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Topic: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme (Read 205914 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #125
Just saying, Sunday will be good... =)


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #128
Hello Friends,

the awaited big update is here and I can proudly tell you Georgia-ReBORN got even better!

This was all possible due to @WilB's amazing library and biography scripts, a big shout out and thank you to @WilB, be sure to also thank him, I'm sure he would appreciate it!

Out of the box the scripts are already great, but I have modified the library and biography to fit the overall Georgia-ReBORN design.
Besides the 8 existing built-in designs, the library has it's own default Georgia-ReBORN design.
For the White and Black theme @MordredKLB 's awesome dynamic color changer is available in all library designs.
Additionally I have implemented some really cool features, options and changes, see the full detailed changelog below.
The library got even cooler 8) , there are so many options you can play for hours with it!

The classical tree view can be changed swiftly by right clicking for the context menu and choose "Show album art".
You can switch back to the default tree view by right click and choose "Tree view".

When album art is active, new options are now available in Options > Library > Album art.
The layout feature is not available for "List view + album covers/artist photos" and "Flow mode".
For convenience, when album art is active, you can easily change the layout by right clicking and choose:
Change layout to full width or Change layout to normal width depending on the current state.
Another cool feature is the dynamic thumbnail resizing, thumbnail size will change dynamically according
to the foobar player size.

If you want to display artist photos in the library, you need to link your path to your biography directory.
Go to File > Preferences > Display and under Album art click on the Artist tab. Here you need to set
your full path, e.g: E:\PortableApps\foobar2000\profile\yttm\art_img$cut(%artist%,1)%artist%*
If you now fetch the images from the biography, it will automatically update your library with the photos.
You can easily switch the view from albums to artists. If album art or flow mode is active, right click
in the library > Show artists, to go back to default view open again the context menu and choose Show albums.

In the latest library version you can add your own custom view pattern, for that go to the library,
click on the settings menu ... and navigate to Configure views.
At the bottom, click on the Add new button and paste your custom view pattern, e.g:

$stripprefix(%album artist%)|%date% %album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%
$swapprefix(%album artist%)|%date% %album%|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%

You can also change the view order by clicking the Up and Down buttons located at the bottom.

The biography also has some new features, check out the options in the top menu.


Updated to WilB's latest Library v2.2.0:
- Heavily modified Library to fit theme design -> Georgia-ReBORN edition
- 8 designs plus exclusive custom made Georgia-ReBORN design (default)
- Improved Georgia-ReBORN's tree design
- Added Mordred's awesome dynamic color changer in all library designs for White and Black theme
- Added Now playing visual indicator, library has the same design logic as playlist
- Added dynamic thumbnail resizing based on player size
- Added full width option for album art mode, flow mode is always in full width
- Custom view pattern support
- Many new options

Updated to WilB's latest Biography v1.2.0:
- Heavily modified Biography to fit theme design -> Georgia-ReBORN edition
- New filmstrip feature
- Many new biography options added into top menu

- Developer tools hidden by default, can be enabled in Options -> Settings
- Added Option "Show pause on album cover" in player controls
- Added contiguous Ctrl+Shift playlist selection
- Added FAQ and updated the Github page


Due to the big changes in the file and folder structure, you must install a new clean portable ( or standard ) foobar installation.
Hopefully in future updates, there won't be any big changes and you can just replace the profile folder, sorry for the inconvenience. 

And finally, you can download the update as usual HERE.

Feedback and bug reports are welcome!

Thank you


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #129
And I didn't think it could get any better.  Thank you, TT, for all your hard work.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #130
Haven't been able to evaluate properly, yet, as every time I right-click on the Library filters, I get the RedScreenOfDeath and this:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.5.2 ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v2.0.3 by TT)
item is undefined

File: menu.js
Line: 471, Column: 59
Stack trace:

Any ideas? Clean install, with the unzipped folder added as Profile.



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #131
Haven't been able to evaluate properly, yet, as every time I right-click on the Library filters, I get the RedScreenOfDeath and this:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.5.2 ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v2.0.3 by TT)
item is undefined

File: menu.js
Line: 471, Column: 59
Stack trace:

Any ideas? Clean install, with the unzipped folder added as Profile.



