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Topic: Not Getting Accuraterip Results (Read 1877 times) previous topic - next topic
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Not Getting Accuraterip Results

I recently installed FB2k on a new machine (V 1.5.5). It is a standard install. Since doing so I'm no longer getting any accuraterip results after I've ripped a CD. There doesn't seem to be any option to ask for accuraterip verification at any stage in the Rip dialogue. Any ideas?

Re: Not Getting Accuraterip Results

Reply #1
As of 1.5.5 accuraterip has been removed due to an outdated specification. Peter said it would return in a future update.

Re: Not Getting Accuraterip Results

Reply #2
Do we know if the latest version includes accuraterip verification (I've been unable to find a version history)?

Re: Not Getting Accuraterip Results

Reply #3
Did You take a look at the File Integrity Verifier (foo_verifier)?

Re: Not Getting Accuraterip Results

Reply #4
AccurateRip was removed because it didn't support the latest API, and apparently had issues. It is still pending being rewritten.