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Topic: EAC without error correction (Read 3525 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC without error correction

i know this sounds contradictory and counterintuitive -- esp. because this relates to EAC -- but is it possible to use EAC without error correction?



EAC without error correction

Reply #1
First thing that should be mentioned is that EAC actually performs no error correction.  In the event that it detects an error, it simply tells the drive to re-read the data multiple times and does a statistical analysis in order to determine what data to deem as good.  Any error correction that is done is performed by the drive internally.

But to answer your question, simply configure EAC to use Burst mode.

...and no, you can't tell your drive not to perform error correction.

EAC without error correction

Reply #2
First thing that should be mentioned is that EAC actually performs no error correction.  In the event that it detects an error, it simply tells the drive to re-read the data multiple times and does a statistical analysis in order to determine what data to deem as good.  Any error correction is actually performed by the drive.

But to answer your question, simply configure EAC to use Burst mode.

...and no, you can't tell your drive not to perform error correction; this is done automatically.

great, that's what i needed to know. thanks


EAC without error correction

Reply #3
You're welcome.  I did a little editing just prior to reading your response to make sure my statement is not misinterpreted.