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Topic: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar) (Read 4498 times) previous topic - next topic
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Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Title Bar    

fb2k component that provides a skinnable overlay UI.

 - Easily customizable UI.
 - Configurable automatic hiding of the overlay.
 - foo_acfu integration.
 - And more!

Getting started!
 - Use Installation Guide.
 - Check out Built-in and User skins.
 - Take a look at Documentation, if you are craving for more!

 - Download link
 - Homepage
 - Changelog
 - Dev build

 - Quiark: original `foo_title` component. 
 - LepkoQQ: further improvements on the `foo_title` component.

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #1
Version: 2.0.0
Changelog (relative to the v1.0.5 version of `foo_title`):
    • Added ability to install skins via drag-n-drop'ing `.zip` archives to skin list on Preferences page.
    • Fixed anchor not always being displayed.
    • Fixed `show only when minimized` setting not being applied.

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #3
how come white text (FFFFFFFF) ends up as a"grey-ish" e4e4e4 even though I've set color="FFFFFFFF"?
Can't reproduce.
The following code (based on your code snippet) produces a pure white image:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #4
Huzzah! Congrats on the new release / update! foo_title has been one of my favorite components to waste time with. :D

I just had a quick play around. On the included Milk Plate skin, Properties button does not do anything, and Mute button brings up an error dialog (it uses the wrong command in the skin though, should be 'Mute' instead of 'Volume Mute')

It also seems the Activate or Hide issue that I mentioned before is still present - it only hides the foobar window properly when 'Minimize hides, close exits' is enabled.

If you are working on this again, I might have the odd feature request to bug you... :P

(For one, it would be great if the album art layer could display the other cover types - Artist, Disc, Back)

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #5
@anamorphic thanks for bug reports!

> Mute button brings up an error dialog (it uses the wrong command in the skin though, should be 'Mute' instead of 'Volume Mute')
Fixed in the dev build of dotnet_title_bar

> Properties button does not do anything
Fixed in the dev build of foo_dotnet_component_host

> It also seems the Activate or Hide issue that I mentioned before is still present
Seems to be a DUI bug. Since all the relevant code is executed with no errors.

> For one, it would be great if the album art layer could display the other cover types - Artist, Disc, Back
Added in dev build of dotnet_title_bar. Usage: `art-id` in <contents> with one of the following values `cover-front`, `cover-back`, `disc`, `icon`, `artist`.

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #6
So I (finally) had some time and put this new version (2.0.0) on my main install. Now, the skin I use is not the usual :D - I made a full screen (1920x1050) "foo_overlay" on top of foobar window, but even so it only draws a few 1px lines and replaces the standard Windows minimize / maximize buttons with foo_title (AutoHotKey) replacements.

With foo_title 1.0.5 there was no noticeable CPU hit - foobar idles at 0% when stopped, playing music around 8-12% with window and overlay visible, around 3% playing minimized. The foo_title > Advanced tab does not have any transparency set (both sliders at 255), and 'Max refresh rate' on 12, 'DPI scaling' off.

Now with dotnet_title_bar 2.0.0 different story - foobar CPU usage idles at 35-45% (not playing) with the overlay on, same settings. If I go View > Toggle Title Bar to switch it off, it drops immediately to previous levels. On again, 40%. If I put 'Max refresh rate' on default of 30fps it can hit 65% CPU not even playing.

Hopefully you might know the reason for this and can bring the CPU usage back down? My music laptop is only an Intel Celeron N4000 CPU so this stuff is quite noticeable. :(

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #8
Well, could be a false alarm? I'm having trouble replicating the excessive CPU...

At first I thought the issue was from using the original skin folder location - `%profile%\foo_title` - so closed foobar and moved my skin to the new location - `%profile%\foo_dotnet_component_host\components\dotnet_title_bar\skins` - and CPU usage appears to be at normal levels again. (Bit of a long path mind you).

Then I thought to confirm, I'll move the folder back, restart foobar and guess what - normal CPU levels. No idea what caused it the first time.

Now just testing both foo_title and dotnet_title_bar in duplicate foobars / settings, at least happy to know I cannot pick up any difference in CPU between the two versions (it fluctuates of course, but letting it settle, they both play minimized around 1-3% CPU using exclusive output with overlay visible)

So, I dunno, apologizes for any wasted time on that. ;) I'll keep experimenting and if anything goes off, I'll send you a PM with the theme zipped. No time for now.

(By the way, not sure if I was supposed to check out the dev build (?), but the link says "access denied" so I guess not...)

Re: Title Bar (dotnet_title_bar)

Reply #10
> Mute button brings up an error dialog
Fixed in the dev build of dotnet_title_bar
> Properties button does not do anything
Fixed in the dev build of foo_dotnet_component_host

Coming back around to this after <where did the last several months go?>

@ TheQwertiest, if you find the time, can you please do an update? - I notice none of the button context menu commands are working. Perhaps you've already fixed the issue in the dev builds as you mentioned...

Code: [Select]
  Contextmenu command Open containing folder not found.