
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => Support - (fb2k) => Topic started by: migos on 2012-06-11 17:02:00

Title: Can't edit Actives from Availables DSPs
Post by: migos on 2012-06-11 17:02:00
Well... I just installed Foobar 1.1.13 and can't move DSPs from availables to actives... when I move them then click ok, I back to that menu and the dsp that I moved, stills in available and not in active =/  and the configurations that I make doesn't save. Just the UI keep his configuration. I tryed to enter like "Administrator" (Win7 - 64bits) but problem stills... what can I do?
Title: Can't edit Actives from Availables DSPs
Post by: migos on 2012-06-11 17:28:36
Well... I just installed Foobar 1.1.13 and can't move DSPs from availables to actives... when I move them then click ok, I back to that menu and the dsp that I moved, stills in available and not in active =/  and the configurations that I make doesn't save. Just the UI keep his configuration. I tryed to enter like "Administrator" (Win7 - 64bits) but problem stills... what can I do?

I uninstalled, used ccleaner, reinstalled and all is working fine, maybe the before configuration was giving problems.

Thanks, can erase this topic please.