
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => Uploads - (fb2k) => Topic started by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-14 20:31:41

Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-14 20:31:41
This started with a user named moglenstar's mod of lassekongo83's lttm configuration found here. (http://lassekongo83.deviantart.com/art/Foo-LTTM-Listen-To-The-Music-63909683)


Update October 5, 2007: Version 2 released. Fixed buggy seekbar, added dynamic bitrate display, changed album art display, fixed a few bugs, cleaned up code. Download lttmam2.zip ( 485.08k ) below.

I must stress however, the basis of the code was not written by me, and neither were most of the images. I have simply added a few things to increase functionality of an already great config. I have been given permission from moglenstar to release this.

Components Needed:
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: ThePhoEniX on 2007-09-15 01:26:51
can't install albumartdownloader, because i can't install .net 3 framework. too bad. i'll try this one
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: drbeachboy on 2007-09-15 04:18:18
I am having a problem with the header info above track listing. It shows nothing at all. The tracks show up fine in the playlist, just not the Album / Date and Artist. Also, the info above the time is not showing either. I see no totaltracks, codec or genre/style above the time. Essentially, I have no header info in the playlistview. Could I be missing something?

Edit: Spelling
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-15 04:26:34
I am having a problem with the header info above track listing. It shows nothing at all. The tracks show up fine in the playlist, just not the Album / Date and Artist. Also, the info above the time is not showing either. I see no totaltracks, codec or genre/style above the time. Essentially, I have no header info in the playlistview. Could I be missing something?

Edit: Spelling

Right click on the track listing and then go Settings. Under Group Display, you should have this:

Code: [Select]
// background
$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)

// top row
$alignabs(6,14,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Calibri,9,bold uppercase,90-90-90)
%album% / $num(%date%,4)

// bottom row
%album artist%

// right side


// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,[ '('%genre%[',' %date%]')'])
,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,70-70-70)%_itemcount% tracks
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),22,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,80-80-80)$replace(%filename_ext%,%filename%.,)[ %codec_profile%]$if($or($strstr(%codec_profile%,VBR),%__bitrate_nominal%),, %__bitrate%kbps)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),30,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,90-90-90)%genre%

// little arrow
$alignabs(,1,20,36,center,middle)$font(Wingdings 3,6,,120-120-120)
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: spaceships on 2007-09-15 06:43:46
i like it
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: drbeachboy on 2007-09-15 15:30:11
No luck! I checked against what you posted above and it was word for word. I even did a copy - paste, closed and re-opened fb2k with the same result. Is there anything else that could be missing? Thanks!
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-15 17:25:55
No luck! I checked against what you posted above and it was word for word. I even did a copy - paste, closed and re-opened fb2k with the same result. Is there anything else that could be missing? Thanks!

Are you using the latest version of panels_ui?

0.14.12 Beta?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: spaceships on 2007-09-15 22:38:08
put the .pui in the Panels UI main directory instead of the lttmam folder
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: drbeachboy on 2007-09-16 00:49:15
Yes, I am using version 0.14.12 Beta, and moving the pui file to main Panels_UI folder made no difference at all. Any other suggestions?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: spaceships on 2007-09-16 01:33:37
 my foobar thanks for the mod fwqhgads
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-16 02:00:03
Yes, I am using version 0.14.12 Beta, and moving the pui file to main Panels_UI folder made no difference at all. Any other suggestions?

I assume you have the fonts installed?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: drbeachboy on 2007-09-16 03:43:50
Yes, I have the fonts installed to C:\Windows\Fonts. Also, the folder in fb2k is PanelsUI and not Panels_UI as I previously posted. Here is screenshot of what's going on.

Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: spaceships on 2007-09-16 04:33:10

right click on the playlist, and go to Sort, sort it by Date/Artist/Album

or anything other than none.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-16 06:41:08
That should do it hopefully.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 10:01:43
Hi, first of all I'm from Germany so my English isn't very good.
I like your config and I would like to use it. But I'm a noob and I don't know how to install this config.
I download all needed components so far but what I have to do now?
At the moment it's looking like that:
http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/3684/27012858fr6.jpg (http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/3684/27012858fr6.jpg)

Please tell me what I have to do step by step because I know nothing about foobar. 

