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Topic: [TROLLBAIT] Dare I start another vinyl topic? (Read 46371 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #125
A late addition to this thread: What is the point of jumping to the disc player and changing disc / side every 20 minutes? If it is for this fb2k has also plugins to emulate that.
Other than that I think vinyl is only about nostalgia. I sometimes also feel the need to dedicate more to some record downloaded from bandcamp because it is so good. If you can look for hours at some cover that might make you feel better.
And of course there is those people that spend 10k EUR on some vinyl disc player to fill up some internal void. If it is for music better donate the money to the artist (if still alive).

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #126
Hm. You are either making assumptions or not reading things right. My amps are full power to 2Hz (-3db at 1 Hz). A benefit of direct-coupled input and output. My (TAD) woofers have Alnico magnets rather than the field coils (and a free air resonance of 22Hz); I'm using the field coils on the midrange driver only (whose first breakup is at 35KHz).
Well sure, anything is possible in audiophile fantasy world, where physical reality evidence is neither required nor wanted.
A midrange with 35k breakup eh?

Yes. one of the few really real beryllium diaphragms out there, suspended by Kapton.
My cabinets are custom (a bit taller) so I could get an extra 3Hz cutoff on the bottom. So while I can't hear 16Hz, I can certainly feel it and the house shakes.
Right, if you could understand basic physics then you'd know there is no way your "98db" sensitivity speakers could produce anywhere near 16hz (nor could you provide any evidence...again), but you wouldn't want that anyway, since you are a vinylphile...playing an ancient device not so receptive to 16hz bass power anywhere near it.
Your Zoom in room recording not only sounded terrible, but rather chinless and bass shy, in a very audiophile "Hifi" kind of way.
Par for the course.

With regards to the Zoom, my concern was not to do anything other than prove my point, which I did easily enough. The SQ is irrelevant. I don't keep recordings for the best sound. I keep them for the music I like (how many rock and roll artists do you know of with crappy recordings??), which (as in this case) might be a poor recording of an amazing performance. For example if you want the best performance of Strauss' Four Last Songs, the best performance by far is sung by Kirsten Flagstad. But its recorded by a 78 rpm home recorder from the AM broadcast of the premiere performance.
Here's a declicked version:

I can put 16Hz into the speakers and feel them moving the house easily enough. They employ dual TAD 1602s in a bass reflex cabinet. I was wrong about that driver though- its free air resonance is 21Hz.

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #127
beryllium diaphragms
Ooh, an even less defensible use of an notably toxic element for trivial consumer uses than the beryllium bicycle. Congratulations to you sir. Let's hope, for the sake of the firefighters at least, that your domicile never, ever, catches fire.

I've heard the use of tanned white rhino hide produces the most transcendently warm low frequency driver cone material.

More importantly, molten Neptunium electrical interconnects are widely understood but the true cognescenti to produce by far the clearest, purest, most revealing sound.

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #128
So vinyl 'cause Furtwängler. What a joke.
I have old recordings from shellac, AM or whatever, on CD.

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #129
Yes. one of the few really real beryllium diaphragms out there, suspended by Kapton.
That's good enough for AA Kruger corner, but sensible folk need a valid graph, otherwise just more blah blah.

With regards to the Zoom, my concern was not to do anything other than prove my point, which I did easily enough.
Right, on Kruger corner you "won", but in physical reality you made a complete fool of yourself, though I must admit it was pretty funny, since despite the horrific SQ, clicks and pops were still audible above furnace, NPR etc.
You definitely confirmed a point, just not the one you thought.

I can put 16Hz into the speakers and feel them moving the house easily enough.
That's good enough for Kruger corner but we need a valid graph, otherwise just more blah blah.
One certainly wouldn't want high level 16Hz capability when playing vinyl without filtering, not that you have anything remotely like that in reality....outside of your furnace, maybe.
Loudspeaker manufacturer


Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #130
If Neil Young can use a car he certainly can use a portable recorder.

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #131

That's good enough for Kruger corner but we need a valid graph, otherwise just more blah blah.
One certainly wouldn't want high level 16Hz capability when playing vinyl without filtering, not that you have anything remotely like that in reality....outside of your furnace, maybe.
Yah- its about 8 below zero F outside right now. Going to -20 this weekend... go ahead and gloat, but the cold does seem to keep the riff raff out. In Florida, I'm sure the essential hardware in the house is probably the air conditioner but around here its the furnace :)  Unfortunately the more efficient ones tend to make a lot of noise. 

Aren't you and Arnie the same guy?? Just kidding...

You design speakers; you know without even doing the math that the speakers do what I said. I'm sure its down slightly at 16Hz but has no troubles with the Fremaux version of the Saint-Saens Organ symphony. That recording has 16Hz pipes on it as well.  These speakers go down lower than most subs.

The phono preamp cuts off at about 3Hz and is the highest time constant in the electronics side of the playback chain. It relies on the phono cartridge being properly set up so that the mechanical resonance is within the proper window of 7-12Hz. The 'table resides on a custom stand with anti-vibration platforms; at +100db sound pressure levels on my Radio Shack SPL meter (at 10 feet) there is no hint of feedback. The 'table itself is pretty well damped- you can thump the platter (which is damped via platter pad and extensional damping compounds) pretty hard while the LP is playing without appreciable sound in the speakers.

Re: Dare I start another vinyl topic?

Reply #132
You design speakers; you know without even doing the math that the speakers do...
Yes, exactly.

...what I said.
No. See above.

The 'table resides on a custom stand with anti-vibration platforms; at +100db sound pressure levels on my Radio Shack SPL meter (at 10 feet) there is no hint of feedback. The 'table itself is pretty well damped- you can thump the platter (which is damped via platter pad and extensional damping compounds) pretty hard while the LP is playing without appreciable sound in the speakers.
Mmmkay  ::)
Loudspeaker manufacturer