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Topic: Playlist remains empty/grey (Read 923 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playlist remains empty/grey

Hi there,

I startet to do  little bit more with foobar2000 today and wanted to have my own layout, so I followed a youtube video. I built the layout via a View -> Layout -> Create scratchbox and it went well, except for one thing:
The panel with the playlists does not show any songs, although the Playlist Manager says, that there should be some. I uploaded a screenshot to demonstrate what I mean:

I only installed Facets and Lyric Show panel as add-ons.

Thanks for you help!

Re: Playlist remains empty/grey

Reply #1
The grey area is "playlist tabs" which is a container for a playlist "viewer". Click it and then select "playlist view" from under "playlist renderers".


Re: Playlist remains empty/grey

Reply #2
Yes .. thank you alot ... that was it ...