
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => General - (fb2k) => Topic started by: dfkt on 2012-03-30 18:45:32

Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: dfkt on 2012-03-30 18:45:32
Is it possible to display icons besides Foobar2000's context menu entries in Windows 7 Explorer's rightclick menu? For other applications it's as easy as adding a "Icon=blah.exe" string in the application's HKCR\Directory\Shell\ entry. With Foobar2000 however it won't work. I've also tried various other keys in the registry, but no icons will show up for FB2K.

For reference, this is what I mean:

Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: John2K on 2012-04-05 15:39:33
Have you tried NirSoft's ShellExView and ShellMenuView? Maybe one of these can do what you want.
Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: Erich_2 on 2012-04-05 17:00:06
Is it possible to display icons besides Foobar2000's context menu entries in Windows 7 Explorer's rightclick menu? ...

This should be a standard in programms of the new millennium.
foobar2000 would be more usable and menues are more clear with icons, less searching required.
But it seems foobar2000 stands still in the look of Windows 1.0
Every free player has a better "look and feel" in menues.

Sorry, but this must be said. 
Now you can stone me to death, menue-designer of yesterday!

Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: db1989 on 2012-04-05 20:42:04
Now you can stone me to death, menue-designer of yesterday!

Get over yourself. I highly doubt that any developer cares about your irrelevant invocation of other players; never mind caring enough to “stone [you] to death”, whatever that means.

Even more irrelevant, and thus unlikely to help your case, is this:

it seems foobar2000 stands still in the look of Windows 1.0




I’m not saying the idea is bad, but as usual, it’s Peter’s decision whether to consider it—and you don’t help your case by presenting your complaints in such an exaggerated and silly way.
Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: derty2 on 2012-04-05 22:23:37
If the developers of foobar2000 decided to implement this to suit the icon-image fans, I would like an option to OPT OUT.
I still use Windows XP in classic view with default blue desktop and I prefer text based menu systems and I hate distracting memory-hogging eye-candy.
The default right click menu of XP is blinding fast because it DOES NOT have icons for every context menu entry and I want it to stay that way.
Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: dfkt on 2012-04-06 00:24:25
As I said, I'm fine with adding icons manually, since it's usually just one string value in the registry - don't want to bother other people who are opposed to it. Just wondering why it doesn't work for FB2K.
Title: Icons in Windows 7 Explorer rightclick context menu?
Post by: aeidein on 2012-04-09 04:07:39
if you're still on XP and your computer slows down when displaying a few icons, you have bigger issues lol