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Topic: Cover art as icon (Read 14684 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cover art as icon

I'd like to see the picture inside my MP3 files as icon, as the FLACs files.
All MP3 files have pictures i've embbeded with MP3TagIt.
Can somebody help me?

An example:

Cover art as icon

Reply #1
Can you please link Mp3TagIt?

Cover art as icon

Reply #2
flac isn't supported by windows so you'll need a property handler for windows explorer to get it to show. this is well beyond the scope of foobar2000 itself.

a quick search of the forum found this:

mp3 files tagged by foobar should show art in explorer provided the advanced id3v2 settings are set to 2.3. windows explorer does not recognise id3v2.4 tags.

Cover art as icon

Reply #3
flac isn't supported by windows so you'll need a property handler for windows explorer to get it to show. this is well beyond the scope of foobar2000 itself.

a quick search of the forum found this:

mp3 files tagged by foobar should show art in explorer provided the advanced id3v2 settings are set to 2.3. windows explorer does not recognise id3v2.4 tags.

The TC is saying he already has FLAC album art as icons... but mp3 doesn't.  I don't know how you achieve this, as for mp3, Windows 8 (and probably dating back to Vista) already has built-in album art icons for "medium icons" and larger.  (Lists(tiny icons) and "Small icons" are too small and will show the associated program's icon.)

Cover art as icon

Reply #5
it looks like i misunderstood the question. if you have front covers embedded in mp3s and you don't want them to show in explorer then i think your only choice is to either remove the art or use id3v2.4. using 2.4 will be a non starter for most people as it will break compatibility with most other software/portable players.

Cover art as icon

Reply #6
it looks like i misunderstood the question. if you have front covers embedded in mp3s and you don't want them to show in explorer
It seems quite clear that the OP does want the images to show in Explorer. As the screenshot shows, they currently do not. Perhaps those files are already using ID3v2.4.

It seems the OP already has something installed to enable display of thumbnails for FLACs. One might have imagined this would also support MP3 in all variants of tags, but apparently this is not the case.

Cover art as icon

Reply #7
if that is the case, then any mp3 tagged properly with a front cover image will show in explorer. here's one i added just now with foobar2000.

Perhaps those files are already using ID3v2.4.

using foobar2000, you can locate all mp3 files without id3v2.3 tags using library search.

Code: [Select]
%codec% IS mp3 AND NOT %__tagtype% HAS id3v2.3

right click results >tagging>mp3 tag types>over ride revision.

Cover art as icon

Reply #9
Thanks for the answers

Actually I've installed "FLAC Property Handler" and after that all the FLAC files appears like in the first picture I've posted, as the Front Cover built-in the file with a little mention to Foobar2000, in the right-down corner of the icon. That's exactky what I want.

I'm using Win7 and I'd like to see the front covers in MP3s in the Windows Explorer.

As you can see in this new picture under this message, using MP3Tag, I'm pointing to a file and in the left-down corner of this app's window, it shows me the picture that is IN the file, "Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'sullivan.mp3". So the picture is inside the file. The picture I bring under don't shows but the tags are "ID3v2.3 (ID3V1 ID3v2.3)".

I associated all audio files to Foobar2000 through it's options. But this issue continues to occour...
I've tryied to to associate MP3 files to Foobar2000 via OS (there was a way to do that with WinXP) but with the Win7 I didn't find that.

Well, I think the easyest mode to correct this is completely uninstalling Foobar2000 e reinstall this, because this issue appears just now... a week ago it was ok. And I though I could contribute to the forum reporting that. Cientific curiosity, rs... I thought if there is simething like "FLAC Property Handler" to "MP3 Property Handler" to correct this.

The way Windows Explorer shows me, I've posted before.
This is the way MP3Tag shows me this MP3 file.

Thanks, again.

Cover art as icon

Reply #10
I associated all audio files to Foobar2000 through it's options. But this issue continues to occour...
I've tryied to to associate MP3 files to Foobar2000 via OS (there was a way to do that with WinXP) but with the Win7 I didn't find that.

Well, I think the easyest mode to correct this is completely uninstalling Foobar2000 e reinstall this
As has already been said, this is almost certainly irrelevant to foobar2000 or any options thereof. It’s an issue with Windows’ own parsing of files and thumbnails therein; altering associations or non-thumbnail icons in foobar2000 should not have any effect upon that.

Cover art as icon

Reply #11
i've already demonstrated foobar doesn't have a problem writing files that are compliant with showing art in explorer. i don't even have mp3tag installed yet my screenshot above shows 1 file which i added a front cover to with foobar.

you must make sure the artwork type is front AND the tag is id3v2.3. there's not much else to say really.

i believe there is a tag type column in mp3tag so just scroll your window across to check all files. click the column header so it bunches all the files with the same type together.

Cover art as icon

Reply #12
More data.

I've changed my Foobar layout, added a tab to see the picture inside MP3.

The first screenshot shows the MP3 "Alone Again (Naturaly) - Gilbert O'sullivan.mp3" being played and how it shows the embeeded picture.

The second shows how I did that.

An extra (maybe important) information: this issue appeared after the instalation of iTunes, needed to transfer music form PC to I-Pad (or I-Pod, i'm not sure) of my daughter...

