
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => 3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) => Topic started by: Generalverdacht on 2006-11-07 08:00:06

Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: Generalverdacht on 2006-11-07 08:00:06
In order to make the appearancethread more readable:

thanx to sune,


Code: [Select]










$stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'repeat (track)'),
$stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'repeat (playlist)')
$button(171,16,0,0,15,15,images\iconsPLAYBACK\shnot.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\shnot_over.png,'Shuffle (tracks)',)
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'Shuffle (tracks)'),images\iconsPLAYBACK\SHTRACKS.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\SHalbums.png),
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'Shuffle (tracks)'),images\iconsPLAYBACK\SHTRACKS_over.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\SHalbums_over.png),
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'Shuffle (tracks)'),'Shuffle (albums)','Shuffle (tracks)')

$stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'shuffle (tracks)'),
$stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'shuffle (albums)')
$button(190,16,0,0,15,15,images\iconsPLAYBACK\rpnot.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\rpnot_over.png,'repeat (track)',)
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'repeat (track)'),images\iconsPLAYBACK\RPTRACK.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\RPPLAYLIST.png),
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'repeat (track)'),images\iconsPLAYBACK\RPTRACK_over.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\RPPLAYLIST_over.png),
$if($stricmp(%cwb_playback_order%,'repeat (track)'),'repeat (playlist)','repeat (track)')





///nº Db///////

$font(kroeger 05_55,5,,117-211-255)$alignabs(278,19,35,20,right,)-$num($get(volume),1) Db



$if($not($greater(1,$get(volume))),$button2($add($get(amp),230),20,0,-7,15,20,,'$font(wingdings,6,,250-0-0)$char(376)',volume up,))
$button2($add($get(amp),222),20,-10,-7,15,25,,'$font(wingdings,6,,0-0-250)$char(376)',volume down,)



$button(331,13,0,0,12,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_DOWN_M.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_DOWN_OVER_M.png,Volume DOWN,),
$button(331,13,0,0,12,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_DOWN_V.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_DOWN_OVER_V.png,Volume DOWN,))

$button(354,13,11,0,11,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_UP_M.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_UP_OVER_M.png,Volume UP,),
$button(354,13,11,0,11,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_UP_V.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_UP_OVER_V.png,Volume UP,))

$button(343,13,0,0,22,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_MUTE.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_MUTE_OVER.png,Volume mute,),
$button(343,13,0,0,22,22,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_ON.png,images\iconsPLAYBACK\VOL_ON_OVER.png,Volume mute,))

images (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=2660)
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: gob on 2006-11-10 07:42:07
heres a text based info panel i've been using for some time. i don't really have the time these days to make a new one especially with the new features in the track info panel.

foobar 9.x
foo_uie_trackinfo (any version should work)
foo_playcount (official)


Code: [Select]
// ------------------[[ gob's Track Info Panel v6.11.11 ]]------------------ \\

// Recommended settings:
// Arial bold 8pt; line spacing: -1; vertical padding: 0; horizontal padding: 1

$puts(ratingsymbol,♫ )

[[-- Song Info Code --]]
$transition(----- Song Info --$repeat(-,$get(box_width)),


// Title formatting



$char(10)$get(defaultcolor)' '

// Artist formatting
$get(missingcolor)unknown artist)

// Album formatting
$char(10)$get(defaultcolor)' '
%discname%' ('%album% Disc $roman(%discnumber%)')',
$if($stricmp(%artist%,%album%),'('self titled')',%album%)
[ '('Disc $roman(%discnumber%)')']))

$get(missingcolor)unknown album)

// Date & Label formatting
$char(10)$get(defaultcolor)' '
$if($and(%date%,$or(%label%,%publisher%)),© %date%. ,%date%)
[%label% ][%publisher% ]
$get(missingcolor)no date or label info)

// Rating formatting
$char(10)$get(defaultcolor)' '
$get(missingcolor)$repeat($get(ratingsymbol),5))' ')
$get(defaultcolor)$if(%genre%,%genre%,$get(missingcolor)unknown genre)
$get(missingcolor)' '
there is no audio

[[-- Statistics Code --]]
$transition(----- Statistics --$repeat(-,$get(box_width)),

// Last played formatting

$puts(last_played,on' '
$get(last_played_month_name)' '$get(last_played_day)$get(last_played_dayxx)
$if($stricmp($substr(%last_played%,3,4),$substr(%cwb_systemdate%,3,4)),,' '$get(last_played_year))))))

// First played formatting

// Display Stats
$ifgreater(2,%play_count%,Played once
$if(%last_played_timestamp%, $get(last_played).,.)
$char(10)$get(defaultcolor) ,
Last played $get(last_played).$char(10)$get(defaultcolor)
Played %play_count% times$if(%first_played_timestamp%, since $get(first_played).,.)
,Played %play_count% times.$char(10)$get(defaultcolor) ))
,This song has not played yet.$char(10)$get(defaultcolor))

[[-- Tech Info Code --]]
$transition(----- Tech Info --$repeat(-,$get(box_width)),
$get(defaultcolor)' '

// Codec formatting
$stricmp($codec(),flac)$stricmp($codec(),monkey''s audio)