And another offtopic question:
fwqhgads, how can I get your nice black windows look?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: pnG on 2007-09-16 10:26:08
my foobar thanks for the mod fwqhgads

nice mod.

and im diggging the config fwqhgads. nice job.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: drbeachboy on 2007-09-16 16:08:50

right click on the playlist, and go to Sort, sort it by Date/Artist/Album

or anything other than none.

That did the trick! Any sort other than None works perfectly. Thank you spaceships, I appreciate your help.

Also, thank you fwqhgads for your help, and to a pretty cool layout, as well. I especially like the fact that you went with foo_albumart instead of the built-in one in panels_UI. This way I can view my embedded art in my FLAC & MP3 files.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: moglenstar on 2007-09-16 16:19:41
What a small world 
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-16 16:29:30
What a small world 

Well hello there!
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 17:36:35
Can nobody help me? 
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Saxe on 2007-09-16 18:03:42
Can nobody help me? 

Hit Ctrl + P and select 'Display' in the tree view. Make sure you have Panels UI as User interface module. Now select 'Panels UI' in the tree view and make sure layout is set to lttmam.pui

Should work then.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 18:10:32
Now it looks like this:
[a href="http://img105.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenanntwp5.jpg" target="_blank"]
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Saxe on 2007-09-16 18:36:24
Are you sure you have selected the right layout for Panels UI in the preferences menu?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 18:54:00
Yes I choose lttmam.pui and then I click save all and close.
But when I open the windows again, default.pui is chosen in the layout option.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: shakey_snake on 2007-09-16 18:55:37
Now it looks like this:
yeah, you definately don't have the right .pui selected.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Saxe on 2007-09-16 18:58:58
Yes I choose lttmam.pui and then I click save all and close.
But when I open the windows again, default.pui is chosen in the layout option.

Ah, that is because you don't have the newest beta of Panels UI
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 19:14:58
Are you sure?
I downloaded it from http://panels.fooblog2000.com (http://panels.fooblog2000.com).
It's 0.13.8 beta.
Where can I get the newest version?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: shakey_snake on 2007-09-16 19:17:25
http://panels.fooblog2000.com/foo_ui_panels_beta.zip (http://panels.fooblog2000.com/foo_ui_panels_beta.zip)
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-16 19:22:07
Thank you very much! It works now.
But what about the basic folder? Where should I extract it?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Saxe on 2007-09-16 19:39:00
Thank you very much! It works now.
But what about the basic folder? Where should I extract it?

You don't need it. It's just some ugly basic layout
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Hakubo on 2007-09-25 16:34:32
Could you post your config in text form?
The version 0.14.12 of PanelsUI is too buggy for me, so I'd rather adapt your configuration to 0.13.8.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: shakey_snake on 2007-09-25 17:20:19
Could you post your config in text form?
The version 0.14.12 of PanelsUI is too buggy for me, so I'd rather adapt your configuration to 0.13.8.

I don't know if that's going to work well as this probably uses much of the new syntax.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Hakubo on 2007-09-25 22:11:54
I don't think backporting this will be too hard.
At least, I'd like to try.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-28 20:05:31
I've got another question. Is it possible that the bitrate-number (red) is updated automatically?
Because I use variable bitrate (blue) and the number only changes if I minimize the foobar window and open it again.

Here is a picture:
(http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9875/unbenanntbx7.th.jpg) (http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenanntbx7.jpg)

And why there is no number in front of the "Bit"?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-28 23:51:26
I've got another question. Is it possible that the bitrate-number (red) is updated automatically?
Because I use variable bitrate (blue) and the number only changes if I minimize the foobar window and open it again.

Here is a picture:
(http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9875/unbenanntbx7.th.jpg) (http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenanntbx7.jpg)

And why there is no number in front of the "Bit"?

I don't think that's possible to do with panels_ui. The reason there is no number infront of "Bit", is that mp3 files and other lossy files do not have a %bitspersample% tag. If you use FLAC or WAV though, it will show the Bitrate.