As I said, I beleive the funcionalities will return to be ok if I uninstall and reinstall the Foobar2000.
I've saved all the current configurations and I'll try to do that. But yet thinking that Foobar2000 could appropriate more agressively the files it handles... don't let other programs, like iTune, get it to them...

I'll post the results of reinstalation...


Cover art as icon

Reply #13
i've already demonstrated foobar doesn't have a problem writing files that are compliant with showing art in explorer. i don't even have mp3tag installed yet my screenshot above shows 1 file which i added a front cover to with foobar.

you must make sure the artwork type is front AND the tag is id3v2.3. there's not much else to say really.

i believe there is a tag type column in mp3tag so just scroll your window across to check all files. click the column header so it bunches all the files with the same type together.

Thanks, marc2003, I did that and all files, at least in Oldies folder, have tags type ID3v2.3. They have, too, tags type ID3v1 and some have APEv2 too.

Cover art as icon

Reply #14
I associated all audio files to Foobar2000 through it's options. But this issue continues to occour...
I've tryied to to associate MP3 files to Foobar2000 via OS (there was a way to do that with WinXP) but with the Win7 I didn't find that.

Well, I think the easyest mode to correct this is completely uninstalling Foobar2000 e reinstall this
As has already been said, this is almost certainly irrelevant to foobar2000 or any options thereof. It’s an issue with Windows’ own parsing of files and thumbnails therein; altering associations or non-thumbnail icons in foobar2000 should not have any effect upon that.

Thanks, db1989. I believe, if it's an issue of OS, I can restore the original funcionality reinstalling. After, if course, un unistall and a deep cleaning of the registry.

I'll report you.

Cover art as icon

Reply #15
Well, Fellows, sorry but re-installing didn't work.
I've sniffed all the things I could think is related to the shell integration, even this option in Library / Configure menu, and nothing yet. At least I've updated my Foobar2000 version: it was 1.1.15 (or something like) and now it's 1.2.4., the last stable as I understood...

O know my demand is a very little and unimportant detail, but if somebody think there's somthingo to help, I'll be grateful.

Cover art as icon

Reply #16
I still recommend looking for solutions on the level of the OS, rather than on the continued assumption that foobar2000 is somehow responsible for this. It could just as likely be that something in Windows is amiss, or even that your FLAC-handling extension is interfering with other things.

Certainly your repeated resetting of foobar2000’s associations and integration is not likely ever to have been responsible. The most that will do will be to change the icon that is displayed when no Windows-compatible thumbnail is present: it shouldn’t have any effect upon the ability of Windows to display said image if it does exist.

Now that we have established that things in foobar2000 are configured as they should be, to me it seems more logical to take a break from that and to look for possible reasons elsewhere, rather than continuing to get nowhere based on an assumption that foobar2000 is responsible. Admittedly, I’m no expert on how Windows handles all of this, so I can’t rule anything out, but I can’t think of a way that fb2k could be the culprit.

Cover art as icon

Reply #17
Thanks, marc2003, I did that and all files, at least in Oldies folder, have tags type ID3v2.3. They have, too, tags type ID3v1 and some have APEv2 too.
That's your problem. Explorer will only show the thumbnails if you only have ID3v2.3 tags. If they have ID3v1, too, it won't show you the cover. Not sure about APEv2 tags. You can configure MP3Tag to write only ID3v2.3 and remove everything else. After that it should show all the embedded covers properly.

Cover art as icon

Reply #18
Explorer will only show the thumbnails if you only have ID3v2.3 tags.

No. To disprove that claim, I need no more than a single counter-example. Explorer shows me a thumbnail with art for an MP3 that has ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.4 tags, but no ID3v2.3 tags.

Cover art as icon

Reply #19
Hmm it seems they finally fixed that then. I remember that being a problem from way long ago.


Cover art as icon

Reply #20
No. To disprove that claim, I need no more than a single counter-example. Explorer shows me a thumbnail with art for an MP3 that has ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.4 tags, but no ID3v2.3 tags.

i do not believe you. proof please.

edit: i forgot you're using 3rd party software for flac. maybe that reads i3v2.4 tags in mp3 files as well? i'm pretty sure you cannot embed art in id3v1.1 (it's limited to 30bytes per tag IIRC) and explorer will not read id3v2.4 tags natively.

edit2: god knows why i wrote APE instead of id3v2.4 in my original post.

Cover art as icon

Reply #21
The assertion was not that ID3v1 can store images or that APEv2 is read by Windows; it was that the presence of either type of tag does not render Windows unable to read artwork embedded in a coexisting ID3v2 tag.

FWIW, it wouldn’t have been long before I supposed that the presence of one of those formats was confounding Explorer, but apparently that isn’t the case; as I haven’t tested this myself, I can’t confirm either way.

Cover art as icon

Reply #22
i really confused things by mentioning APE when i meant id3v2.4. i've edited my post accordingly.

i still believe the part i quoted is not possible (unless using 3rd party software that integrates with explorer)

Explorer shows me a thumbnail with art for an MP3 that has ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.4 tags, but no ID3v2.3 tags.

Cover art as icon

Reply #23
Ah, OK, I agree with that corrected version.

Cover art as icon

Reply #24
Explorer shows me a thumbnail with art for an MP3 that has ID3v1.1 and ID3v2.4 tags, but no ID3v2.3 tags.

I take it back. Confusion of tags on my part. Sorry.