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Topic: Mp3gain error (Read 3720 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mp3gain error

Hi. Im new to this forum. Found it by googling about mprgain and mp3 files.

My problem:

When I try to add many mp3-files mp3gain, I get this message:

"Warning read-only file will not be able to be modified"

These files, I have downloaded not long time ago, but I dont know what to do to get them able to be modified. Any Idea?

Mp3gain error

Reply #1
Telling us what operating system you are running would help.

Mp3gain error

Reply #2
I would start by right-clicking one of the mp3 files itself and see if the read-only box is checked.

Mp3gain error

Reply #3
Im using windows 7. I tried what zipr told, and that was the reason. The "read-only"-box was checked on the files. Thanks