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Topic: Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam? (Read 9548 times) previous topic - next topic
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Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #1
I'm happy this thread was resurrected since it increases its hit count on google with the word "SCAM" front and center for all the world to see.

Yes, that Jplay is a scam comes up on the first page in my Google results now, thanks to this topic.
Every night with my star friends / We eat caviar and drink champagne
Sniffing in the VIP area / We talk about Frank Sinatra
Do you know Frank Sinatra? / He's dead

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #2
I'm happy this thread was resurrected since it increases its hit count on google with the word "SCAM" front and center for all the world to see.

Yes, that Jplay is a scam comes up on the first page in my Google results now, thanks to this topic.

But, did it so two days ago? If not, then ... 

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #4
He's so surreal I'd first thought it to be just spam.

Maybe he's just someone who, at one of Jplay's folks' request, created this account with the sole purpose of desperately promoting a DOA product, as I see it.

BTW: #6 search result on Google -  and closing in!
How I stopped worrying and returned to loving lossy encoding again?
By listening to music, not the media it's on.

"União e reconstrução"

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #5
BTW: #6 search result on Google -  and closing in!

For me even #4, and not alone: #5 reads "JPLAY - not recommended" by JRiver:
JRiver recommends that you uninstall Jplay. It adds a layer of sound processing that can degrade sound quality, performance, and stability.

You will achieve the best sound quality with JRiver alone.

The author of the foobar [sic] player agrees.

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #6
The thing about google learns from the clicks people do on searches....

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #7
BTW: #6 search result on Google -  and closing in!

For me even #4, and not alone: #5 reads "JPLAY - not recommended" by JRiver

#3 and #4 here, respectively. Way to go, AdMike! 

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #8
And we're in for a new hike:

I wonder how much of that is our (I mean, Mike's) doing?? 

Maybe it's all my browser's cache's fault, but I've got #5 at most on google.

Are you guys typing 'jplay' or what for a search term?
How I stopped worrying and returned to loving lossy encoding again?
By listening to music, not the media it's on.

"União e reconstrução"


Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #9
Unfortunately, this topic isn't on first page when you're googling from a french IP, even with an "all languages" setting. Will the moderators allow me a single sentence in a non-english language?

Jplay - une arnaque de plus ? LA REPONSE EST OUI !

Thank you! 

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #11
Good news everyone!

JPlay is now selling Audiophile USB cables called JCAT!!!   

JosefPlay is the coolest company ever!



Happy New Year!

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #12
And audiophool SATA cables....

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #13
How I stopped worrying and returned to loving lossy encoding again?
By listening to music, not the media it's on.

"União e reconstrução"

Google rank of: Jplay - just another scam?

Reply #14
He's so surreal I'd first thought it to be just spam.

Maybe he's just someone who, at one of Jplay's folks' request, created this account with the sole purpose of desperately promoting a DOA product, as I see it.

I guess this is the same:
Four posts in total, all in a few days, all about Jplay.