = $directory(%path%)

My special Workaround  SpecialFolder = $directory(%path%,$sub($len(%path%),$len($replace(%path%,\,,|,,/,)),N))
doesn’t work anymore, shows pointless or a mix of folders and albums.

What’s going on with ReFacets when using Folders?
And yes, simple Genre - Artist - Album - etc. works.
But I don‘t want to see 1000 Genres with special-SubGenres  in the first Column!!!

I went back to Facets.


Re: ReFacets

Reply #56
First of all thanks @Porcus for the correct ReFacets thread.

Original Facets has two features which I find it really useful:
- "Select action:" "Send to selection playlist... (default)"
- the ability to arrange Facets also vertically

Could these be implemented please. If yes than I could dump old Facets :)
LAME 3.100.1 -V0

Re: ReFacets

Reply #57
Gentle reminder from Reddit.

It would be so good to have album art back in ReFacets ...

Re: ReFacets

Reply #58
...I painfully miss the album art display from old facets component.
...Hope you're planning to replicate the "Display/Album art (no labels)" feature of Facets - it was really great for a plain, fast grid...(a) custom drop-down lists to be filled from values in tags, such as genre or composer. Much like a Facets column but in a combo box - This would allow for a greater grid of album images.
@Montchenot...i agree...
...I agree with missing the "Display/Album art (no labels)" functionality...
Black is nice but no album art in facets is much much worse than gray bars...
...The only thing I'm still missing in ReFacets is a cover view
...Gentle reminder from Reddit...It would be so good to have album art back in ReFacets ...
In the micro, a lot of people have referred to facets' 1.0 images as "cover art" or "album art", where in fact, the art display was one of five display options: (1) cover front, (2) cover back, (3) disc, (4) artist, and (5) icon. In the macro, if/when implemented, it should also lessen the need for the abandoned ESPlaylist
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: ReFacets

Reply #60
hey! can reFacets refresh with any tags change immediately?
for example: I click an album, change its date (year), then save and it doesn't change in ReFacets panel list. Or maybe some button to force refresh?  

[FeatureRequest][ReFacets]AlbumArt DisplayMode FolderView SelectionAction Toolba

Reply #61
Issue 1. In Facets, right clicking the top bar you see 3 options "Columns, Statistics, Display". In ReFacets, "Display" options are entirely missing.
E.g. Display>Album Art (right labels), shows album art then any details you choose to the right of it such as Album Title, Release, Length etc. Also in Facets>Display>Summary Item which puts a summary item on top to show "All" E.g. All folders/albums/artists. In ReFacets none of this is present.

Issue 2. Folder view doesn't show top level of folder, it shows the album folder. E.g. if file structure is as Music>Artist>Album>Track and you use Folder view it shows a list at Albums level, not at Artists level. I think this is due to the missing "Default Sort Order" in Preferences:ReFacets which is in Preferences:Facets.

Issue 3. Missing Selection Action in ReFacets, which means that if selecting an album, it doesn't show up in any Playlist window you have. In Facets it will open immediately in Playlist View (just displays doesn't play). Crucial functionality missing.

Issue 4. Toolbar is un-editable, unhide-able and unmovable

Long story short just copy Facets... after it's ReFacets. Or get the OG Dev made Facets to just make the OG stock + dark mode.

Re: [FeatureRequest][ReFacets]AlbumArt DisplayMode FolderView SelectionAction Toolba

Reply #62
Long story short just

Long story short, the Facets dev has abandoned it years and years ago, which is why ReFacets is being made. From scratch, as far as I understand.

Re: [FeatureRequest][ReFacets]AlbumArt DisplayMode FolderView SelectionAction Toolba

Reply #63
...Facets dev has abandoned it years and years ago, which is why ReFacets is being made. From scratch, as far as I understand.
....and the fact the OPs requests are three doors down, in the Refacts thread.

MOD note: This topic was merged with ReFacets
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: ReFacets

Reply #64
also: please add Remove menu item when selecting category in Playlist mode.
You select some tracks and Remove from current playlist

Re: ReFacets

Reply #65
I enter a sort string, but it is still sorted alphabetically. The panel displays all the listens for 1 week, but in alphabetical order

%last_played% DURING LAST 1 WEEK SORT DESCENDING BY %last_played%

Re: ReFacets

Reply #66
here's a little bug(!/?) ...

"Multible Columns" can only be deactivated / activated for all panes. This can no longer be deactivated in individual panes if a pane has several columns. It would be better to be able to switch it on and off individually.

... and another request: Integrate album art into refacets as in Facets with labels or no label and choice which album art!

Re: ReFacets

Reply #67
The biggest problem with 64-bit is the lack of ReFacets missing cover.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #68
if the refacets would at least react to a single click, you could display a playlist with covers


Re: ReFacets

Reply #69
if the refacets would at least react to a single click, you could display a playlist with covers
You mean like when you enable Preferences -> Media Library -> Library viewer selection playlist?

Re: ReFacets

Reply #70
Yes, but with single click.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #71
Hello, I have 2 bugs to report:

The "First release" column just reads in the "Date" tag the same as the "Last release" column. It should read in the "<ORIGINALDATE>" tag instead. Beacause it doesn't, what happens is that my "Album" pane puts the oldest albums on top of others when an artist is highlighted in the "Album Artist" pane, just because they're remasters or re-issues w/ a higher "<ORIGINALDATE>" value than the "Date" value of other, potentially newer albums in terms of the 1st release. Basically, I can't sort discographies in reverse publication order, only chronologically (+optionally in reverse).

The "Items" column, when present in the "Album Artist" pane, counts all the tracks from all albums instead of reading in the albums count only. So now, I'm getting insane numbers in that column, like "111" when there's actually just a dozen of albums from the album artist. It works like what I'm after in the old Facets component. The individual tracks count should be applicable only in the "Album" pane.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #72

Couldn't find anything about it in this thread.

How do I get a (pseudo-)transparant background for ReFacets?

Re: ReFacets

Reply #73
The "Items" column, when present in the "Album Artist" pane, counts all the tracks from all albums instead of reading in the albums count only. So now, I'm getting insane numbers in that column, like "111" when there's actually just a dozen of albums from the album artist. It works like what I'm after in the old Facets component. The individual tracks count should be applicable only in the "Album" pane.
I'm just reading Facets documentation and I can see there's what I'm looking for:
Code: [Select]
Items: Number of tracks.
Subitems: Number of subitems in the next pane.

So the "Items" column behaves as it should now but "Subitems" column is what's missing in the current stable ReFacets. And I can see it's already requested. Sorry.

Re: ReFacets

Reply #74
In ReFacets, for those who don't have a mouse but use the keyboard, is it possible to move between one column and another with the keyboard?

Should special shortcuts be created?