Can you describe the situation a bit more? I don't have any crash when left-clicking on the filters...
The profile folder needs to be in the foobar root installation.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #132
Haven't been able to evaluate properly, yet, as every time I right-click on the Library filters, I get the RedScreenOfDeath and this:

Error: Spider Monkey Panel v1.5.2 ({04620F16-1878-47A1-8EFE-0CE0B99566CC}: Georgia-ReBORN v2.0.3 by TT)
item is undefined

File: menu.js
Line: 471, Column: 59
Stack trace:

Any ideas? Clean install, with the unzipped folder added as Profile.



Can you describe the situation a bit more? I don't have any crash when left-clicking on the filters...
The profile folder needs to be in the foobar root installation.


Yes, left-click is also fine here, and the Profile is in the root folder (portable installation). It's a right-click on the 'Filter' menu at the top when the Library is live that causes this. When the red panel appears, a second right-click reloads fine. But the same scenario repeats on a subsequent right-click.

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #133
Sorry guys,

what a bad start  ::) , I totally forgot to update the config files, thus old SMP properties values were still present,
this also caused to not have the proper biography design. All should be good now. Please download again the master zip HERE.
Old link in the update is the same as this one!

Thank you for the prompt reporting!


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #134
Sorry guys,

what a bad start  ::) , I totally forgot to update the config files, thus old SMP properties values were still present,
this also caused to not have the proper biography design. All should be good now. Please download again the master zip HERE.
Old link in the update is the same as this one!

Thank you for the prompt reporting!


Yeah! Installed and working without problems until now!

Code: [Select]

Thanks for your fantastic work, time and all time dedicated to this project!


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #135

Yeah! Installed and working without problems until now!

Code: [Select]

Thanks for your fantastic work, time and all time dedicated to this project!


Thanks, you should try right clicking in the library > Show album art. When album art is active right click again and try Change layout to full width.
Also if you have added your biography path ( see update post ) in File > Preferences > Display > Album art and the biography has automatically downloaded
artist images ( if you click on biography ) you can try again right click > Show artists.
Also try the flow mode in Options > Library > Design > Flow mode. There you can also switch fast to artists.

The library is really complex and feature rich, just saying, everybody should carefully read the instructions in the update post to get the full experience and try out the options
in top menu Options > Library =).



Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #136

Yeah! Installed and working without problems until now!

Code: [Select]

Thanks for your fantastic work, time and all time dedicated to this project!


Thanks, you should try right clicking in the library > Show album art. When album art is active right click again and try Change layout to full width.
Also if you have added your biography path ( see update post ) in File > Preferences > Display > Album art and the biography has automatically downloaded
artist images ( if you click on biography ) you can try again right click > Show artists.
Also try the flow mode in Options > Library > Design > Flow mode. There you can also switch fast to artists.

The library is really complex and feature rich, just saying, everybody should carefully read the instructions in the update post to get the full experience and try out the options
in top menu Options > Library =).


Thanks for the tip, video was recorded for show a fresh installation with none errors or crashes.

Well, i've one question, currently i'm using this feature for show my music:

But when I download new music I like to use the "View by folder structure" option. but I have a problem, the icons to show the content of the folders is hidden or is not available.

for show again i need click on Views -> Views by Folder Structure and click again on Quick Setup -> Georgia Reborn for show squares in new music folders added

Is this a bug or a mistake from my side?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #137
Seems like a draw bug in the traditional tree design, can you click on the node ( even if it's not visible ) and let it expand or it's not possible to do so?
Does this occur only in Options > Library > Design > Traditional or in default Georgia-ReBORN design too?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #138
can you click on the node ( even if it's not visible ) and let it expand or it's not possible to do so?
Hi TT!.

isn't possible. when the node is not available can't expand folder content.

Does this occur only in Options > Library > Design > Traditional or in default Georgia-ReBORN design too?
for me both designs have the same "bug".

