
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => 3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) => Topic started by: mrmister on 2012-06-24 22:42:04

Title: Social Networks connection: FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER.
Post by: mrmister on 2012-06-24 22:42:04
It would be really cool that when I play music, I could share the music I like in social networks. I mean shar the title, not the mp3 ok? The titles of the songs or albums I am listening, with a thumbnail of the cover.
I find this idea interesting because it also gives free promotion to foobar2000
For example, imagine Facebook, ok? your wall... and there you see...

John Dow is listening ALBUM: BLA BLA
A little picture with the cover and the logo of foobar2000

In that way, my friends could see what I listen, and they can listen it also.
I would like also to see what the listen, and try it.
So I was wondering if do we have a plugin that do this thing... posting automatically in my Facebook's wall what I am listening, tracks albums a summary of what I listened today...
that's the idea?
Is there any invention, artifact or plugin that do this?

PD I have this player around 1 month. I love it. It's hard to configure it, but when you have it configured it's wonderful.
I won't come back to Winamp anymore in my life. Pawlowski is a genius.
Title: Social Networks connection: FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER.
Post by: Kohlrabi on 2012-06-24 23:50:10
Please check out this old request for Open Graph support (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=93480&hl=facebook). I think most users are currently content with the last.fm (http://www.last.fm) audioscrobbler plugin (http://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_audioscrobbler).
Title: Social Networks connection: FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER.
Post by: D.Sync on 2012-06-25 06:29:23
To post your currently playing song to FB, you can use a combination of fbcmd and foobar2k own Run Services to do that. Unfortunately I do not have a way to automatically post it aside from clicking a button.
Title: Social Networks connection: FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER.
Post by: Erich_2 on 2012-06-25 06:40:21
It would be really cool that when I play music, I could share the music I like in social networks. I mean shar the title, not the mp3 ok....
Is there any invention, artifact or plugin that do this?

foo_twitter_post (http://kitahei.cocolog-nifty.com/youyou/2007/04/foo_custominfo__6ab8.html)
Title: Social Networks connection: FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, TWITTER.
Post by: Capricorn on 2012-09-17 12:31:27
Is there a way to scrobble music playd on foobar200 to MySpace?