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Topic: External Tags (Read 95984 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: External Tags

Reply #225
The option affects the behavior of "Create external tags" command. That command immediately writes external tags for selected tracks and by default opens the properties dialog showing the selected tracks and their tags. Unticking the new option disables the automatic properties dialog opening.

Note that you don't need to use the "Edit external tags" dialog for your situation if the decoder priorities are set correctly. If any External Tags decoder has higher priority than the format you are dealing with the component will notice the existing external tag and will behave just like you had used the custom menu command.

Re: External Tags

Reply #226
Thank you Case; it looks I fully misunderstood indeed. I wasn't even aware of the Create External Tags option before, but I'm now using it assigned to a custom button and it certainly works better for my purposes without the Properties dialogue opening each time.

I also didn't realise your second point, that internal tags couldn't be touched once external tags had been generated - also great news, So, double thank you. Both of these new bits of info together have hugely streamlined tag migration for me.

I also have a little protip of my own, which may have been mentioned already, but in case it hasn't:
Go to File->Preferences->Display->Default User Interface->Playlist View and create a Custom Column for "Tag Type" using the pattern %__tagtype%. This column makes it very easy to see at a glance within foobar2000 which of your files have external tags present (e.g. "External APEv2") and which do not, so you should never have doubts about what tag you're editing. Far more convenient than opening containing folders to check for the presence of tag files.

I very very very like this component, thank you for developing it.

Re: External Tags

Reply #227
I currently use folder.tags.
What is the best way to write to SQL - without going by way of commit? (Preferably without deleting folder.tags files which I want to keep for backup - but I can always run a copy loop.)

Re: External Tags

Reply #228
It doesn't really seem doable at the moment without using commit. I'll see what kind of changes are required to support this.


Re: External Tags

Reply #229
I added a simple checkbox to preferences to force writing tags in the preferred format. With that force writing setting you can just select to prefer SQLite and use "Tagging" -> "Rewrite file tags" to copy the content over.

Re: External Tags

Reply #230
Hi there!

1. When "External Tags (writer)" is on, a playlist item is played even when the decoders are off (flac, mpeg, etc. decoders).
2. HLS links with the created "External Tag" are played even when the "FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper" is turned off ("External Tags (writer)" must be on).
3. If the "External Tag" is created for example an mp3 or flac file, it is played even if this decoder is off ("External Tags (reader)" must be on, "External Tags (writer)" can be turned off).
is this how it should be? take a look, please.

Thank you!

Re: External Tags

Reply #231
That is unexpected behavior but as far as I can tell it should be solved in the core. This component requests a decoder from the player and it should not return disabled ones in my opinion. I have asked Peter about this but so far haven't gotten a reply.

Re: External Tags

Reply #232
Dear Case and testers...thank you.

Re: External Tags

Reply #233
EDIT: I've found it out by myself

This is just excellent! I started to attach images to my videogame music collection just yesterday. But how does attaching images work exactly? I thought the external .tag file contains a link to the image, but I did not find that link, just "album art = hello.jpg" or something like that. Could someone please tell me how attaching images is working with this new plug-in?

Re: External Tags

Reply #234
There is an option in foobar 2000 preferences:
  • Preferences window
  • -> Advanced tree section
  • -> Tagging
  • -> General
  • -> Preserve file creation/access/modification time when retagging

This option, being set, along with foo_external_tags preferences set to "Use only SQLite (fastest)" and "Always write external tags in preferred format" (I listed only relevant, as I see it, foo_external_tags options), leads to tag update error, when "OK"/"Apply" button is pressed in Tagging -> Edit external tags window (after changing any tag value): One file could not be updated: Invalid path with following information in status log:
Code: [Select]
Could not update info on:
Reason: Invalid path

Which is understandable, though it would be nice to somehow fix either foobar2000, or foo_external_tags to not produce this error.

Anyway, just reporting it, maybe it will help somebody else somewhen later. Sorry for bothering, if this particular situation is a common knowledge or was noted earlier in this thread.

Re: External Tags

Reply #235
New version out with support for the new API introduced in foobar2000 v1.5 beta 8.

After install on the new foobar2000 version the component must be manually enabled by ticking External Tags under Preferences -> Tools -> Track Info Filters. Once that is done External Tags can provide metadata without using decoder hacks and is fully compatible with Skip Track and foo_youtube.

