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Topic: Audacity effects to make a track sound like another (Read 1475 times) previous topic - next topic
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Audacity effects to make a track sound like another

Here I have track 1
Code: [Select]

and here I have track 2
Code: [Select]

(Don't worry they are only 25s in length)

What effect should I apply to track 2 to make it sound like track 1?
Is it even possible to make track 2 sound like track 1?
Am I asking for the impossible? If so why?

(Sorry for my bad English and thanks in advance)

Audacity effects to make a track sound like another

Reply #1
I took them into Adobe Audition and gave a listen

1: the channels are reversed
2: track 1 needs about 9dB gain reduction tp 'match'. Overall I'd raise both 5dB
3: raise the LF response around 5db from 20Hz - 200Hz
4: lower the HF response -3dB from 6KHz to 20KHz

These are NOT measured or calculated values, just empirical guesses on my part. It's not exact but definitely in the right direction.


Audacity effects to make a track sound like another

Reply #2
There are some software which might help in this

Couple examples:
Elevayta FreEq Boy (VST plug-in)
