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Topic: album list sort by rating (Read 1827 times) previous topic - next topic
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album list sort by rating

my knowledge of foobar's scripting is pretty limited so i wasnt sure how to do this. all i would like to know is if (and how) there is a way to sort the library viewer by ratings greater than a certain number. i already have it setup to sort by rating (%rating%) but would like to sort it by say all songs greater than 1, or 2, or 3, or 4 rating.

thanks for the help

album list sort by rating

Reply #1
post has been up over a few months and no replies?? so im guessing this cant be done then? or are there just no people left on this board?


album list sort by rating

Reply #2
I think, neither, and BTW for few months you should already know the answer

Can you explain what you want to accomplish?
If you want i.e. to sort only those with rating greater then 3 try something like this:

[font= "Lucida Console"]$ifgreater(%rating%, 3, %rating%, DEFAULT SORTING STRING)[/font][/size]

[edit] well, that is for library viewer playlist, and it seem that you want that for album list element branching, so similarly (i.e. album view):

[font= "Lucida Console"]$ifgreater(%rating%, 3, %rating% |,)%album%[ '['%album artist%']']|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% - ]%title%[/font][/size]