
Hosted Forums => foobar2000 => General - (fb2k) => Topic started by: zima on 2005-06-14 18:49:33

Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-14 18:49:33
My foobar usage pattern: it simply starts while computer does and plays all the time randomly (volume control via external amp). So to automate things...is it possible to start it minimazed? And furthermore, I keep it in the tray (relatively small monitor) to preserve space, however, since it only plays whole the time and I use OS without the feature of hiding icons from tray...it could dissapear even from there for me = dissapear completely. Is it possible to do it? (but of course it would be good to be able to add songs etc. to playlist occasionally  . So perhaps this can be accomplished by some command line options that I'm not aware of?)

Thanks for any help.
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: krazy on 2005-06-14 19:13:54
The new beta starts in the same way it was shut down. ie. if it is closed while minimised to systray, that's the way it will be when it is restarted.
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: gfngfgf on 2005-06-14 21:09:53
I use foobar2000 in the exact same manner.  Even with version 0.8.3, if you minimize foobar2000 to the tray, then right-click on the tray icon and select "close", the next time you start, foobar2000 should be minimized to the tray.  You might also need to check "Preferences->Display->remember window positions".

edit: I'm not sure what you're trying to ask in the second part of your post, about hiding icons in the tray.  What OS are you using?
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: topdownjimmy on 2005-06-15 00:18:01
don't windows shortcuts include a "start minimized/maximized" option in their properties?

edit: apparently doesn't work in 0.9b4, but i don't want to stop my music on 0.8.3 to test it
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: Cosmo on 2005-06-15 03:29:16
I tried "Run: Minimized" with my 0.8.3 shortcut, but it didn't work.
However, adding the /hide switch to the Target path worked.

Target: "C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /hide

from the cmd prompt in the fb2k directory, type "foobar2000 /?" for other switches.
the <menu command> and <context menu command> cmds are the ones
you will find in the preferences menu under Core...
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-15 09:03:52
gfngfgf, I was wondering if it's possible to hide foobar completelly from view (800x600 & win98, so no hiding icons in systray and because of res screen space is valuable), so it will work...well, basically like a process, completelly in background.
But I think what Cosmo says means it's possible  . I'll try it when I get home...

Thanks for help.
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: krazy on 2005-06-15 09:30:40
Set foobar minimised to system tray and then in the taskbar and start menu properties in windows you can set the foobar icon to 'always hide'. Windows XP works at least...
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-15 09:40:46
Well the whole point is that XP introduced this feature...
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: foosion on 2005-06-15 10:16:28
If you start foobar2000.exe with the /nogui parameter, it will not create a GUI  window or systray icon. Beware that this restricts the ways to interact with it. You can still use command line parameters to do things, for example to close it you would use "foobar2000.exe /quit".

If this approach seems too radical , you could try the foo_notaskbar component to remove the taskbar button.
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-15 17:47:31

But...for some reason it doesn't exactly work as it should...sure, foobar starts comletely hidden when I use
"C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /nogui

in target of a link, but for some reason outputs error in console and doesn't start playback
ERROR (CORE) : unknown commandline parameter: /nogui
INFO (CORE) : startup time: 80 ms
INFO (CORE) : opening file for playback :
INFO (CORE) : location: "file://C:\muzyka\syl_shitstorm.mp3" (0)
ERROR (foo_output_std) : error setting DirectSound cooperative level


Just checked something, the second error isn't present when using waveout as output. Guess it's ok then...
But what about the first one?
I don't want the console to appear...

What's weird is that "/nogui" DOES work, but for some reason error is present...
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-15 18:13:57
Just realised something: I can probably use this also to do this (http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=34607).
(btw, the bird DOES speak after all  , rarely, but still...and she wants to record more). Sound Snooper works, but...not only audio is crappy (or huge), but also, well, I don't like it's beeing used not entirely legally (I even don't have the way to buy it...here Visa Electron cards are standard, and credit cards = expensive rarity), and foobar is free.
So I tried to do /command:<menu command> with record, and nothing...is there a way to also do recording completelly automatically?
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-16 17:28:15

But...for some reason it doesn't exactly work as it should...sure, foobar starts comletely hidden when I use
"C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" /nogui

in target of a link, but for some reason outputs error in console and doesn't start playback
ERROR (CORE) : unknown commandline parameter: /nogui
INFO (CORE) : startup time: 80 ms
INFO (CORE) : opening file for playback :
INFO (CORE) : location: "file://C:\muzyka\syl_shitstorm.mp3" (0)
ERROR (foo_output_std) : error setting DirectSound cooperative level


Just checked something, the second error isn't present when using waveout as output. Guess it's ok then...
But what about the first one?
I don't want the console to appear...

What's weird is that "/nogui" DOES work, but for some reason error is present...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=306394"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Does really nobody knows even if it's possible to get rid of this error? foosion, is it present at your setup?
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: foosion on 2005-06-16 17:46:48
The error is present here as well, and there does not seem to be a way to get rid of it easily.
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: zima on 2005-06-16 18:25:13
Too bad, since this kinda makes the whole thing pointless  (I have to click on something to not get in my way anyway...)
Title: Minimalized at startup possible?
Post by: MJT on 2005-06-16 18:45:17
Well, the console is a component in 0.8.3 and not built into the core, so just go to your components directory and delete (or move) foo_console.dll out of it and you won't ever see it again.