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Topic: foo_onewaysync (Read 16185 times) previous topic - next topic
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This component helps you keep your portable mp3 player in sync with foobar playlists. It automatically converts files with the encoder of your choice, copies foobar playlists and files with a single menu command.

Help and Discussion Thread

edit: uploaded new version 0.5.4


Reply #1
I've uploaded a new version which adds the option to convert lossy files as well. The file types can be specified in the preferences.


Reply #2
-fixed: menu command, no playlists selected lead to div by 0
-fixed: context command, choosing playlist export lead to crash
-fixed: multiple listing in installed components view


Reply #3
Changes in version 0.2.6:
-improved: finding existing converted lossy files after move and rename
-improved: adding new folders and titleformat scripts is now more convenient



Reply #4
Changes in version 0.2.8:
- converted files are no longer stored at source location by default, needs to be enabled in preferences
- minor fixes


Reply #5
Changes in version 0.2.9:
- avoid converting files when unnecessary
- improved metadata syncing

credits to yeeeargh for testing!


Reply #6
using Linux/Wine and I can't properly send tracks as it crashes. How do I correcntly configure the file-folder structure?


Reply #7
using Linux/Wine and I can't properly send tracks as it crashes. How do I correcntly configure the file-folder structure?

In linux vs. Windows file-folder structure is path'd by '/' not '\'





because WINE doesn't read linux file system you'll have to use these drive letters that WINE offers to navigate files.


Reply #8
Changes in 0.5.4:

- enable different encoders
- MTP storage devices support
- track device target for removed files
- conversion multi-threading
- copy lyrics files
- multiple commands per device
- copy other files when syncing

- copy cover art
- no more unnecessary file conversions
- process files with script
- cue sheets are handled properly now
- file conversion of multichannel audio

known issues
- for MTP devices: tags of preexisting files are not updated, this is not a bug


Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #9
New release 0.5.5!

- support more encoders
- option to delete unreferenced files from device
- option to generate playlists with linux compatible paths
- should work in environment without WMP such as Wine (MTP not supported)
- static linking, no further dlls required
- bug fixing

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #10
Test version with enhanced diagnostic info for people with MTP issues

Re: foo_onewaysync

Reply #11
New release 0.5.6

- hopefully fixed MTP for everyone
- enable multiple cover art files (enter as comma separated list)
- workaround for issue with mono files
- fixed minor regressions