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #139
Ok this is not a bug for anyone else wondering, it's a feature :)

Activate show tracks when expanding nodes in Options > Library > Show tracks when expanding nodes.
I have forgotten to refresh this option when activated. This works when you activate/deactivate this option and then reload the theme.

I will add the option refresh in next update... thanks!


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #140

                                                                   is reborn again!

I present you the last final update before the first public release, this is a truly special one and puts the last final
piece of puzzle in its place to finally complete this theme!

As you have already noticed Georgia-ReBORN has it's own corporate identity ( logo ), every theme has it's own
color modified logo to nicely present and support its theme. There are 11 logos for FHD + 4K in total,
I hope you like them  8)

Now let's move to the highlight of this update and why it's so special.
Last update I've worked on designing and implementing WilB's latest library into Georgia-ReBORN,
as you've already know, theme 'White' and 'Black' has it's own dynamic color based accents that will change
based on album art, it's an awesome feature @MordredKLB has invented. While implementing it to the library,
it reminded me that I wanted ( 1 year ago ) to unleash it's full potential. This means wouldn't it be amazing
if every time you play a new album the whole player would fully change it's color? That's right! I present you
this special theme Options > Theme > Reborn. This is was quite the challenge to realize it, I've put a lot of work
to tune it's tones to generate pleasant themes. I think overall it's pretty cool, once again, every new album you play
will be a 'Reborn' experience. This wouldn't be possible without @MordredKLB work, so credits goes to him, thanks!
Btw, I don't think I have ever saw a music player that has this special feature/theme!

Lets spoil you all with another cool feature, Options > Layout > Artwork
Now this Artwork mode has become a new favorite of mine, it will remove all unnecessary stuff and just show the album artwork.
You can easily switch between panels and also change it's player size Options > Player size. It's pretty cool if you have loaded
your playlist, let the music play and switch to Artwork mode while sitting in your couch or working on your computer while multi tasking...

And last but not least, I have designed 13 disc art placeholders, Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art placeholder
If you are too lazy to download the disc art from, you can still use these disc art placeholders to enjoy the experience.
There are 4 cd art and 9 vinyl art placeholders designed with love to get you excited and show off to your friends ;)
Be sure to check the option Spin disc art while songs play and I recommend to set Spinning disc art redraw speed to 75ms.
You can also play around with the option Display disc art above cover especially if you use the transparent cd or vinyl placeholder!
You should try Cold fusion, it has the biggest WOW factor, you can also try the bright placeholders with theme White and the dark ones with theme Black.

These were the highlights of this update and I have finally completed this theme, this is also the last final update before the first public release.
In the future, I'll only fix possible bugs if they remain and update components if new versions will be released.
I hope you're pleased with this theme and recommend it to other fellow music lovers, thanks!


Final update before first public release -> Please make a new foobar installation!

Added 11 Georgia-ReBORN logos
Added full dynamic color theme "Reborn" ( Options > Theme )
Added new final layout "Artwork" ( Options > Layout )
Added 13 disc art placeholders ( Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art placeholder )
Added radio lyrics support, placeholder when no album cover exist, lyrics can be now always displayed
Added option Show track count in album art ( Options > Library )
Added option to show playlist manager also in Artwork and Compact mode ( Options > Playlist > Playlist manager > Show playlist manager )

Fixed library's copy paste context menu in search
Fixed library's occasional last nodes draw bug
Fixed updating biography scroll buttons when changing themes
Fixed updating Show tracks when expanding nodes
Fixed crash when clearing SMP properties when no album cover displayed
Fixed biography crash when switching to similar artist or album history
Fixed biography allmusic photo fetching ( now works on Linux )
Fixed some small bugs

Better overall color change, also when colors are too dark in theme Black
Better vertical top menu font positioning when using larger font sizes
All 3 layouts ( Default, Artwork, Compact ) are independently configurable
Various tweaks and fine tuning

Updated Readme on Github
Updated FAQ on Github


You need once again for the last time make a new foobar installation and get the update here


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #141
Many thanks for your labour of love and for share it with us, really outstanding work!