I'm working on an update and might try to see if I can get it to hide the Bit depth portion when playing lossy files. I'm also trying to add some new buttons for tagging and file organization.

For the person who wanted to try and back-port it, here it is:

Code: [Select]
// Foo lttma (Listen To The Music Again) originally by lassekongo83.deviantart.com, adapted by moglenstar.deviantart.com
// changes from original lttm:
// - made layout fluid, so window can now be resized
// - remade all graphics, designed to suit VistyV2 visual style (but go well with most styles)
// - added toggleable albumart/trackinfo side panel
// - changed views to scpl and albumlist, removed old trackinfo and playlist selector
// - added buttons to search current artist on last.fm/wikipedia.org/oink.cd
// - added functioning custom seekbar ability, using foo_uie_powerpanels from http://borgusiek.neostrada.pl/foobar/
// enjoy and listen to the music again!
// lttmam Modifications by fwqhgads
// - added Quick Search Toolbar
// - added RateYourMusic search button
// - added AlbumArt/Artist image download buttons
// - added Discogs tagging info
// - added File Info tag space
// - changed album art display method
// Background
$drawrect(0,0,%_width%,%_height%,pencolor-null brushcolor-238-238-238)

// PerSecond
$panel(SeekPanel,'Seek Panel',10,$sub(%_height%,33),$sub(%_width%,164),21,)

// PerSecond
$font('HaxrCorp 4088',9,normal,0-0-0 shadow glowalpha-1)

// PerTrack
$button($sub(%_width%,58),$sub(%_height%,35),0,0,0,0,/lttmam\btn-open.png,/lttmam\btn-openh.png,Add Files...,)
$button($sub(%_width%,34),$sub(%_height%,35),0,0,0,0,/lttmam\btn-menu.png,/lttmam\btn-menuh.png,MENU,TOOLTIP: Menu)

// PerTrack
$settitle(%artist% - %title%)
$settray(%artist% - %title%)

// PerTrack

//    toggle artwork
$select($eval($getpvar(arthide) + 1),
//    dim image if paused
    $select($eval($getpvar(art) + 1),
//        album art mode
            $drawrect(10,50,200,200,brushcolor-$get(color1) pencolor-$get(color1))
            $imageabs2(200,200,,,,,10,50,$get(coverPath),nokeepaspect $get(dim))
//        artist art mode
            $drawrect(10,50,200,200,brushcolor-$get(color1) pencolor-$get(color1))
            $imageabs2(200,200,,,,,10,50,$get(artistPath),nokeepaspect $get(dim))

$alignabs(10,260,200,20,,)$font(Calibri,9,bold uppercase,90-90-90)
%album% / %date%
[%catalog #%]
[[%discogs_format%] / [%discogs_country%]]
[%codec%] / [%bitrate%]kbps
[$insert($div(%samplerate%,100),'.',$sub($len(%samplerate%),3)) kHz / [%__bitspersample%] Bit]


$panel(qs,'Quick Search Toolbar',7,$sub(%_height%,60),$sub(%_width%,578),21,)

$panel(Planels,Single Column Playlist,$getpvar(side_width),35,$sub($sub(%_width%,$getpvar(side_width)),10),$sub(%_height%,80),)
$panel(Panels,'Album list',$getpvar(side_width),35,$sub($sub(%_width%,$getpvar(side_width)),10),$sub(%_height%,80),)
// views
$button(10,10,12,12,0,0,/lttmam\btn-list.png,/lttmam\btn-listh.png,'PVAR:SET:display.mode:0',TOOLTIP: Playlist)
$button(28,10,12,12,0,0,/lttmam\btn-switch.png,/lttmam\btn-switchh.png,'PVAR:SET:display.mode:1',TOOLTIP: Album List)
// searches

// toggles

// cover&artist image search
$button(166,10,12,12,0,0,/lttmam\btn-cover2.png,/lttmam\btn-cover2h.png,Cover Image,)
$button(184,10,12,12,0,0,/lttmam\btn-artist.png,/lttmam\btn-artisth.png,Artist Image,)

