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Topic: Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist? (Read 2494 times) previous topic - next topic
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Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

My use of foopar2000 is this: I added all my music folder to default playlist, I use the search function to find tracks/albums I'd like to play. All default; so far so good.

The only thing bothers me is if I want to play just one album or song after it finishes it auto-starts anything totally unrelated next in the queue.

Maybe I am doing the whole thing totally wrong (what is the preferred simplest method? I don't care about skins, plugins, etc. just looking for the simplest most comfortable way to play my offline music collection). So how can I play a single album or track out from my default (containing all) playlist or how should I approach foobar2000?


Edit: Google was not helpful.

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #1
Have you added your music directory to foobar at all? It also depends on what layout you've chosen.

If youve gone for one of the premade ones you'll probably have a list of artists and their albums that you can just double click on to send them to a new playlist.

If you want the simplest layout for that sort of usage I would suggest going to the properties, then Display > Default User Interface. Then clicking quick setup and choose "Album List + Properties" Either normal or tabbed. Depends how you like it.

Also, while your in the properties, go to "Media Library" down the side and add your music folder in there. Depending on the amount of music you have it may take a minute or so.

I hope this helps. It either will help, or I've completely misunderstood your problem

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #2
I use the [a href='index.php?showtopic=72355']stop after album component[/a] if I want to play a single album from my superplaylist.

I also have a key bound to Stop After Current (Ctrl+keypad0), so I don't have to mouse to it when I feel like playing a single item.

I've only added the library for basic management; not for general playback, but you may find it suits you better, so I recommend pointing the library to your music folder regardless of whether you use it a lot.

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #3
rather than have a massive playlist, i'd recommend using a library viewer like foo_facets. this can display your whole library in a grid view with album art and you can configure how selecting or double clicking sends just that album to a playlist.

another alternative is EsPlaylist...

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #4
My superplaylist has a special sequence that I can't replicate in a viewer.

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #5
I tried to like facets since it is from the domain and default is king.

However, I tried to select a single track from my superplaylist and nonetheless it played the tracks continuously.

Maybe I am missing something?

Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #6
However, I tried to select a single track from my superplaylist and nonetheless it played the tracks continuously.

That's normal, and quite expected default behaviour for a playlist  Did you check Stop After Current from the Playback menu? (checkbox also available in Preferences)


Basic question: how to play single file/album from a big playlist?

Reply #7
You're trying to use your uberplaylist as a library viewer and a regular playlist at the same time. This is possible if you micromanage playback with "stop after album" and "stop after current" and the like, but you're better off adding the tracks you want to play to a *different* playlist and play from there. Foobar2000 by default plays the first track and then moves down the list until it reaches the end.

You can create as many playlists as you like, beforehand or on the fly, and destroy them when you don't need them anymore. For myself, I like to have a few persistent playlists. I have one called Play, and I add to it. This is just an example. To handle multiple playlists, your layout should have a playlist manager. All of the basic layouts have one.

Facets is a library viewer. It lets you browse your collection. It can show your entire collection in one list (just like your uberplaylist), or a million other ways. The intention is that you find (say) an album you want to hear in Facets and send it to a playlist, and play it from there.

In other words, you don't really need your uberplaylist. To view your collection, use a library manager like Facets. And you don't really want to play from your uberplaylist because as you discovered, it's harder to control what you play.
That's so plausible, I can't believe it.