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #142
I keep thinking this theme can't get any better and you keep proving me wrong.  I particularly love the new Reborn theme and the disk art place holders.  I did find one very minor glitch, though.  "playbackOrderBtnMenu.appendTo(playerControlsMenu);" is coded twice causing it to be duplicated in the options menu.  Oops.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing this fantastic theme.

playbackOrderBtnMenu.addToggleItem('Artwork', transport, 'show_playbackOrder_artwork', () => {
      createButtonObjects(ww, wh);
   }, !transport.enableTransportControls_artwork);
   playbackOrderBtnMenu.addToggleItem('Compact', transport, 'show_playbackOrder_compact', () => {
      createButtonObjects(ww, wh);
   }, !transport.enableTransportControls_compact);

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #143
I keep thinking this theme can't get any better and you keep proving me wrong.  I particularly love the new Reborn theme and the disk art place holders.  I did find one very minor glitch, though.  "playbackOrderBtnMenu.appendTo(playerControlsMenu);" is coded twice causing it to be duplicated in the options menu.  Oops.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing this fantastic theme.

playbackOrderBtnMenu.addToggleItem('Artwork', transport, 'show_playbackOrder_artwork', () => {
      createButtonObjects(ww, wh);
   }, !transport.enableTransportControls_artwork);
   playbackOrderBtnMenu.addToggleItem('Compact', transport, 'show_playbackOrder_compact', () => {
      createButtonObjects(ww, wh);
   }, !transport.enableTransportControls_compact);

Oops, good catch, dwmartin0906. I think this happened due to copy and paste and it was late, it's fixed :)

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #144
Hey guys,

I hope you like the last final update, I am interested in your feedback and opinion.

Are you satisfied with the new logo, what do you think about disc art placeholders and what are your favorites?

I also want you to post some of your favorite screenshots ( colors ) of your Georgia-ReBORN when using the Reborn theme.
How fast is the color refresh when playing a new album? I've tested it on a very slow CPU and it refreshes less than 500ms.

Here's a showcase of the new Reborn theme, plus some in Artwork mode layout:

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #145
This theme is awesome. This new update made great theme even better. Thanks TT for making this
Just one question, Is there anyway to show disc art placeholder when there is no disc art available?

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #146
This theme is awesome. This new update made great theme even better. Thanks TT for making this
Just one question, Is there anyway to show disc art placeholder when there is no disc art available?

about your question. THAT was the purpose why I've made them =).
Please read the detailed update description again:

You can find them under:
Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art placeholder

Maybe I've forgot to mention that also:
Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art if found
must be activated, but anyways it is activated by default...


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #147
This theme is awesome. This new update made great theme even better. Thanks TT for making this
Just one question, Is there anyway to show disc art placeholder when there is no disc art available?

about your question. THAT was the purpose why I've made them =).
Please read the detailed update description again:

You can find them under:
Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art placeholder

Maybe I've forgot to mention that also:
Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art if found
must be activated, but anyways it is activated by default...


Yes i have ticked "Display disc art if found"
but if i have also activated display disc art placeholder, it only shows placeholder art even if there is disc art available in the folder.
maybe bug or i messed something with my install...

Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #148
So you actually want the opposite?
Disable the disc art placeholder and show the disc art of the album if available?

If so, you need to select Options > Details > Disc art > Display disc art placeholder > No placeholder.

This will disable the disc art placeholders and show the actual disc art of the album.


Re: Georgia-ReBORN - A Clean foobar2000 Theme

Reply #149
I added a disk art place holder option to my version of Georgia a while back because most of my albums don't have any art., but I used a slightly different approach.  Instead of having to enable or disable it, the place holder I select is always active, but only displays if no disk art is found.  The advantage to this approach is that it is automatic as I switch from one track to another..  If a track has disk art available, then it's displayed, otherwise the place holder is displayed.  This is just a personal preference and may not suit everyone, but I thought it worth mentioning since the subject came up.  However, the place holder art I found was not nearly as impressive as yours.  Thank you very much.

I'm also very impressed with your new artwork layout.  It offers almost all of the features of the full layout in a much more compact form and is very convenient.  And I didn't even have to change the theme colors to my liking.  I just use the new Reborn theme and let it select the appropriate colors.   You've really outdone yourself with this newest version.