
Hydrogenaudio Forum => General Audio => Topic started by: sonci on 2012-12-08 20:09:24

Title: Playing .cue file from NAS
Post by: sonci on 2012-12-08 20:09:24
Since I have some albums ripped in single audio file(flac) with cue, I let Foobar see the cue sheet, and mark hidden in the properties of the large single audio file,
this way Foobar sees only the cue sheet in the playlist, but plays correctly every track from the large audio file, without displaying it in the playlist. 
for albums ripped with multitracks, just hid the .cue sheet.

This is great but since I`m transferring my music library to my NAS,
Foobar doesn`t see the cue sheet on the EXT3 file system on the Nas, also files loose their properties when get transferred to NAS..
Any tip to play .cue sheet from NAS?
Title: Playing .cue file from NAS
Post by: lvqcl on 2012-12-08 20:28:47
Try to rescan the library.
Title: Playing .cue file from NAS
Post by: sonci on 2012-12-08 21:00:39
Try to rescan the library.

It seems cue files were excluded in "Shell Integration",