$button(787,10,12,12,0,0,/lttmam\btn-opendir.png,/lttmam\btn-opendirh.png,Open Directory,$sub(%_width%,27,,$sub(%_height%,35)))

and scpl group display:

Code: [Select]
// background
$drawrect(0,0,0,0,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)

// top row
$alignabs(6,14,$sub(%_width%,80),20,,)$font(Calibri,9,bold uppercase,90-90-90)
%album% / $num(%date%,4)

// bottom row
%album artist%

// right side


// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,[ '('%genre%[',' %date%]')'])
,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,70-70-70)%_itemcount% tracks
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),22,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,80-80-80)$replace(%filename_ext%,%filename%.,)[ %codec_profile%]$if($or($strstr(%codec_profile%,VBR),%__bitrate_nominal%),, %__bitrate%kbps)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,80),30,75,10,right,)$font(Kroeger 05_55,9,,90-90-90)%genre%

// little arrow
$alignabs(,1,20,36,center,middle)$font(Wingdings 3,6,,120-120-120)

Item display:

Code: [Select]

// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,)
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-29 09:27:11
Ok thank you.
Can you please tell me where I have to insert the codes for the additional search buttons (Last.fm/Wikipedia/etc..) which you have posted?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-29 16:39:34
Ok thank you.
Can you please tell me where I have to insert the codes for the additional search buttons (Last.fm/Wikipedia/etc..) which you have posted?

Do you mean the code for the buttons themselves, or the foo_run commands?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-29 17:14:35
Hmm sorry I don't know I'm a noob 
I just want the buttons to be working.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-30 02:29:53
Hmm sorry I don't know I'm a noob 
I just want the buttons to be working.

Well, the code for the foo_run commands are in the first post. You have to configure those yourself.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Skates on 2007-09-30 04:34:20

Hmm sorry I don't know I'm a noob 
I just want the buttons to be working.

Well, the code for the foo_run commands are in the first post. You have to configure those yourself.

Would it be possible to keep the button for the playbar on the right side and stretch the track bar across the screen no matter the size of the window?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-09-30 08:31:18

Hmm sorry I don't know I'm a noob 
I just want the buttons to be working.

Well, the code for the foo_run commands are in the first post. You have to configure those yourself.

Yes, but I don't know where I have to insert these foo_run codes. Can you please make a screenshot?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: shakey_snake on 2007-09-30 09:03:47
look in the Preferences, kais0r

pressing Ctrl + P at the same time opens the preferences.

@ fwqhgads,
The firefox parts of your commands is unnecessary. Simply passing the url opens the web site in the default browser.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: entertainer on 2007-09-30 12:22:31
(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3136/image20070930141957031tr7.th.jpg) (http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=image20070930141957031tr7.jpg)
I have this problem using PanelsUI 0.14.12 beta.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-09-30 19:10:42
Would it be possible to keep the button for the playbar on the right side and stretch the track bar across the screen no matter the size of the window?

Not sure what you're asking.. the buttons and play bar should stretch when you resize the window.

look in the Preferences, kais0r

pressing Ctrl + P at the same time opens the preferences.

@ fwqhgads,
The firefox parts of your commands is unnecessary. Simply passing the url opens the web site in the default browser.

Which is why I said to edit them as you see fit. On this computer I don't have Firefox set as the default, so I included the path in foo_run. You are right though.

I have this problem using PanelsUI 0.14.12 beta.

What happens when you try Sorting/Grouping by something else?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: entertainer on 2007-09-30 20:09:15
I fixed the problem by deleting foo_ui_panels.dll, restarting foobar and selecting to not keep settings, then putting foo_ui_panels.dll back and now it works perfect.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Skates on 2007-10-01 04:06:52
The progress bar does not stretch.  It remains in a static position so if I increase the size of my window it does not stretch to the new length to fill in the bottom space.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Hakubo on 2007-10-01 20:14:49
For the person who wanted to try and back-port it, here it is:
Thanks, it basically came down to fixing font sizes and commenting out unnecessary chunks of code.
Speaking of which, does the following really belong to the Group Display?

