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Topic: FLAC >> iTunes (Read 3411 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC >> iTunes

I have used two methods to convert/import my FLAC files into iTunes.

1. Used dbPowerAmp to convert straight from FLAC to m4a.

This does not create output directories (based on tags). It does not copy the FLAC tags. It does not include the encoder version in the tags.

2. Used dbPowerAmp to convert FLAC to WMA Lossless. This does create output directories, and preserves the tag information. The WMA files can then be imported into iTunes perfectly.

The only drawback to method 2 is that it is a two-step process. Still, I have found it to be the best method for me.

Are there any other (possibly better) ways?
flac > schiit modi > schiit magni > hd650

FLAC >> iTunes

Reply #1
I use Nero 6 + foobar + foo_nero to transcode directly, which does preserve tags, but does not add the encoder version to the tags.  AFAIK, it can create output directories.


FLAC >> iTunes

Reply #2
Yeah, I've done that, and you can get Foobar to create the directories. But right now I want to use the Apple encoder.
flac > schiit modi > schiit magni > hd650