
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => 3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) => Topic started by: KaneMT on 2008-01-04 15:33:30

Title: Change playlist with runcommand
Post by: KaneMT on 2008-01-04 15:33:30

I have several problems trying to change to a specifc playlist with a keyboard hotkey.
I have two playlists, "Not rated" - where every songs not rated are - and Stars - where every songs with four or  five stars are placed. When I'm gamingI want to rate songs in the "Not rated"-Playlist. I made some scripts for it and are starting them with runcommand. For every rating (0-5) there is a batch-file, and every one of these batch-files is linked to one of my hotkeys (Logitech G15-Keyboard).

Now to the main problem:
I want to change the current playing playlist with two other hotkeys. So I want to press G7 to change to "Not rated"-playlist and G8 to change to "Stars"-playlist. After searching this forum and with google for about three days, I found several ideas, but no solution. I've downloaded the component foo_cmd_playlist.dll which allows me to use foobar2000.exe /playlist-activate:"Not rated".

I'm using the Colums-UI and when playing the "Stars"-Playlist I can use this command to change the active playlist tab to "Not rated". But the playlist is not starting. I can use my hotkeys for play, pause, next track or whatever, but it only affects the "Stars" playlist.

How to solve this problem? How can I not only activate but start the other playlist?

Hope there's anyone out there who can help me.

Thanks and greetings, Kane
Title: Change playlist with runcommand
Post by: Melomane on 2008-01-05 01:08:59