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Topic: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source) (Read 19545 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Hi! I created open plugin "foo_cuefixer" that removes referenced files on add, enqueue operations.
for example you has SomeAlbum directory:
- somealbum.cue (which has song timings)
- somealbum.flac
if you add this directory to foobar you will get:
- somealbum_song1
- somealbum_song2
- somealbum_song3
- somealbum.flac file
So this plugins remove that uselsess duplicates.
Source code on github
Release version

P.S. Dont forget to remove "*.CUE" from preferencess->shell integration->exclude file types

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #1
Interesting project, thank you.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #2
thank you!

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #3
Thank you, good man! This plugin has to be included in foobar2000 standard package!
It helps not only with CUE but APL files too.

It's universal and open source.
so cool.
Let's see if it has no bugs. :)

nice job!

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #4
Hi! I created open plugin "foo_cuefixer" that removes referenced files on add, enqueue operations.
Nice, thank you.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #5
Wow, much appreciated!

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #6
Great component! Thanks for your work :)
This will work with .APE, .WV and .WAV?.


I'm using portable mode on foobar2000 and doesn't work. There's duplicate files on my Playlist.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #7
Thank you for your effort.
Unfortunately, it doesn't filter CUE for non-existing files in folder, namely CUE pointing to .wav files.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #8
Thanks for your work RevenantX !

This works like a charm and solved the painful issue I had.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #9
Hi! There is update for this problem.

Thank you for your effort.
Unfortunately, it doesn't filter CUE for non-existing files in folder, namely CUE pointing to .wav files.

I fixed this problem too.

Here is download:

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #10
Great component! Thanks for your work :)
This will work with .APE, .WV and .WAV?.


I'm using portable mode on foobar2000 and doesn't work. There's duplicate files on my Playlist.
Your problem fixed too

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #12
Great component! Thanks for your work :)
This will work with .APE, .WV and .WAV?.


I'm using portable mode on foobar2000 and doesn't work. There's duplicate files on my Playlist.
Your problem fixed too

Wow man, You did it! Thanks a lot for this great work and effort on this component.  :D  it works great :)

btw. i forgot my password and don't said thanks before, Thanks again!

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #13
foo_cuefixer 1.24 is broken when used on windows 7 - not possible to open any cue at all.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #14
I've not made any attempt to figure out why the original didn't work on windows 7. I made my own which may or may not work?? Remove foo_cuefixer first.

edit: link removed.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #15
I've not made any attempt to figure out why the original didn't work on windows 7. I made my own which may or may not work??
It works. Thanks!

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #16
The original dev might consider using a function something like this instead of GetFileAttributesW. Added bonus, no wide string conversion required.

Code: [Select]
bool exists(pfc::stringp path)
return filesystem::g_exists(path, fb2k::noAbort);
catch (...) {}
return false;

I can't think of anything else that would differ across windows versions.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #17
Thank you for your effort.
Unfortunately, it doesn't filter CUE for non-existing files in folder, namely CUE pointing to .wav files.

I fixed this problem too.

Here is download:


This seems broken in 1.24. If the filename is x.flac and the string in cue is x.wav, the plugin doesn't recognize it. However, foobar2000 builtin cue parser can parse the cue file correctly.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #18
I would be nice to have a logic in the plugin to ignore [same filename].[wav|flac] because many archive files today are compressed in flac. Common cue extract tools will convert flac to wav and then split and then compress back to flac.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #19
Why this excellent and usefull plugin is not published on the Foobar2000 official components repository page?, sometimes I read in this forum (or Reddit) to users that have problems with CUE files with Foobar2000. It would also be very practical, since this way it could be updated if there is a new version available from the same program with the rest of the components.
Have you tried turning it off and on again??

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #20
Why this excellent and usefull plugin is not published on the Foobar2000 official components repository page?
There could be several explanations - the most common I guess, is if the author hasn't submitted it for inclusion in the list. @RevenantX ?

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #21
Why this excellent and usefull plugin is not published on the Foobar2000 official components repository page?
There could be several explanations - the most common I guess, is if the author hasn't submitted it for inclusion in the list. @RevenantX ?
I don't know where that list. I asked Peter directly on this forums (as somewhere stated how to include into official list) but had no response.

Re: foo_cuefixer (works like old foo_cuefilter but open source)

Reply #23
Is rare the situation, 'cause new components like OpenLyrics are in the official component list on the Foobar2000 website 😕 and in this way there is more easy to search for updates.
Have you tried turning it off and on again??