
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => 3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) => Topic started by: Chronial on 2006-12-14 18:14:25

Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2006-12-14 18:14:25
Component Description
This component provides a new context menu item "place after current playing" that allows you to place the selected tracks after the currently playing one in the currently playing playlist. It comes with various settings that allow you to change its behavior, like having your tracks moved or copied or having them enqueued if the currenly playing playlist is locked.

This is very useful as a default doubleclick action for components like database search, album list or foo_chronflow.

The latest release can be downloaded from github: https://github.com/Chronial/foo_trackpos/releases/latest (https://github.com/Chronial/foo_trackpos/releases/latest)

Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: nightfishing on 2006-12-15 03:44:22
Very nice! Thank you.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Squeller on 2006-12-15 07:24:38
Thank you. Maybe you should merge some of your components, as they offer related functionalities...
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Octavian on 2006-12-15 10:48:17
smart boy!!!!
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: DustMagnet on 2006-12-15 10:51:30
Nice. Thank you, I'll use this feature a lot.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2006-12-16 01:57:43
Thank you. Maybe you should merge some of your components, as they offer related functionalities...

I actually split this from my foo_uie_queuemanager component, as this component is very special in my opinion: It is something foobar in it's default config absolutely lacks and everyone should have. Foobar has no acceptable default action for things like Database search etc. (Till i wrote this component I always had to do drag&drop...).

So I don't want to "spoil" this (in my opinion) ultimately useful component with things only a minority of the userbase might want (like foo_removeplayed for example).
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: q-stankovic on 2006-12-17 13:33:55
Very nice plugin! Thanks!

I have no request but would just like to mention that the names of the two options for "Move instead of copy..." are very confusing.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2006-12-17 13:36:26
Well, propose better names
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: q-stankovic on 2006-12-17 13:57:24

1)  Move if tracks belongs to playing playlist

2)  Don't place if track alrady is placed after current playing (Explanation: That has nothing to do with moving or copying, or?)

Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2006-12-17 14:04:08
You don't seem to have understood the functionality

If both options are unchecked, "place after current" just inserts the tracks after the current playing one.

If the first option is activated and you do right click -> place after current on the playing playlist, the songs are not inserted, but moved.

If the second options is activated and you use "place after current" in any other situation than the one affected by option1, all occurrences of the tracks to "place after current" are removed from the playing playlist. Then the tracks are inserted.

So activating the second option makes it impossible to create a duplicate entry of one song in the playlist by using "place after current".
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: cooperpwc on 2007-01-11 02:21:51
Cool plugin. But I am confused by one thing. You say "This is very useful as default doubleclick action for stuff like database search or album list." I can't see that as a selection option in my preferences. Am I missing something?

Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: 2Pacalypse on 2007-01-11 09:29:48
there not a way with this plugin to change the order of tracks in the playback queue?
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2007-01-11 13:41:22
no, sry - one day I'll implement this in one of my plugins, promised

Cool plugin. But I am confused by one thing. You say "This is very useful as default doubleclick action for stuff like database search or album list." I can't see that as a selection option in my preferences. Am I missing something?

Selection for what?
Setting default action of database search?
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: cooperpwc on 2007-01-11 18:06:25
no, sry - one day I'll implement this in one of my plugins, promised

Cool plugin. But I am confused by one thing. You say "This is very useful as default doubleclick action for stuff like database search or album list." I can't see that as a selection option in my preferences. Am I missing something?

Selection for what?
Setting default action of database search?

Well, you made the statement that I quoted and it intrigued me.  I would like to be able to use it in the Album List Panel but anywhere would be good. I haven't found it anywhere except the context menus which are not double click but rather left click and hunt.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2007-01-11 18:18:14
The component itself does only create this context menu entry.
But most other components allow you to use any context menu entry as default doubleclick action (eg. Database Search - in preferences -> Database Search -> Other -> "default action").
Album list seems not to allow this, but you can use playlist tree panel instead.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: cooperpwc on 2007-01-14 19:11:20
What's working for me now is creating a keyboard shortcut. Great component. Much thanks!
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Blippe on 2007-03-03 14:39:09
Really cool plugin. Is it possible to have a "place last in playing playlist"-feature also?
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: q-stankovic on 2007-03-04 17:12:14
Really cool plugin. Is it possible to have a "place last in playing playlist"-feature also?

Why not  all possible commans that are concerning the playing playlist? I mean "add", "send", "add and play" and "send and play"
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Lance Uppercut on 2007-03-31 22:11:56
Just adding my thanks for this plug-in.
It really has enhanced my listening pleasure.

I can keep my "Now Playing" playlist going while scrolling through my "Database" playlist.
Then combined with foo_removeplayed, I don't accidently hear the same song twice in the same sitting.

Keep up the great work Chronial!
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: tore on 2010-02-10 14:38:01
I realize I'm posting in a thread which hasn't been bumped in a few years and I'm sorry about that, but it seems Chronial is still around these boards so I hope you'll forgive me.

I've been looking for a component which would do what trackpos does except it would add the selection to the end of the playing playlist rather than right after the playing song from the playing playlist. BAsically the same functionality that Blippe here suggested!

Really cool plugin. Is it possible to have a "place last in playing playlist"-feature also?

Could you consider adding this functionality to trackpos?
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: krzyszcz on 2010-03-08 16:30:22
Really cool plugin. Is it possible to have a "place last in playing playlist"-feature also?

Could you consider adding this functionality to trackpos?

I would also love to see this in foo_trackpos...
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: q-stankovic on 2010-03-08 17:10:20
If your source is another playlist so just do drag&drop - if your source is a library viewer so doubleclick statusbar/use main menu command "show now playing" and then use "add to playlist" from contextmenu. Generally you can bind the latter command to double/middle click in preferences of each library viewer. As you no need to make feature request for a component wich is no longer developed. 

(Could a mod do me the favour to cruce out my three years old posting?)
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: krzyszcz on 2010-03-08 18:00:30
I didn't specify my problem so you cannot solve it (it is more complicated) and I didn't ask you to do that. I asked Chronial for "place last in playing playlist" functionality, but if the plugin really is no longer developed then... well, nothing to talk about.
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: q-stankovic on 2010-03-09 16:34:22
I didn't specify my problem so you cannot solve it (it is more complicated) and I didn't ask you to do that.

Oh, sorry! 
The next time i believe i may know about something that could help you i will be so friendly to keep silent unless you don't ask me personally. I apologize for disturbing your complicated relationship with foobar2000. 
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: krzyszcz on 2010-03-09 18:49:27
I am sorry, I was just a little annoyed by the fact that when I specify the problem and create/write in an appropriate thread no one replies, but when I don't ask and don't want to create OT somewhere, I get replies (which is good, but not helpful because I didn't give any details... e.g. here - I already can drag&drop (while middle click cannot be configured because I use Columns UI Filters and NG Playlist and don't want to use Queue, but instead of it NowPlaying attached ElPlaylist - another story), I just thought this functionality would be a great improvement for those who are not familiar with using my theme, when I will share it someday, 'cause I want it to be extremely intuitive in usage after all my frustrations  ).
Moreover, most of replies I get usually suggest me to change my conception, which rarely is absolutely necessary, as it turns out later on. Once again sorry, it wasn't supposed to be personal. EOT
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2012-01-11 18:06:29
Released the source code at https://github.com/Chronial/foo_trackpos (https://github.com/Chronial/foo_trackpos).
Title: foo_trackpos
Post by: Chronial on 2015-10-04 16:54:25
New Release (v1.1):