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Topic: Predefined QUERY patterns (Read 1920 times) previous topic - next topic
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Predefined QUERY patterns

The QUERY SYNTAX in search-mode is extremely powerful and while autoplaylists are great, there are times where I'd like to apply a predefined query on a playlist I have created. E.g. most of the times when I create playlists, I would not want tracks with SKIP tag and also I don't want all those lame X-mas songs (or maybe other seasonal songs) and I have all sorts of other useful tags in my collection.

So it would be great with an addition that can filter the current playlist based on such predefined (and named) querys. If it should happen that Peter picks this up it could be an addition to the existing search-dialog, but I would prefer a contextmenu-item (also assignable to buttons).

Another useful feature would be predefined library-seaches also based on querys. This would be great when I want to find tracks that needs maintenance (e.g. need replaygain, fingerprint, bad/wrong tags or similar) without having them cluttering up as autoplaylists (which also may take more of foobar2000 startup time).

I think both suggestions could be implemented as 3rd party components.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P

Predefined QUERY patterns

Reply #1
At least foo_quicksearch has a Favorites menu which allows to store queries which can be applied to the current playlist or (which is another option) the whole library.


Predefined QUERY patterns

Reply #3
At least foo_quicksearch has a Favorites menu which allows to store queries which can be applied to the current playlist or (which is another option) the whole library.

Well it's halfway there.

1. You can't name the querys
2. You can't sort the favorites
3. You need to specify where you wanna search. It would be great if you could save the target along with the query
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P