$if(%__bitspersample%,Lossless %__bitspersample%bit )

// Replaygain Formatting
['['Ag']' %__replaygain_album_gain%]
$ifgreater(%__replaygain_album_gain%,-10,$get(headingcolor_dim)0$get(defaultcolor),) ,)
['['Tg']' %__replaygain_track_gain%],
$get(missingcolor)there is no gain)

// Time formatting

' ▪ '
' ▪ '

// File size formatting
' ▪ '
$div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB

added: Played Yesterday to statistics.

i hope more people share their configs in here..
and less thread crapping. can a mod please remove threads after this and perhaps it will prove to be useful.
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: SD14 on 2006-11-29 05:36:41
(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4678/footrackpl3.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

my spin on some code that is around:

Code: [Select]

$font(Anime Ace, 8, bold glow-0-0-0,255-255-255)




$if($stricmp(%__mp3_stereo_mode%,joint stereo)JOINT STEREO$char(32)|,)

/////////tag type

$font(Anime Ace,8, bold glow-0-0-0,255-255-255)

$font(Anime Ace,12,bold glow-50-50-50 ,200-200-200)
[%artist% '/' ][%title%]

$font(Anime Ace,8, bold glow-50-50-50,200-200-200)



$font(Lucida Sans Unicode,30, bold glow-0-0-0,200-200-200)
$font(Lucida Sans Unicode,36, bold glow-0-0-0,200-200-200)
▶ )

$font(lucida sans unicode,8,bold glow-50-50-50 ,200-200-200)

$drawrect(0,73,$sub(%_width%,132),7,pencolor-200-200-200 brushcolor-0-0-0 width-1)

,,$drawrect(2,75,$muldiv(%playback_time_seconds%,$sub(%_width%,136),%length_seconds%),3,pencolor-200-200-200 brushcolor-200-200-200 width-1)








$button(743,80,0,0,22,22,images\mute_1.png,images\mute_h1.png,Volume mute,),
$button(743,80,0,0,22,22,images\mute_1.png,images\mute_h1.png,Volume mute,))

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Moderation: shortened CODE to CODEBOX.[/size]
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: BaByB0y on 2006-11-29 06:37:57
I think we've problem sir
(http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5678/1ev7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: rouge on 2006-11-30 01:22:00
(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4678/footrackpl3.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

my spin on some code that is around:

Hmm!  This looks pretty similar to mine. Especially the spinny thing i invented, heh.  I like the background, could you post it please?
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: SD14 on 2006-11-30 01:44:50

(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4678/footrackpl3.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

my spin on some code that is around:

Hmm!  This looks pretty similar to mine. Especially the spinny thing i invented, heh.  I like the background, could you post it please?

ya, i took urs and changed it a little and added buttons.

(http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4987/backgroundthingda4.png) (http://imageshack.us)
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: rouge on 2006-11-30 02:39:52

(http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/4678/footrackpl3.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

my spin on some code that is around:

Hmm!  This looks pretty similar to mine. Especially the spinny thing i invented, heh.  I like the background, could you post it please?

ya, i took urs and changed it a little and added buttons.

(http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/4987/backgroundthingda4.png) (http://imageshack.us)

Well, it looks pretty good.  Has sort-of a comic book feel about it.
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: SD14 on 2006-11-30 03:09:31
ya that is kind of what i was going for and the buttons aren't really to noticeable either
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: rouge on 2006-11-30 04:57:07
I just use hot keys to control everything.  No need for buttons.
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: vlada on 2007-01-13 15:23:38
Hi I tried your config, but I have some problems.

1) The window is not updating, it's static. It applies to all configs I tried. What's wrong?

2) The rotating wheel at the right side is missing. This might be related to problem #1.

3) Can the background be automatically stretched to fill in the window size?
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: kockroach on 2007-01-13 15:32:27
Hi I tried your config, but I have some problems.

1) The window is not updating, it's static. It applies to all configs I tried. What's wrong?

2) The rotating wheel at the right side is missing. This might be related to problem #1.

3) Can the background be automatically stretched to fill in the window size?

The newest track info mod panel can separate code based on a per track basis, or per second.  SD14's config is from an older version of the panel.  To get it to work, it would need to have certain information placed under a "//PerSecond" heading.  Track specific information (i.e. Artist, Title, etc.) would go under a "//PerTrack" section.

The image could be expanded if you incorporate the "NOKEEPASPECT" function.  Check the track_info_mod thread for useage.
Title: Your Track-Info-Mod-Configs!
Post by: bonekhan on 2008-02-15 03:47:39
I think we've problem sir
(http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5678/1ev7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

I have the same problem, it must be something with the background. I can't read the scripting but the first few lines references the background PNG image, can someone check it?

Edit, I fixed it (and I'm so proud that I did so):

Replace: $imageabs(0,0,images\FOOBOTTOM.png,) with: $imageabs2(399,46,0,0,399,46,0,0,X:\foobar\images\bg.png,)


Edit 2: Also, I replaced the filename FOOBOTTOM.png to bg.png (a bit easier to work with) but I'm sure it can be named anything.