Code: [Select]
// background
$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))
$drawrect(-1,-1,$add(%_width%,2),19,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)
$if(%_selected%,$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-210-210-210 pencolor-null))$if($stricmp($mod(%list_index%,2),1),$drawrect(,,,,brushcolor-null pencolor-null)))
$if(%_focused%,$drawrect(-1,,$add(%_width%,2),,brushcolor-null pencolor-null))

// info for without coverart
$alignabs(23,,$sub(%_width%,162),18,left,middle)$font(calibri,8,bold,$if(%isplaying%,60-60-60,90-90-90))%title%$font(calibri,8,bold lowercase,$if(%isplaying%,120-150-170,170-170-170))$if(%totaltracks%,,[ '('%genre%[',' %date%]')'])
Seems to me like a misplaced paste. The cover art string is never used, too.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: kais0r on 2007-10-05 21:23:27

I've got another question. Is it possible that the bitrate-number (red) is updated automatically?
Because I use variable bitrate (blue) and the number only changes if I minimize the foobar window and open it again.

Here is a picture:
(http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9875/unbenanntbx7.th.jpg) (http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenanntbx7.jpg)

And why there is no number in front of the "Bit"?

I don't think that's possible to do with panels_ui.

In this Mod (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=53703) the Bit number is updated every second. So it is possible with panels_ui or am i wrong?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-05 22:48:28

I've got another question. Is it possible that the bitrate-number (red) is updated automatically?
Because I use variable bitrate (blue) and the number only changes if I minimize the foobar window and open it again.

Here is a picture:
(http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/9875/unbenanntbx7.th.jpg) (http://img130.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenanntbx7.jpg)

And why there is no number in front of the "Bit"?

I don't think that's possible to do with panels_ui.

In this Mod (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=53703) the Bit number is updated every second. So it is possible with panels_ui or am i wrong?

Hmm. I'll have a look at it, and same with the progress bar thing. I think I know what that's about now.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-06 01:24:35
New version released which fixes both issues and a few other things. Check first post.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Skates on 2007-10-07 01:00:11
New version released which fixes both issues and a few other things. Check first post.

Love the new version, have you had a chance to see spaceships mod of this mod for some ideas?

http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index....;p=517493&# (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=43077&st=6125&p=517493&#)
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-07 01:59:20

New version released which fixes both issues and a few other things. Check first post.

Love the new version, have you had a chance to see spaceships mod of this mod for some ideas?

http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index....;p=517493&# (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=43077&st=6125&p=517493&#)

I have, and I'm already working on a version with some more features.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Skates on 2007-10-07 02:37:12
Awesome, cannot wait!
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: crunchie on 2007-10-07 16:47:16
hey there fellas.
firstly, much props to fwqhgads for an awesome config. exactly what ive been searching for.
ive installed the config and it works perfectly, however because my monitors a bit shammy, very light colors are hard to distinguish from eachother. as a result, when playing a track the seekbar looks as if it remains white the whole time. that is, i can't see the progress unless i tilt the monitor at an extreme angle. i was wondering if you could assist me in providing a change in maybe the code to change the color of progress color as this would assist in me both moving through the track and to know where i am in it.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-07 17:47:53
hey there fellas.
firstly, much props to fwqhgads for an awesome config. exactly what ive been searching for.
ive installed the config and it works perfectly, however because my monitors a bit shammy, very light colors are hard to distinguish from eachother. as a result, when playing a track the seekbar looks as if it remains white the whole time. that is, i can't see the progress unless i tilt the monitor at an extreme angle. i was wondering if you could assist me in providing a change in maybe the code to change the color of progress color as this would assist in me both moving through the track and to know where i am in it.