Re: External Tags

Reply #236
New version out with support for the new API introduced in foobar2000 v1.5 beta 8.

After install on the new foobar2000 version the component must be manually enabled by ticking External Tags under Preferences -> Tools -> Track Info Filters. Once that is done External Tags can provide metadata without using decoder hacks and is fully compatible with Skip Track and foo_youtube.
Fabulous! Thank you very much!

What is the meaning of new Take over all tagging preference? I still have External Tags (writer) in PreferencesPlaybackDecoding list, is it OK?

Re: External Tags

Reply #237
after this update, I can't load youtube playlist via foo_youtube at all with writer enabled, regardless issue with foo_youtube itself that I have reported.

Re: External Tags

Reply #238
What is the meaning of new Take over all tagging preference? I still have External Tags (writer) in PreferencesPlaybackDecoding list, is it OK?
The intention was to get rid of both decoders but currently I can't achieve the Tagging -> Edit External Tags and Edit file tags features with the new interface. The new setting is for people who wanted all tagging to go to external tags and achieved it by having "writer" on top.
after this update, I can't load youtube playlist via foo_youtube at all with writer enabled, regardless issue with foo_youtube itself that I have reported.
I lifted the ban on foo_youtube's files to allow thisbanisnotsettoexpire to tag them. I don't really understand how the decoder that has lowest priority can prevent foo_youtube from working.
I'll see what more I can do.

Re: External Tags

Reply #239
New version out that should both allow Youtube tagging on the latest beta and not prevent playlist loading.

Re: External Tags

Reply #240
Hi there!
@Case, The command "Create External Tag" no longer works for "Use only APE tags" mode? or am I missing something?
For "Use only SQLite" mode works as expected. Check please. Thanks!
fb2k v1.5 b9
ETags v1.5.1

Re: External Tags

Reply #241
Works fine here. I tried it on regular streams, youtube links and on local files. I'm afraid I need more info where and how it fails.

Re: External Tags

Reply #242
By executing the "Create External Tags" command in the "Use only APE tags" mode, I noticed the following:
1. The console displays an error message (see attached pic). This behavior is the same for local files, stream and youtube links.
2. For stream and youtube links short files are created in the "external-tags" directory (samples are attached). For local files this does not happen.

Re: External Tags

Reply #243
I'm sorry, I forgot I'm running a newer alpha build. The beta version had enabled ancient lyrics3 tag code which introduced tag-related problems like crashing and failure to read tags. It's also breaking my external APE tag creation, it somehow gets confused from the header I write.
Hopefully Peter gets a new beta out soon as that is required to fix this.

Re: External Tags

Reply #244
Thanks Sergey77 and Case for the heads-up on this issue, which came at the right time to keep me from updating to Foobar 1.5 beta.  Successful operation of the APE External Tags function is critical to my use of Foobar.  A question: would the use of ANY version of External Tags in the current beta Foobar be affected by this, or just the new 1.5.x versions?

Re: External Tags

Reply #245
All versions of the component are affected. But if you would like to try the new foobar2000 beta here's a replacement foo_input_std that allows the tagging functionality to work.

Edit: Obsolete attachment removed.

Re: External Tags

Reply #246
Case, thank you for the opportunity to pre-test. I note the following:
1. Tagging/Attach pictures doesn’t add images after applying "Wrap for External Tags" for streams.
2. Again the contents of the playlist fields $meta(genre) and $meta(url) disappear during playback of streams. It was discussed earlier Reply #81 and changed for ETags v0.9.8.

Re: External Tags

Reply #247
Thanks for testing.
1. The image actually is added but since my input is now missing there is no handler present for the image. Will have to discuss about this with Peter.
2. Since my input is missing there's no dynamic info presenter there to give the data. Again I'll talk to Peter.

Re: External Tags

Reply #248
Compatibility issue:
Having foo_external_tags merely installed - without using it for anything! - breaks foo_dynamic_range and makes it throw an "Unable to open audio data:" error.
Version: 1.5.1 as updated by fb2k (the beta 9). I don't keep old versions, but it "must have" happened quite recently.

Re: External Tags

Reply #249
I see BPM Analyser has issue with v1.5.1, no issue with v1.5.