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Topic: DSP Switcher and UI Elements - feature request. (Read 722 times) previous topic - next topic
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DSP Switcher and UI Elements - feature request.

I mentioned this in another thread but I'm doing so again here as I'd like to make it a feature request.

The short version.... when a DSP as a UI element is modified, it'd be nice if the change was reflected in the selected DSP Switcher preset name.

As an example. I have a DSP preset called "No DSP" which (believe it or not) contains no DSPs. If I enable the fb2k EQ in the GUI, it's added to the DSP list, but the DSP Switcher doesn't indicate any change. For situations such as those, it'd be nice if the selected DSP preset could have (Modified) added to it's name to indicate the change. For my example it'd therefore display "No DSP (Modified)". Alternatively it could stop displaying the preset name until a preset is selected again.

As the screenshot below shows, the EQ is enabled but the DSP switcher still indicates the "No DSP" preset is active.
It's just a little thing, but it's easy to forget you've changed something when the GUI is effectively indicating you haven't.



Re: DSP Switcher and UI Elements - feature request.

Reply #1
As an additional feature request (although a minor one), would it be possible for the Tabs UI element to have an option that allows the previously selected tab to be selected by clicking on the currently active tab?

It might only be a "me" thing, but I have my browser configured so when I click on an active tab it automatically switches to the last viewed tab (TabMixPlus & Firefox). I'm so used to doing that (occasionally a program with tabs works that way by default) I'm constantly clicking on the currently selected fb2k tab to go back to the previous one.

Thanks again.