No code has to be modified. Just replace the current tb-fill.png with this one:

http://i21.tinypic.com/352kaio.png (http://i21.tinypic.com/352kaio.png)

Make sure you rename it to tb-fill.png though.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: crunchie on 2007-10-07 18:33:07
thanks for the prompt reply.
works perfectly and very much appreciated.
btw, any plans of incorporating a singles mode?

cheers fwqhgads, keep up the good work.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: davidw89 on 2007-10-20 12:34:23
How do i install this? i have all the plugins/component..what do i do
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-21 01:25:04
How do i install this? i have all the plugins/component..what do i do

Did you read the readme in the zip? All you need to do is make sure the lttmam is inside the PanelsUI folder in your foobar2000 program files.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: MiSiL on 2007-10-21 20:30:35
Hello! I really like your skin and I'm currently using it, but I would like to add playlist tabs or some other easy way to switch between and manage my playlists. Maybe there is a way but I haven't figured it out... 
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-10-21 21:30:15
Hello! I really like your skin and I'm currently using it, but I would like to add playlist tabs or some other easy way to switch between and manage my playlists. Maybe there is a way but I haven't figured it out... 

I can add a playlist dropdown menu into the next release if you'd like.
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: MiSiL on 2007-10-22 06:59:28

Hello! I really like your skin and I'm currently using it, but I would like to add playlist tabs or some other easy way to switch between and manage my playlists. Maybe there is a way but I haven't figured it out... 

I can add a playlist dropdown menu into the next release if you'd like.

Yes, that would be super! Thank you
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: mellow on 2007-10-31 15:21:34
I can add a playlist dropdown menu into the next release if you'd like.

I would rather you didnt, or make it optional
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Sphix on 2007-10-31 19:22:08
Cover/Artist Image Download Buttons

I can only select between cover/artist show but I can't download them directly from the buttons
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Schpaik on 2007-11-01 16:09:16
I like this mod BUT when I install and configure it, it doesn't work. It seems that graphics aren't loaded. See the result in my attachement.

What's going wrong. 

I tried the installation two times and did exactly what you've written in the readme.txt

Is anybody out there who can help me? 
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: fwqhgads on 2007-11-02 05:29:16
Cover/Artist Image Download Buttons

I can only select between cover/artist show but I can't download them directly from the buttons

Have you configured foo_run and Album Art Downloader?

I like this mod BUT when I install and configure it, it doesn't work. It seems that graphics aren't loaded. See the result in my attachement.

What's going wrong. 

I tried the installation two times and did exactly what you've written in the readme.txt

Is anybody out there who can help me? 

Images should be in the directory:

C:\Program Files\foobar2000\PanelsUI\lttmam\images

Make sure that lttmam.pui and the images folder are residing in the same folder together. The other thing is just that the fonts need to be installed, where you just need to copy the files in the fonts folder to C:\Windows\Fonts\
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Sphix on 2007-11-02 15:12:56

Cover/Artist Image Download Buttons

I can only select between cover/artist show but I can't download them directly from the buttons

Have you configured foo_run and Album Art Downloader?

I can't remember right now how to do it, how can I do it please?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Qck on 2007-11-06 12:27:36
first off, awesome mod of a mod . However i'm having problems installing it. I've done all the required installing and stuff, but when i want to select the customUI (uipanels) the selection field is empty and therefor i cannot load your config. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Edit: Nothing here, nevermind... :/
Though i wish there was a quick way to browse playlists:S

yay, it worked with playlist the way i want it to.. thanks again!
[a href="http://img111.imageshack.us/my.php?image=myfoobarmh9.jpg" target="_blank"]
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Sphix on 2007-11-19 14:29:29
My cover arts are named "cover.jpg", how do I do to show them?
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: Kitt on 2007-11-23 22:53:24
Any progress with the update fw? 
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: CruX05 on 2007-11-28 17:31:59

can some1 tell me how to change the display type in the playlist view from %title% to "%artist% - "%title%"?
I tried to change it but i didnt find the needed code....

greets CruX

Also a function which remembers the last played song and starts playing (after restart) with the last played song would be very nice!
Title: Listen To The Music Again Mod
Post by: p0ft on 2007-12-08 03:24:56
Ok, i love the mod. Thanks for releasing it.

btw, i have a doubt and here it is: how can i make the "play or pause" shortcurt to work? It only works if i use it as a global shortcut, but since i use space as the play/pause shortkey it doesn't turn into a good workaround.