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Topic: What ever happened with Vorbis bitrate peeling? (Read 3529 times) previous topic - next topic
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What ever happened with Vorbis bitrate peeling?

Does anybody know what will become of the bitrate peeling feature for Vorbis? When I first heard of it many months ago, I thought it would be a really cool feature and even considered switching to Vorbis as soon as it was implemented and the first hardware support came into the market. Up to now, none of them have happened yet.
Are there any plans of focusing some development into this or is it just going to stay as a forsaken feature?


What ever happened with Vorbis bitrate peeling?

Reply #1
From the Ogg Traffic summary from two weeks ago:
Segher's experimental peeler (which was an April Fool's joke, by the way) has rekindled interest in a working bitrate peeler, as evidenced by this thread. The bottom line is that Version 1.0 files don't peel very well due to how the packets are organized.

Segher has plans to write a tool that will rearrange (losslessly, i.e. without additional re-quantization loss) a Vorbis file into a form that peels better. He is convinced that this can be done, but that takes time, which is something he doesn't have in excess. Of course, if somebody offered him a contract to implement bitrate peeling for money, the process could be accelerated a lot. Oh, and did I mention that donations to are now tax-deductible?