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Topic: Sort autoplaylist by last modified, then track number (Read 2696 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sort autoplaylist by last modified, then track number


Right now I am using Playlist Statistics to make an autoplaylist in foobar. I added %last_modified% to Preferences>DUI>Playlist View. What I need is a way to sort the list first by last modified then to sort the tracks in each album by track number to get them in order. Anyone wanna toss me a code snippet? I am not tech-savvy enough to work out foobarspeak.

Sort autoplaylist by last modified, then track number

Reply #1
I doubt its possible as each song is evaluated on it's own. If each song has different timestamp within the same album (which is very likely with %last_modified%), sorting by that will make it impossible to keep albums together.

What purpose would your list serve? If you just want something like a 'recently added' list, you can use the File Operations component which will generate identical timestamps as far as the songs have been moved to your music directory within the same operation. That way albums remain intact when sorting by %added%.

Sort autoplaylist by last modified, then track number

Reply #2
I doubt its possible as each song is evaluated on it's own. If each song has different timestamp within the same album (which is very likely with %last_modified%), sorting by that will make it impossible to keep albums together.

What purpose would your list serve? If you just want something like a 'recently added' list, you can use the File Operations component which will generate identical timestamps as far as the songs have been moved to your music directory within the same operation. That way albums remain intact when sorting by %added%.

I want to be able to listen to the music that I've gotten recently because I've heard the older stuff already. %added% doesn't sort my music that I've already gotten, only what I add.


Sort autoplaylist by last modified, then track number

Reply #3
If you just want a list of songs you never played, you can filter using whether any one of these tags are present: %play_count%, %first_played%, %last_played%.

Try something like this (Library/Search, put this code in, click on the '...' button/Create Autoplaylist):
Code: [Select]
%play_count% MISSING